Now that I see it with my own eyes, I am amazed!

I am Nima!

Can this thing be subdued?

And Changle didn't shock the first time he saw this reciprocal devil fish, but immediately ran to Han Qiu's place.


Chapter 5 The first hero of Lingyan Pavilion, Han Qiu! [[-] for full order]

"Dare to go back, gentleman, what is this specimen?" Chang Le asked in confusion, blinking her big beautiful eyes.

"As for the specimen. It is to treat animals, objects or minerals with special means so that they can be preserved for a long time without being damaged." Han Qiu spread the knowledge of specimens to his family again and again.

"It turns out that if Dad made this 'Dragon King' into a specimen, then you can look at it whenever you want, right?" Ruoxi said with her little head raised.

"Hehe Shang Xi'er is really smart.

I guessed Father Fu's purpose right away!" Han Qiu said fondly with a smile.

Comfort the family.

Han Qiu began to devote himself to making "Dragon King" specimens.

I have to say that Han Qiu is really a bit of a critic.

People use small things like insects and plants to make specimens.

Han Qiu is very easy to get - a giant devil fish with a length of more than ten meters and close to two + meters is marked 1⊥

It's really a bit sloppy!

The process of making specimens, though, continues to be difficult. . But it is more troublesome.

Mainly because this giant stingray is really a wife, it's hard to deal with L

Hundreds of kilograms were dug out of the guts of this giant devil fish alone!

Then give it 897 layers of herbs all over the body to prevent its fleshy orchid.finally put it

Expose in the sun like salted fish⊥

After thoroughly drying the salted fish, it is finally placed in a huge glass airtight container

This huge stingray specimen was also lost and completed.

Thankfully, before, he got things like glass out early.

Otherwise, even if the sample is made.There is no place to put it.

It shouldn't be put in a big iron box, right?

If you can't see it, then it will lose the meaning of being a specimen."

at the same time.

When Han Qiu was making specimens at home, Li Er was not idle in the palace.

He personally listed those who followed him to carry the world and made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty.

The first thing Li Er thought of was Han Qiu

Although Han Qiu was not the one who carried the world with him.

But it is the greatest contribution to Datang. Ren Shang

Not to mention that he has almost conquered a lot of land for the Tang Dynasty. It is almost twice the original territory of the Tang Dynasty.

It is his economy to Tai Tang.His contributions to culture, agriculture, etc. are all enough to make him rank among the first (adee) of the Tang Dynasty—the position of a hero

Han Mi's name was directly written in the first place by Li Er.

Then there is Li Er's brother-in-law and his strong belly, Zhao Guogong's eldest son, Sun Wuji. No matter when Li Er was conquering the world

L or when he ascended the throne later _ Changsun Wuji played an indispensable role in Li Er all!

Followed by Hejian King Li Xiaogong, Prime Minister Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Ji Jing... Yuchigong Gao Shilian, Cheng Yaojin, Qu Tutong, Yin Kaishan, Duan Zhixuan and so on - a total of two soil four

compared to history.There is one less Hou Junji and one more Han Qiu.

Because of the butterfly effect of Han Qiu crossing.The former prince Li Chengqian rebelled in advance, and Hou Junji also participated.

Hou Junji, his family has been raided and exterminated.Naturally, it is impossible for Li Er to be placed in Lingyan Pavilion by beheading for public display.

Among these twenty-four people, some of them are already dead.

But even so, Li Er still included them.

Except, a few old and dead.People who died in battle.Most of them are still alive.

These people are either Li Er's confidants or those who have made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty.

It can be said that these A's are almost the group of characters standing at the peak of Tai Tang!

It's not a prince, it's a prince!

"Wang De, let Yan Liben prepare to draw all the portraits of these people!

"Tell him to be realistic!"

"If it doesn't, I won't bypass him!"

Li Er handed the list in his hand to the inner servant chief beside him and instructed.

"According to

. Your Majesty "

"The old slave will definitely bring His Majesty's words to the mountain."

Nei Wei hurriedly took over the list in Li's Second Hand and bowed in response.

"Additionally ⊥"

"Notify the historian and ask the historian to write down the life stories of these people and the meritorious deeds established for the Tang Dynasty. I want these deeds to be remembered forever by the people of future generations!"

Li Er added again e

. "Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Okay, let's go!" Li Er waved his head.

Hearing the words, the chief servant of the house immediately went out to do what Li Er explained.

"Museum, what a - a nice place to be.".

"Isn't this a way to immortalize people?"

Sitting in front of the desk, Li Er couldn't help thinking of the museum that Han Qiu said, and his face was full of excitement and anticipation.

He can't wait to see what this museum is going to look like!

He Liben did not dare to neglect when he received Li Er's order.Immediately start to prepare to paint these portraits of Lingyan Pavilion characters

One painting a day. It took a month to finish painting all the people!

Among them, Li Er's portrait and Han Qiu's portrait are the longest."

One for three days and one for five days

Especially when painting the portrait of Han Qiu, Yan Liben struggled even more.

He felt that no matter how he painted, he couldn't draw Han Qiu's handsome face, domineering and detached temperament.

I often change the painting. After changing the painting, it took five days in a row to make a good painting.

Even so.. Yan Liben did his best to express only Han Qiu's image.

It's not that Yan Liben's painting skills are not at home.

But Han Qiutai defies the sky

He can't draw L at all

When Yan Liben painted portraits for the heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, a tall tower was also built on Zhuquetai Street, the most prosperous street in Chang'an City!

Influenced by what Han Qiu said about the museum

Li Er did not put Lingyan Pavilion in the palace as in history, but outside the palace.

He intends to open Duyan Pavilion to all the people, so that they can admire the great achievements of himself and his ministers!

This Lingyan Pavilion covers a very wide area. It is [-] meters high!

It has become the most spectacular construction basket in Chang'an City besides the Imperial Palace and Furong Garden."

After Lingyan Pavilion is built

Li Er put all the portraits of everyone and the stone statues built according to the proportion of real people into Lingyan Pavilion.

Arranged in order of merit from top to bottom

The top layer is Li Er and Han Qiu side by side

One is the Son of Heaven!

One is the one who is side by side with the Son of Heaven

The top layer represents the supremacy of the two in Datang1

Han Qiu has also become a veritable number one hero of Lingyan Pavilion!

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