He's really scared to pee"_

"Oh! You dare to rebel against your courage?⊥"

“What a shame”

Seeing that King Wei Li Tai looked like this, Han Qiu suddenly lost his joking thoughts. Are his words full of sarcasm? He pinched his nose and stepped back.

Unexpectedly, King Wei Li Tai was scared to pee directly by him.

all of a sudden

When King Wei Li Tai saw Han Chou's departure, there was a shadow on the ground."

His pupils shrank suddenly, followed by a strange anger l

at this time.

He didn't even know he was being lied to.

How can ghosts have shadows!

It's too daytime, how could there be ghosts 2.L

Just now, it's just that he preconceived that Han Qiu would die, that's why the scene just now.

"You lied to me?!'_

"You're not a ghost at all!"

Wei Wang Li Tai shouted at Han Qiu extremely angrily, feeling that his IQ, my feminism, was being rubbed by Han Qiu on the ground.

Han Qiu didn't want to talk to him, and gave him a look like he was treating the mentally retarded!

This is so special, how much sabi can believe the nonsense just dug up

Han Qiu's eyes deeply stimulated the heart of King Wei Li Tai!

But at the same time, there is a deep shock in the heart L

Since Han Qiu appeared here.That means that the siege of Han Qiu by the Taishi Empire and those rebels failed. L_

my god L

The combined number of troops on both sides is more than two million!

Millions of Taijun can't help him

What a bummer this is!_?

This man. Is he a god?"

"You pervert!"

"You thought your plan was flawless

"Do you think you conspired against the leaders of the countries in the Western Regions to conspire against one-word side by side, the king would not know it⊥'

"You think that the siege of millions of coalition forces side by side with the king will be able to destroy him in ashes 3."

"Dream"_L! '

"What is the character of the two-character side-by-side king?!.

"he is

I am the unrivaled god of war of the Tang Dynasty,"

"Just because you are a little king of Wei. Just because of the strength in your hand, the officers still want to murder the king of side by side? l,"

"I'm afraid you're not creating something out of nothing, just imagining it out of thin air!"

Li Er hates that iron cannot become steel.

He really didn't understand what medicine his son was taking wrong.Where did the courage come from to murder Han Qiu 2!

Not to mention King Wei Li Tai, a little prince. Even Li Er himself felt as if he was facing an abyss when he faced Han Qiu.”

Never see the end!

Never know the depth of Han Qiu 1

As if _..anyone who does not favor him will be devoured by it!

Li Er's words were like a heavy hammer: the hammer bombarded the heart of King Li Tai of Wei!

Let him wake up!


Who are the kings who stand shoulder to shoulder with each other? 1

The myth of the Tang Dynasty

He has always only counted other people's shares.No one calculates his share of L3

I'm afraid he knew when his own people were plotting to entice the Western Regions to rebel and besiege Han Qiu?!

but v__

Why didn't he stop it in advance!?

.:For flowers Q

Wei Wang Li Tai thought doubtfully in his heart.


A crazy idea appeared in his mind, and he suddenly looked up at Han Mi.

"You...you did it on purpose? 1," Wei Gan and Li Tai asked in a trembling voice.The voice is full of jealousy

"Oh huh?"

"Looks like you're not stupid yet"

"The Rebellion of the Western Regions is nothing but a clown jumping beams in my eyes!".

"The reason why we let them jump up, the first is to eliminate them together! The second is to make you feel at ease."

"It's not that I despise you!"

"If you don't get the news that millions of coalition forces are besieging me, how dare you act?"

Han Mi's words were full of disdain as he folded his arms.

With Han Qiu's intelligence capabilities of Jinyiwei all over the world, he knew about the actions of King Wei Li Tai at the first time.

It's just that no action has been taken.

The purpose is to justly eliminate those restless guys, and by the way, pull out the tail of the mastermind behind the scenes!

This is Han Qiu's plan - the two birds' strategy"


In the world, only Han Qiu dared to play like this.


Only he has the ability to face the siege of millions of Taijun and eliminate it.


If it were anyone else, it would definitely be dead on the spot!

When Han Qiu answered affirmatively, Li Tai, the king of Wei, was instantly heartbroken.


You are still too naive!

He thinks it's perfect. 2's perfect plan is not even a fart in front of Han Qiu!

wait L

I still have a chance"

Gao Zhenxing has already gone to catch Changle and Han Qiu's one-child!

If you catch them.It's like having an amulet L

Wei Wang Li Tai suddenly rekindled a trace of hope in his heart⊥

This is his last straw.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, I see hope in your eyes"

"Are you expecting this person?"

Han Qiu said to King Wei Li Tai with a playful face, then raised his arm and waved it gently.

Immediately, the head of a good wife flew to King Wei Li Tai, landed at his feet and rolled a few times, a pair of deadly eyes were staring at him."

King Wei Li Tai jumped up in fright when he saw this head!

ps: Ask for flowers and tickets.Evaluate __ votes.Thank you for your support two!_


Chapter 1 The backhand of King Wei Li Tai! 【[-] for full order】

The bloody head

Those dead eyes

With such a terrifying appearance, he almost frightened his soul and body! When the little god trembled, the last trace of hope in his heart disappeared!

This head is not someone else's!

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