The poetry is high. The sound is deafening!

The sword light flickered.Recruit blood!

Every recitation - a poem!

Every time the sword is swung L

All represent the death of one or even several dead assassins!

of course!

Dead Earth Assassin is not afraid of death

but L

In the face of absolute strength, the quantity is useless!

The second batch of the dead at the moment: the batch goes to Han Qiudi

but was killed one by one

Ten, twenty _.

One hundred, two hundred._

The number of dead soil is getting smaller and smaller at the moment

He was almost killed by Han Qiu between turns.

There are only a dozen or so of the hundreds of Dead Earth Assassins left!

Han Qiu killed from the corridor to the roof. From the roof to the lobby!

in the hallway!

on the house

Inside the hall

There are corpses everywhere

corpses all over

blood all over the house

Han Qiu stood on a stone pillar with a long sword in hand.

The white clothes have turned into blood clothes!

The white sword has turned into a blood sword.”

Murderous Ling Ran!


Dead assassins are almost the whole army

The rest of the people were all around Yu Yunshang.

In the numb eyes, there is a name


Even these dead assassins, who were trained as adult machines since childhood, could not help but feel fearful under Han Qiu's monstrous power.


It's human nature!

Yu Yunshang looked at Han Qiu with fear and awe!

This is the dead soil that they spent countless efforts to cultivate.

Such a large number has been accumulated over the years by them.”

In order to assassinate Han Qiu, they brought out all the secrets that had been hidden for many years!

can be L

Still lost to Han Qiu

Kill them all with just one person and one sword!

So shocked"

What kind of terrifying power is this?!

Yu Yunshang originally thought that he and others had overestimated Han Qiu's work!

for him!

All the dead soil cultivated was dispatched.The strongest poison has been used.”

can be L

Still underestimating L

Who would have thought that Han Qiu was more than just a thousand enemies on the battlefield"

Without his most reliant warhorse weapons and armor, the force is still so sturdy!

It's really hard to imagine him riding a warhorse.Put on the armor and pick up the spear. What kind of posture will it be? L

I'm afraid it's useless to have a thousand people.

Yu Yunshang closed her eyes in despair

They lost ⊥

Completely defeated⊥

I lost to Han Qiu alone!

Han Qiu has no hesitation and softness for the rest of the people.

The sword light flashed!

Directly kill all the few remaining dead assassins!

so far L

kill all 1

from start to finish!

The time for a stick of incense is not straight!

In fact, many of the lovely people in Zuixianglou haven't fully come and escaped _⊥


These hundreds of elite dead men have all been beheaded by Han Qiu!

Looking at the dead and wounded assassins, everyone took a breath and stopped involuntarily.

Staring blankly at the figure in blood-stained white, standing with a sword

shock L

awe 1

Before, they had heard about Han Qiu's deeds one by one.

At this moment, they really know Han Qiu, the A!

No wonder the champion Hou can traverse the sand and be invincible."

No wonder the champion Hou Nengting's sudden defeat in Europe!

Such strength"


"Now, can we talk about it?"

Han Qiu put the blood-stained sword on the clean chin of Ya Yunshang and asked coldly.


"Kill me!'

Yu Yunshang looked at Han stubbornly⊥

"Hehe~ Don't tell me?",

"very good!."

"It would be too boring if you spoke directly!"

Han Qiu sneered and whispered softly against her ear.

As a transmigrator, Han Qiu has means in his mind!

I'm afraid she won't speak

I want to see who is going to kill me?


Don't even try to escape L

Ds: flowers.Monthly ticket, evaluation _ ticket L Thank you for your great support.(口-3-)2_


Chapter 2 Shocking News [9/[-] for the first order]

"Miss Yunshang, do you know what the price you pay for not saying anything?"

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