The first hero is not bad, the first general of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

The White Pao Army under his command is even more elite among the elites, who once broke the [-] Taijun of the Northern Wei Army with thousands of people!

A generation of military gods!

Famous teachers and generals Mo Zijing, thousands of troops avoid the white robe

The third hero is the flying general Li Guang

Shoot with your hands, pierce through Yang with a hundred steps!

The fourth hero is Zhao Zilong, the general of the Five Tigers, with a pistol method.fascinated |

The fifth hero is not a famous historical general, but also a historical celebrity, the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi.Its calligraphy has the reputation of being like a floating cloud and like a dragon!

Although it is of no use to Han Qiu at this stage, it is still a good skill.

for this extraction

Han Qiu is very satisfied!,

did, many times africa 2

Today I finally became the European emperor Kong 1


Five heroic souls are added, and the five-dimensional attributes of the system panel t. Han Qiu are skyrocketing rapidly.

especially force and command

Once again sublimated!

Han Qiu felt his mind sober like never before.Four dimensions are unprecedentedly clear.

I looked up at my five-dimensional attribute board, and I was shocked-too jumpy!

Simply not too luxurious!

Lord Sheng, Qiu Han

Fair value, 100.

Force o180.

Chi nine:110_

Command? 150_

politics. 100_

Reputation value, more than six million

Fusion Heroic Soul: Huo Qubing... Yue Fei.Chen Qingzhi, Li Shang, and Wang Xizhi.

Wu Jiu value, command value skyrocketed again

[-] points each!

Even the intelligence has improved by points

These people really deserve to be the commanders and generals resounding throughout China!

It's too beefy"

It exploded"

The skyrocketing maggots of the five-dimensional attribute made Han Qiu burst with confidence.

The original pressure - swept away!


Dare to come?

It seems that the lesson of last time is not enough!

this time!

I will definitely let you know what pain is,

Han Mi's eyes faintly revealed - wipe the red light.Thrilling!

That night.

Han Qiu led a team of soldiers and horses to go away from Chang'an quietly.

Only [-] horses!

In addition to Chang'an's normal defense force, this is already Li Erqian's last family that can be mobilized.

The rest are either suppressing the rebellion or guarding the place!

In addition to the tens of thousands of horses at the border, it looks like [-] to [-].

[-] to [-]!

ten times more"

If it was ordinary people, I would have been scared to pee. Come on.

Border, Youzhou!

According to the information provided by Yu Yunshang, the Turks will choose to attack here!

Then go south to Lingzhou and Liang Shidu to attack the Central Plains, and take Chang'an directly.

Arguably.And Liang Shidu is the closest to the state.

Attacking from there is the best option

But the Turks chose to attack from Youzhou in order to take revenge on Han Qiu.

Not only do they have to break the city of Youzhou 1

And all the people in the oil shaft will be slaughtered

to wash away the shame

Youzhou City is a few miles away.

The Turkic army was advancing towards Youzhou City.

"Hahaha, the champion of the Tang Dynasty has died. This time we can attack the Central Plains unscrupulously⊥" the Turkic general laughed and said to Khan Shilodie.

"That's right! The demon that terrified the wolf clan has finally died. The Central Plains can no longer stand in our way!"

"What Father Khan has not completed and the target will be completed by me!"

Shi Luodie also looked smug, looking at the direction of the Central Plains full of excitement.

It seems that he has seen the beauty and wealth of the Central Plains beckoning to him.

The reason why the Turks dared to attack Youzhou City this time was because Han Qiu was already 'dead'.

The former Sui Princess Yicheng promised Shi Luodie that Han Qiu would die."

That's why he dares to come!


How could he dare Mingyue to boldly attack Youzhou, a place where his father had been smashed!,?

When Shi Luodie was dreaming of surpassing his father Jieli Khan, the Eight Lords of the Central Plains

Han Qiu had already taken the lead - stepping into Youzhou City.

The next day.

The Turkic army reached.

[-] troops lined up outside the city

Flags cover the sky!



The momentum breaks through the sky!

A Turkic general shouted too loudly to the tower in front of him.

"Hey! Tang Jun upstairs, listen!

"My wolf clan's [-] Taijun has already invaded the city, and I urge you to open the city and surrender!"

"Otherwise, when we break the city, we will be dogs and cats!".


What responded to him was - a golden arrow with carved feathers!,


The golden eagle feather arrow pierced his throat like a flash of lightning!

The huge force took his entire 0_4 people out in an instant!

Yu Wei does not reduce l

The corpses of dozens of Turkic soldiers behind him were pierced in a row before they stopped!

shock L



All the Turkic soldiers stared blankly at the figure above the sky

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