Chapter 365: Saga Nima is really rich [Please book everything]!!

The eldest grandson was pregnant again, and when he told Li Er the news, Li Er’s face turned red with excitement: “Shun can also be regarded as a continuous melon.” Ha ha. ”

The eldest grandson waited for Li Er to change clothes, gave him a white look, and said infinitely delicately: “Does Erlang like a boy or a daughter?” ”

“Daughter, Shun likes her daughter, Shun now has a few boys, it’s still a good daughter, you look at Tingxi, every time I start working, I will give Shun some to keep for drinking.”

After speaking, he also deliberately walked to the dresser of the eldest grandson, opened the small box and checked: “There are more than two hundred articles here, Tingxi is going to start working again, haha.”

Beauty is good, like you in every way, it hurts to the heart. Or daughter good, daughter good. ”

Changsun said with a smile: “Your Majesty received the elders of all ethnic groups today, why didn’t you have a trace of pressure?” These people can be difficult to tighten. ”

Li Er smiled and said, “No matter how difficult it is?” Shu is the emperor, the emperor of the Great Tang. Waiting for the little shopkeeper’s military report, see if it is not very hard to hit them in the face. Now let them bounce around for a few days. ”

“Your Majesty’s tiger is on the dragon plate, and the seat is full of yuan and the world is overlooked, naturally he does not care about their trouble. However, His Majesty is anxious, don’t hurt people, they are all old people, I can’t tell. ”

“Don’t worry, you will treat each other with courtesy. Let’s go. ”

Coming to Han Yuan Hall, Li Er saw that the group of ministers were waiting for him below, and couldn’t help but smile: “All of you Aiqing are waiting, then invite these clan elders to come in.” ”

After a simmer of incense, the five surnames of the Boling Cui clan, the Qinghe Cui clan, the Fanyang Lu clan, the Longxi Li clan, the Zhaojun Li clan, the Rongyang Zheng clan, and the Taiyuan Wang clan, and the elders of the seven Wang clans came to the Hanyuan Hall with the help of the family.

Seeing Li Er greeting him at the foot of the steps of the Hanyuan Hall, several clan elders felt that they had a special face, and walked to the front and hurriedly gave a salute: “I have seen Your Majesty!” ”

Li Er hurriedly held back and said with a smile: “Several clan elders are the age of the world’s support, so why care about this false courtesy.” ”

The Great Tang ruled the world with filial piety, and Li Yuan stipulated that after the age of seventy, the imperial court would take out a part of the money every year to support the old people in the world, and they should set an example for the world.

Therefore, the old people over the age of seventy can almost be said to eat the offerings of the world, even if they see the emperor, they do not need to bow down. Just hold your fist and give a salute.

Of course, in this era, kneeling was similar to sitting, except for the emperor punishing prisoners, or the most heinous people, rarely kneeling in formal occasions.

Not to mention the kneeling people, even if many people can’t tell the difference between kneeling and sitting, and then their eyes think that kneeling means that the body is straight, and sitting is sitting on the heels. Anyway, Qin Song thought so, and nothing went wrong for so many years.

“Your Majesty is the Lord of the world and deserves to be seen.”

Li Er smiled and said, “It’s okay to see you, but the Great Tang and the family share the world, we are all a family, so these false courtesies will be avoided.” ”

After speaking, he came to the Li Clan Patriarch and said with a smile: “Arbor, I haven’t seen you for many years.” ”

The patriarch of the Li clan in Longxi patted Li Er’s hand: “I haven’t seen him for many years, and Your Majesty is much calmer, hehe.” ”

“Come, let’s go in and talk, and help you.”

Li Er personally helped one, several clan elders were supported by their children, followed by the ministers, so reasonable, the face was very sufficient, several patriarchs were like a mirror in their hearts, the reason why they were so low-key was just that the Great Tang was in danger.

Li Er asked people to take a seat, put some fruits on the table, turned around and sat on the dragon chair, looked at them and smiled: “A few clan elders came here, but it really flattered Yuan.”

It is not easy to know the Great Tang,… I also know the hardships of Shu, presumably, to give Shun advice? ”

When the number of etiquette arrives, it is better to get to the point quickly.

Several clan elders glanced at each other, and the clan elder of the Qinghe Cui clan smiled and said, “Your Majesty, I heard that Luo Yi and Tuli have united?” Can there be such a thing? ”

Li Er let out a long sigh and nodded: “There is indeed such a thing.” ”

“Then Master Liang is in Honghua and is called emperor, but is there such a thing?”

Li Er nodded: “Yes.” ”

The patriarch said with a smile: “Now that Luo Yi has joined forces with Tuli, Master Liang has also been called emperor, and our Great Tang is worried about internal and external troubles.” ”

Li Er nodded: “Yes, I don’t know how many clan elders, why teach you?” ”

The elder of the Li clan in Longxi twisted his beard and said, “Your Majesty, it’s really not a secret, a while ago, Master Liang sent a personal letter to the old man, wanting me to join him in the Li family in Longxi.”

The words in the letter were quite sharp, but they were pushed by the old man’s righteous words. I, Longyou, Li and Li Tangben, are family, how can I be this traitor? At this point today, the old man made a promise to His Majesty, as long as His Majesty needs, wants people, and wants money, our Longxi Li family is to smash the pot and sell iron to you. ”

“Yes, the same is true of my Qinghe Cui clan, as long as Your Majesty needs it, we will be willing to give our family property…”

Several clan elders expressed their loyalty in unison, and Li Er smiled very happily, but he knew very well that dealing with these people, there was no reason to take it for nothing, but it was just a good cover-up, and at this time, Li Er also felt that he was hiding it very well.

After pondering for a while, Li Eryan said: “In this case, Shu will not hide it from you, the Great Tang is currently saying that there are not enough soldiers and horses, Zhang Liang, Chai Shao, and Wei Chi Jingde have all been sent to Suizhou, just to compete with Tuli and Luo Yi.”

Alas, as soon as Chai Shao and Zhang Liang left, this Eli Khan had no one to defend against, let alone Liang Shidu, so Shu decided to drive next month, and Shu still had 70,000 horses on his hands, and wanted to take a sum of money with the clan elders to recruit people.

In this way, whether it is Liang Shidu or Jieli, Shu has the power to fight.

But rest assured, if you take yours, you will repay twice as much in the future. ”

Looking at Li Er’s heart-pushing appearance, several clan elders glanced at each other, and their faces were full of joy: “How much does Your Majesty plan to use?” ”

Li Er smiled: “Shun plans to ask for 20,000 guan!” ”

“How much? Million? 20 million? ”

A few clan elders took a deep breath, the tax payment of the Great Tang is only less than three million guans a year, and you will have 20 million guans this time?

But although it sounds a lot, for these families, spreading it out is nothing more than three million per family. Yes, that’s all.

Since the beginning of the Great Han Dynasty, the family has hardly paid taxes, did not pay during the Sui Dynasty, did not pay during the Tang Dynasty, and after so many years, every family has more money than the national treasury, plus there is more land for others. There is also a lot of knowledge. The property is flowing into the account books continuously, and this money, a little unexpected, is also being cleaned up.

The ministers below heard that Li Er opened his mouth and came to 20 million, and couldn’t help but look at him, good fellow, which is the lion’s big mouth, this is the dragon’s mouth, and it will be out of the Tang Dynasty for nearly eight years of taxation.

However, it is certain that with this money, the Great Tang can gather many soldiers in a short period of time, and it seems that it also has the power to fight.

Several clan elders nodded to each other: “Since Your Majesty needs it, then our family can naturally make it up.” But I’m afraid that I will hurt my muscles and bones, and I hope Your Majesty will give some cheap strategies. It’s good that the children of my family have a mouthful of soup to drink. ”

Li Er sighed in his heart: “Damn, this family is really rich, I thought that 20 million could run, but I didn’t expect that for the right to enclose the land, they would be willing to do anything”

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