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"Report to General Qi, there is no trace of Fuyu's ships within ten miles."

"Our fleet has already traveled the distance. It looks like it is still more than [-] kilometers away from Fuyu Kingdom."

Zhang Gongjin's lieutenant told him the truth

"It's already so far away and there is no trace of the Fuyu fleet. Could it be that they are not going to fight us on land? Shouldn't it?" Zhang Gongjin asked in confusion.

"Yes General!"

"Wei Jiang also felt a little strange!

"It stands to reason that there should be a blocking fleet from Fuyu Kingdom in this place."

"With the strength of the Fuyu Kingdom, it is absolutely impossible for us to compete with the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in the land battle. The naval battle is their last hope!"

"But they never showed up"

"Is there some conspiracy?"

Zhang Gongjin's lieutenant was also full of doubts and could not help but said with some worry.


"Anyway.. Be on guard. Have sailors keep an eye out for your surroundings."

Zhang Gongjin instructed his subordinates.

Although he didn't know what Fujinguo was doing, he could only strengthen his vigilance.Maintaining the status quo.

That night.

warship slowed down e

The sky was a bit gloomy, and there were gradually some waves on the sea.

at first.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty didn't think there was anything

but then e

The wind and waves were getting bigger and bigger, and huge waves suddenly rolled up on the sea.


There was a terrifying roar from the ocean floor in the distance.

Like some terrifying beast hidden in the deep sea_-Ship L

Hearing this, the soldiers on the Great Tang warship suddenly became a little flustered.

The sailors in charge of the investigation couldn't help staring at the sea.But the sea was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

"Hoo hoo hoo one one"

The sound got closer, the roar grew louder, and the soldiers became more and more flustered


"What is hidden under the sea?"

"Isn't there a Dragon King?"

Soldiers lie on the side of the boat. Work hard to the sea

Looking at each other, they were talking in a panic. ,

Just when all the Tang soldiers panicked because of this strange roar.


A monstrous wave came from the far coastline.

There are several meters high L

The sound is very terrifying

"Alert L Alert!"

"There is a situation in a situation!"

When the sailor in charge of reconnaissance saw the huge wave, he immediately sounded the gongs and drums of warning, and at the same time shouted warning to the soldiers on board.

The speed of the giant wave was very fast, and it came to Tai Tang's fleet in the blink of an eye!

“It’s not good to go”

"Long Ganye is angry!"

A ten soldier watched the rapid attack, and the surging surging waves couldn't help but exclaimed loudly!

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Chapter 3 Defeating the Dragon King must be Han Qiu, the God of War of the Tang Dynasty! 【[-] for full order】

Big waves are coming⊥

Datang's warship was instantly swayed by Di strike.

The sea rushed into the deck, and many ten soldiers were directly overturned by the sea. , Di into the sea

A little warship is fine.It can also withstand the impact of the tsunami waves.

But it's the boats that suffer.

Many were directly overturned by the tsunami waves

In the face of the power of the sea, how fragile these boats appear 2

"Grab the ship's side! Stand firm, hold L, hold on!" L loudly ordered to the surrounding soil.

at this time.

He was completely wet by the sea during the battle.The deck was also full of sea water.

Just now - a huge wave has already caused countless soldiers to be dropped off the warship into the sea.

This wave of waves knocked over at least dozens of small boats in the Datang fleet.It caused thousands of people to fall into the sea.

The wind and waves gradually subsided.

The wreckage of countless ships floated on the sea, and many soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were struggling to swim in the sea.

Zhang Gongjin let go of the mast. 2 went to the side of the boat and looked at this scene with an ugly face.

What the hell is going on with this wave 3

And those 28 horrifying roars?_!

Is it a coincidence?

Or is there something between the two


If the former is fine.If it is the latter, then the situation will be miserable.

"Quickly rescue drowning soldiers!"

"Investigators pay attention to the surrounding area!

"The Diving Soldier is responsible for launching into the water to check the underwater situation!"

Zhang Gongjin can also be regarded as the next general under Li's second hand.

After this huge wave, there has been no movement for a long time.

Calm and calm.

Even the kind: the throbbing roar disappeared⊥


This did not make Zhang Gongjin relax.

Compared with the coincidence of jade, what happened just now is more believed by him to be an unknown hand of the enemy.

If it is an enemy.They will never leave so easily.


Several soldiers who were diving to investigate the situation suddenly emerged from the sea.

With unparalleled horror on his face!

It was as if he had seen something extremely terrifying!


"Get out!"

"There are dragons on the bottom of the sea!"

"It's coming up"

A captain who dived into the water roared desperately to Tai Zhang Gongjin on the main ship.


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