"These are the duties of the lower officials, and I will serve the king side by side.

Jiang Zhifu waved his hands again and again and hurriedly expressed his loyalty to Han Qiu, his appearance was very humble, and his expression was very flattering.

Zhizai is also considered a frontier official.

In Jiangzhou, only others have always flattered

his share.


Facing Han Qiu, he had to lower his normally high head!

Especially when it's the wrong thing to do

"Xue Rengui, do you really want to join the army?" Han Qiu turned and asked Xue Rengui, who was still in shock.

Almost every hot-blooded man in the world worships Han Mi as an idol!

Xue Rengui is no exception!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he was fortunate enough to meet his long-respected idol e

Xiaozhong, suddenly excited!

"Go back to the king's side, the villain really wants to join the army⊥"

"A good man should hold a three-foot green peak. Blood spills on the battlefield, protects the family and defends the country, and expands the frontier!

Xue Rengui said excitedly.

"Very good, now Ben Yu will personally examine you!"

"Xu Huang, you are his opponent 1

Han Mi instructed Xu Huang who was beside him.

"I will obey the order at the end." Xu Huang naturally would not have any hesitation about Han Qiu's order.

The crowd dispersed, leaving an open space.

The two stood opposite each other.


Han Qiu gave an order, and the two immediately held weapons at each other.

ding ding dong"

The sound of weapons colliding kept ringing

Xue Rengui and Xu Huang

They are all highly skilled in martial arts, and the people around them are full of enthusiasm.Applauded again and again.

After a hundred rounds, Xu Huang has gradually revealed his defeat.

After all, Xue Rengui was a famous general who suppressed an era, and Xu Huang was somewhat inferior.

"Stop L5.4"_

With Han Qiu's voice.The two stopped at the same time.

Xu Xian looked at Han Qiu very gratefully.If we continue to fight, he will definitely lose.

Han Mi was just trying to show his face.

"very good!"

"Xue Rengui, are you willing to join my army of protecting the country?"

Han Mi asked Xue Rengui forcibly.

Xue Rengui immediately burst into ecstasy when he heard the words

National Defense Army⊥

That is the dream place of all those who join the army.


"Of course I do!"

"Xue Rengui swore to the death for His Royal Highness!,"

Xue Rengui immediately bowed and salute... to show loyalty."

"very good!"

"From today onwards, you are a member of our National Protection Army"

I am more than happy to be able to accept Xue Rengui, a famous general L Han Qiu who has a long history

ps, ask for flowers.Monthly pass, evaluation. Ticket.Thank you for your support 1_


Chapter 1 The famous sentence inspires people's hearts, and lovers will eventually become married! 【[-] for full order】

Han Mi made a final decision.

From now on, Xue Rengui will be the one who protects the country.

Incorporating the famous general Xue Rengui under his command, Han Qiu was considered a worthwhile trip.

The people around saw that Xue Rengui was valued by Han Qiu, and they were very envious!

Han Qiu is the king who dominates the world side by side!

A supreme existence like the Son of Heaven

Being valued by Han Qiu, as long as he doesn't die in the future, he will definitely rise to the top!

"Oh right ⊥"

"Liu Yuanwai, Xue Rengui adding A to my National Protector Army should be fine, right?"

"Would you like to ask Jiang Zhifu again?"

Han Qiu turned his head, looked at Liu Yuanwai, who was still kneeling on the ground and didn't dare to get up, and said with some wickedness.

Hearing Han Qiu's words, Liu Yuanwai was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground!

This is obviously still a little bit worried about what he just said. L

Not just Liu Yuanwai.Even the prefect of Jiang shivered with fright. He didn't dare to take a breath!

"Caomin made a blunder!. Caomin should be damned! I hope to be side by side with Your Highness Jade's kindness."

Liu Yuanwai, who was just invincible just now, was also like a pug wagging its tail and begging for mercy.I beg Han Qiu for mercy!

'Remember 18!'

"Don't be too arrogant 1_"

"Born I

Materials must be useful!"

"Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, don't bully young poor!"

"It's gold that always shines. You don't care about him today. Maybe tomorrow you won't be able to climb high!"

Secretary Han advised Liu Yuanwai.

."Yes Yes Yes!'

"Caomin wrote down ⊥"

"In the future - keep a low profile!"

Liu Yuanwai nodded again and again and said yes...like a chicken pecking at rice.

Han Qiu just casually said a few words about the chicken soup of later generations. ,

But I don't know how his words will affect the crowd.What kind of influence will it have on the down-and-out people with lofty ideals in the Tang Dynasty?

Although in Han Qiu's society where chicken soup is overflowing, these words made people laugh at most.

But not so much chicken soup in this day and age!,

Everyone who heard Han Qiu's words was a scholar.All were flushed with excitement.It's like being beaten with blood 1

Especially those who are temporarily down!

These words speak directly to their hearts

Some people even tore off a piece of cloth on the clothes, bit their fingers and wrote down Han Qiu's words as a famous warning. L used it as a driving force for him!

Everyone's eyes on Han Qiu are full of unparalleled admiration. I feel super lucky.

Today, I can not only see the true face of the legendary two-character side by side, but also hear the birth of this famous saying!

What kind of luck is this? Are the 21 families still sewn in the state?" Han Mi glanced at the daughter-in-law beside him and asked Xue Rengui. (06e He hasn't forgotten about his daughter-in-law?

"Go back to His Highness, Master and his old man are still on the mountain. Since my parents passed away, my life has been extremely difficult. Thanks to Master and his old man taking care of me, I can live to this day!"

Xue Rengui was Li Jing's apprentice.It is natural to know that Han Qiu is Li Jing's son-in-law.home.Long time no see.The king also misses it very much! '

"Oh right on_"

"Introduction. This is my second wife, Li Yingwan. She is your master's beloved daughter. You can call her senior sister!"

Han Qiu pointed to Li Yingwan beside him and introduced to Xue Rengui.

"I've seen Concubine Yu!" Xue Rengui respectfully saluted Li Yingwan. There was no slack because of Li Jing's relationship.

This made Han Qiu-can't help but give him a high look.

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