Long time no see father and daughter, Weng and son-in-law chatted happily.

Before you know it, an afternoon has passed

Han Qiu and Li Yingwan did not leave at night, but stayed in this small courtyard for free.

These houses were built by Li Jing and Xue Rengui. Although they are not very luxurious, they are not small.

totally able to live with them.

Han Qiu and Li Yingwan stayed here for three consecutive days before leaving.

During this period, the marriage of Xue Rengui and Liu Jinhua was also arranged.

After some time, Han Qiu returned to Chang'an City with Xue Rengui, who had recently married Li Yingwan.

When Han Qiu returned to Chang'an from Jiangzhou.The conscription is drawing to a close.

State selection

The elite soldiers have rushed to Chang'an City one after another.

There are veterans who have participated in battles and new recruits who have not participated in battles.

But without exception, they are all elite!

Each one is a land of strong tigers and bears

Chang'an City, the Imperial College of the Protectorate Army!

All the soldiers selected from all over the country in the Tang Dynasty gathered here

Every soldier's face is full of excitement, glory L

They are all elites standing out from among hundreds of thousands.”

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to be the most elite army in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Han Qiu--L standing in the center of the high platform in the school field.

"Everyone, you are welcome to come!"

"Standing here can be said to be your luck."

"Fortunately, you can witness the rise of Datang to the world and climb to the top of the world. The glory of Datang will be created in your hands!"

“Little But!”

"Standing here can also be said to be your misfortune!"

"Because we are going to pay, and paying is bound to be accompanied by casualties. This is inevitable!"

"Standing here. It's like putting your head on your trouser belt. It can fall off at any time⊥"

"tell me!"

"Are you afraid?!"


Han Mi's loud voice resounded throughout the school grounds, and every soldier could hear it clearly.

"Not afraid! Not afraid! Not afraid!"

All ten soldiers shouted in unison.The sound is earth-shattering, resounding through the sky, and the momentum is earth-shattering!

If they were afraid, they wouldn't be standing here

Han Qiu nodded, very satisfied with their momentum! L

"very good!"

"You are all the bravest warriors of the Tang Dynasty"

"Starting today. You are a member of the Taitang Expeditionary Force."

"Use your hands to push the Tang Dynasty to the world, use your hands to make the Tang Dynasty stand at the top." Use your hands (Li Hao) to compose a legend.Create a myth and make the name of Yanhuang resound throughout the world! '

Han Qiu sank into his dantian and sounded like a bell.The voice echoed in everyone's ears like magic, and everyone was excited!

Write a legend!

Create a myth!

Let Datang stand at the top of the world!

Let the name of Yanhuang resound throughout the world!

What a vision 22 this is!

To be implemented in our hands? Use

Everyone felt unparalleled excitement

Thinking that my country is going to take off in my hands

can't wait to see

Flying to the battlefield for the second time, pouring blood for the glory of his country

The army has assembled!

The trumpet of war has sounded"

Datang's world domination is about to begin!

DSL, ask for flowers and votes, evaluate votes, thank you for your support"_

Chapter 1 The prelude to the war, the collision of world-class empires! 【[-] for full order】

The [-]-[-]-strong elite army has been selected

The railway from Taitang Chang'an to the Western Regions has also been laid.

After the oath, all the soldiers were approved to board the H steam train to the battlefield in the Western Regions. ,

A gigantic war is about to begin, Tomb L

This confrontation between the two empires is about the fate of the two empires!

Victory is happy

lose or lose L

In Chang'an City. Beside the railway station that has just been built not long ago.

Li Er, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and other civil and military officials, as well as the family members of countless expedition troops or the rest of the common people, all surrounded this railway station that was ahead of the millennium.

Everyone’s faces were filled with incomparable excitement and excitement.”

The world power of the Tang Dynasty, Chu, is about to be realized⊥

"Side-by-side king, I have a thousand words in my heart at this moment, but I don't know what to say!

"Anyway! All please!"

"The take-off of the Tang Dynasty is entirely due to Wang Liaoshan's side by side"

"I hereby wish to defeat the Caliphate Empire side by side at an early date and return in triumph!"

Li Er bowed with both hands. He bowed deeply to Han Qiu, and his voice contained infinite excitement and expectation;

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Wei Chen will do his best to get there" Han Qiu said lightly.

, but the voice is extremely firm.full of convincing

Han 133 Qiu turned his gaze to Chang Le who was beside him.

Two - the pair of beautiful eyes were already full of tears.Just refraining from letting it fall.

Although since the two got married.There have been several separations.

But Changle didn't get used to it, instead, it became more and more painful every time.

"Don't worry, baby."


"You go, I am a god of war!_"

"Just wait for me at home with peace of mind. If I find you are thin when I get home, I will practice family law on you!"

Han Qiu gently took Chang Le into A's arms and comforted her softly.

For this first love that he came to the Tang Dynasty, Han Qiu, a lovely person who also went to the palace from his own palace, cherished from the bottom of his heart.Love!

I also feel most sorry for her.

Because Han Qiu is;: a famous general. The Great General of the Tang Dynasty to protect the country

Conquest is a must

Every time she went on an expedition, she was left alone at home, tormented by endless thoughts.

She is not like Li Yingwan and Fan Lihua who are both female generals who can fight on the battlefield.

Even if Han Qiu goes out, he can follow Han Qiu around.

"Go to Jun's words, my concubine wrote it down!

"But the battlefield is dangerous. Please husband, you must protect yourself well. No matter where you are, your concubine will always be by your side!"

Chang Dongyi said infinitely in Han Qiu's arms, the water in his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

Love is deep, read all the way L

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