The deafening sound almost pierced everyone's eardrums 1

How powerful is the red-clothed cannon

Countless enemy rebels exploded directly on the spot

Apart from the artillery fire, there are no arrows

Countless arrows poured down like a summer rainstorm!

The soldiers of the Taishi Empire and the soldiers of the Western Regions Plate Army who rushed over looked like they were reaping wheat.One big piece and two big H fell down

However, in front of the huge base of millions of Taijun, it is nothing at all!


Naoto rushed to Han Qiu's Eight Arrays

What was ushered in was a shield formation like a copper wall and an iron wall!

The periphery of the battle formation is all composed of Chongli Bu Pong Wei Wu pawns.

Neither the native soldiers of the Taishi Empire nor the rebels in the Western Regions could break through.

They can only enter through the path of the battle formation next to them.

In this way, it is in the arms of Han Qiu.

These enemy troops entered the path of the battle worms.What is ushered in is an unpredictable array of internal transformations.”

Countless enemy troops found that they had just entered, looking back - seeing the road gone 1

To make matters worse. Their large number of troops were directly divided into countless small troops and all were strangled in the battle ⊥

The soldiers of the Caliphate Empire, the rebels from the Western Regions, are continuously rushing into Han Qiu's Eight Arrays.

Sky Covering Array, Earth-borne Array. Wind Yang Array, Cloud Hanging Array, Dragon Flying Array, Tiger Wing Array, Bird Soaring Array, Snake Pan Array, all battle formations.


No one in Cong Lai can survive

This big array contains countless small ⊥

Not only is it changeable, but there are also generals as the eyes of the formation.

These people who don't know anything about the battle formation can't deal with it at all.

Once, enter the formation. All that awaits them is death.”

The war lasted for a day

This cluster map placed by Han Qiu swallowed the lives of countless enemy troops!

The ground is covered with corpses.. the ground is completely invisible L

The blood pooled into rivers of blood.Distribute 3.7

On the pungent smell


Whether it is the native soldiers of the Taishi Empire or the rebels of the Western Regions.No one dares to step forward

Everyone's eyes are looking at Han Qiu's eight formations in front of them, and they are all filled with endless fear and fear.

It's like looking at a man-devouring monster

No one survives!

not a single one!

All those who entered the eight-array map of A will all fight

The Caliphate Empire and the rebels have lost nearly half of their troops!


Han Qiu's Eight Arrays are still intact

Even if someone is killed, the formation will be filled immediately, they have no chance at all!

The Soldiers and Soldiers of the Caliphate Empire are about to explode l

What the hell is this?

Hit Nima a snake skin

ps. Ask for flowers.Monthly pass, evaluation_ticket, thank you for your support"_


Chapter 1 Chase and kill!The danger of the palace side by side! 【[-] for full order】

corpses all over the place"

- rivers of blood

No one dares to come forward"

Whether it is the native soldiers or the rebels of the Taishi Empire, they are afraid!

Enter and die!

Here, who's rushing? L_


Hajaji, Marshal of the Food Empire, swallows hard - & spit!

Eyes opened wider than copper bells.Filled with endless horror L

I was shocked by Han Qiu's Eight Arrays ⊥

How is it possible to have 2.

Why is it like this?!

The siege of millions of Taijun was hardly hurt. Instead, half of them were eaten.

-Oh, God"

What kind of gods and monsters is this? L

He is afraid⊥

He is terrified!

prior to.

He was killed by Han Qiuyi in the dense forest in the land of Talos. It can also be said to be careless.

but now"

But it's a serious head-to-head!

And it is still besieged with an absolute superiority of troops 1


It's worse than before

Allah is above

Have you abandoned your people? 1

Yu Hajaji, the Marshal of the Food Empire, looked up at the sky with a sad face. He was very sad in his heart!

"Retreat 22"",

"If it continues like this, it will only increase casualties!"

Hajaji commanded the ten soldiers beside him in a low voice.

He was originally prepared to be ashamed.In the face of Han Qiu's unpredictable Eight Arrays, it ended again


heavy losses 1

In addition, the soldiers and horses lost in the previous battle with Han Qiu in the Talas region.close to one million

Even a super empire as vast as the Taishi Empire.Losing such a force would definitely be traumatic.

"Ming Ming Ming Twenty One"

The heavy horn sounded! The soldiers receded like a tide in an instant.

In the face of Han Qiu's hell-like eight-array map, they wanted to retreat for a long time.

But the military law is like a mountain

They dare not retreat!

Now I hear the signal of Ming Jin's withdrawal-

run faster than a rabbit"

The soldiers and horses of the Caliphate Empire retreated. Naturally, the soldiers and horses of the rebels did not dare to stay any longer, and they also retreated!

Especially the former King of Gaochang and King of Qiuci were almost scared to pee.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses faced the siege of millions of troops, not only did not lose much, but they defeated the enemy.

The army wiped out _-half!

so special"

There is no wood there 21

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