There are speculations about which of the two will win H?

"Come on, it's open. It's open.

"Chai Zhewei vs. Qin Huaiyu, the odds are two to one, first come first served!"

Cheng Yaojin directly opened the plate and wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

The surrounding ministers were speechless for a while.

Looking at the ministers in the entire court, it is estimated that only Cheng Yaojin can do this alone.

Everyone saw that Li Er did not show any look to stop it.All ready to start betting.want to play.

0.__Begging for flowers,.

Winning or not winning is secondary, the main thing is to have fun.

"Come on! I'll start first, put down money, and bet on Huaiyu's nephew to win L" Cheng Yaojin took the lead in betting.

puff one-

Everyone heard the words and almost didn't - the old blood spurted out of the mouth!,

I am Nima!

How dare you take it out?

Looking at everyone's strange eyes.Cheng Yaojin grinned suddenly. "It all depends on what I do. My daughter-in-law takes care of it. It would be nice to have scholarly money!"

"Roll the calf⊥"

"You fat man Cheng still wants to be a village with money and money?"

"I can go to your grandfather!"

When Yuchi Gong heard the words, he pointed at Cheng Yaojin's nose and cursed angrily.

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this.

He showed a look of contempt at Cheng Yaojin, instantly extinguished the thought of wanting to bet, and put back the broken silver he took out.


Shiwen money, you play egg noodles

This goblin can't be sure that he wants to hack them a wave of money!

.“Alas! Mistake⊥”

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't bet!"

Seeing that no one had placed a bet, Cheng Yaojin immediately sighed, feeling that he was exposed.

When Han Qiu heard the words, he burst into laughter. This Cheng Yaojin is a real treasure-like⊥

between jokes.

The battle between Qin Huaiyu and Chai Zhewei in the ring is also coming to an end.

The two fought for nearly two hundred rounds, and finally

Qin Huaiyu's double mace was superior and won the final victory.

"Brother Zhewei, let it go!" Qin Huaiyu said with his mace against Chai Zhewei's throat

"Hey, brother Huaiyu is very skilled in martial arts. Zhewei admires L because I lost!" Chai Zhewei said in disappointment.

"In the first game, Qin Huaiyu wins!" the referee announced immediately.

The two heard the words and put away their weapons directly.Get off the ring.

Qin Huaiyu entered the second round, while Chai Zhewei was eliminated.

Second round of draws.

"Han Ruoxi vs. Qu Mishou|." Li Yingwan announced again.


When Han Qiu heard the name Han Ruoxi, Gangshan spit out the tea in his mouth instantly.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on the originally calm face."

I pass L

This, isn't this my baby girl? L

ps: Ask for flowers and tickets.Comment_vote, thanks for your support 1_


Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Fourth My own daughter has to pamper her with tears! 【3 for full order】

Under Han Qiu's astonished gaze.Two small figures walked onto the ring with a pole that was much longer than her body with bright silver guns.

Han Qiu - I recognized my daughter

Moreover, the silver gun in her hand was made by Han Qiuming, a skilled craftsman, for his daughter. ,

Celebrity Yin Fei < Huang Jian L

Is echoing her age group to use.

I never thought that my daughter would run into the ring."

In addition to being confused, Han Mi's heart is still confused.

Xiao Ruoxi, who was standing on the ring, also blinked at her old kettle Han Qiu. As if to say it again.Surprised or not?

Han Qiu was naturally able to understand the meaning in his female mountain's eyes.

I am surprised fart? 1

Totally frightened 2!

Thanks to your old kettle, I don't have a heart attack!

Otherwise, you will be scared to death sooner or later! Princess Tian?"

"She's so young, so you're planning to let her go to the battlefield?"

Cheng Yaojin looked at the small figure in disbelief, and thought it was Han Qiu's advice.

As a general who has a good relationship with Han Qiu, Cheng Yaojin naturally recognizes Han Qiu's daughter

Its golden people also set their sights on Han Qiu.

There was a hint of urgency in his eyes.

Han Qiu's eyelids twitched

I don't even know

This little ancestor must have sneaked up.

"cough cough"

"I didn't intend to let him go to the battlefield, just let her practice her hands.

"Usually, she practiced martial arts alone at home every day, which was very boring. She just wanted to find someone to fight against."

"This competition is a good opportunity

"Although she is so young, her martial arts are still good."

Han Mi coughed dryly and could only take the blame for his daughter.

no way"

Who is his own daughter!

The daughter of your own cow, she will spoil her even with tears in her eyes.”

"Oh~ so it is!"

Everyone immediately knew that the Huguo Army belonged to someone else, and it was natural for the little princess of the Huguo Army to come and play.

Finish dealing with the ministers around you.Han Qiu couldn't help but 'viciously' glared at his daughter in the ring.

Send one to Ruoxi when you go home and then clean up your eyes L

Who knew that Xiao Ruoxi was not afraid at all, but made a face to Han Qiu instead.

She knew very well in her heart that it was impossible for her father to punish her.

Han Qiu looked at the grimace of his baby daughter Mengmenda and suddenly shook his head and laughed.

The little ancestors ate to death!

On stage for his daughter.Although Han Qiu was a little surprised.But not worried about her safety.

Don't look at her now that she has a cute and beautiful appearance, a little girl who is over nine years old.


In fact, she has inherited Han Qiu's super good genes, plus Han Qiu soaked her in a medicated bath to enhance her physical fitness since she was a child, and all her martial arts skills were taught by Han Qiu personally.

A proper little witch!

Even some generals in the National Protector Army were not her opponents.

If it weren't for her martial arts skills, Li Yingwan would not let her sign up.

after all!

Li Yingwan was in charge of this competition.It is impossible for Ruoxi to hide from her and participate in the competition!

If it wasn't for Ruoxi Qian's exhortation and instructing Li Yingwan, the second concubine, to keep her secret, saying that she wanted to give Han Qiu a surprise.Li Yingwan had already told Han Qiu.

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