After all, Li Chengqian didn't think that Wan Kuan had the ability to turn corruption into a miraculous thing. He didn't use steel as armor, so why would he use it? At this time, Wan Kuan didn't panic in the face of Li Chengqian's questioning, and just said leisurely: "I, Wan Kuan, dare not deceive you, To deceive you is to beheaded."

At this time, after Li Chengqian heard this sentence, he immediately.

He cupped his hands and said, "Father, my son, please ask my father to rule Wankuan for the crime of deceiving the monarch."

When Li Shimin heard this, his eyes were sharp.

One eyeball becomes: red.

Wan Kuan just said that bullying the king is a capital offense and beheading.

Li Chengqian let Li Shimin govern Wan Kuan's death penalty, and Li Shimin was extremely angry.

His own son even persuaded him to kill another son, which made Li Shimin unprecedentedly angry.

If the minister was not there at this time, Li Shimin would have directly taught Li Chengqian a lesson.

At this time, Changsun Wuji saw Li Shimin's face and immediately.

Carefully pulled Li Chengqian's sleeve to let him restrain a little.

And Li Chengqian didn't know that he had committed a big taboo, he thought this was a good opportunity to deal with Wan Kuan.

At this time, Wan Kuan didn't go to see Li Chengqian, he was just a villain, but continued to talk to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, this minister does not dare to deceive you.

The minister is... to make armor from the same thing on your majesty's table."

At this time, everyone in the Liangyi Hall looked at Li Shimin's table, intending to see what could be made of armor on it.

Everyone looked around, but couldn't find anything that could be made into armor.

"Wan Kuan, don't give up, tell me, what are you going to use for your armor!"

Li Shimin urged him again and again, and the others looked at Wan Kuan eagerly.

At this moment, Wan Kuan walked over to Li Shimin's table, and picked up a piece of Huzhou paper with a yellowish hue from the table.

"Your Majesty, everyone, I, Wan Kuan, will use this Huzhou paper to make armor!"

Wan Kuan's words caused a thousand waves.

"What makes armor out of paper?"

"No way, no way!"

"It's really an unparalleled fallacy!"

"Don't be ashamed to say it, Huangkou child!"

For a while, there was chaos in the Liangyi Hall, and Li Shimin's head was so loud.

"All ministers and workers, don't be impatient!"

Li Shimin gave an order, and everyone shut up.

And at this moment, Li Shimin fixed his gaze on Wan Kuan.

"Wan Kuan, do you know what you just said?"

"Your Majesty, this minister is not confused, of course I remember!"

"Wan Kuan, you must know that what you said in these two ceremonial halls is not... a joke.

The supervisors of the three provinces and six departments here must take it seriously!"

"Your Majesty, this minister knows.

What the minister said is the truth, never the slightest falsehood."

Li Shimin stared at Wan Kuan, wanting to see what Wan Kuan was thinking, if he was lying, but Wan Kuan had a calm demeanor and a calm demeanor, nothing like nonsense.

And just when Li Shimin hesitated, Li Chengqian was afraid that Wan Kuan would go back on it, and immediately.


"Father, since this great supervisor said that he can make armor out of paper, it is a great joy.

I also asked Dajian Wan to make it quickly, and when the time comes, my Tang soldiers will all rely on Dajian Wan."

Wan Kuan smiled at Li Chengqian: "Prince, this is a serious statement."

"It's not heavy, it's not heavy, Dajian Wan's move is simply a blessing for my officers and men in the Tang Dynasty.

The great deeds of Wan Dajian are really immeasurable, and all the people of the Tang Dynasty should thank you Wan Dajian!"

"His Royal Highness, this paper armor hasn't been made yet!"

"Supervisor Wan is humble, how could it be possible for Superintendent Wan to renege on what he promised himself?"

Li Chengqian smiled very happily at Wan Kuan, he was about to sing in his heart, this Wan Kuan really wanted to die.

Using paper to make armor is really an ancient anecdote. From the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to this, no one has ever dared to be so arrogant.

At this moment, Li Shimin frowned, full of doubts in his heart, what the hell is this Wan Kuan doing? At this time, Li Chengqian did not give Wan Kuan a chance to regret, and directly in the Liangyi Hall, in front of everyone, put Wan Kuan Praise that there are few in heaven and nothing on earth.

And Li Chengqian also directly asked Wan Kuan when he could make the paper armor, but Wan Kuan just smiled and raised a finger.

"one month"

"No! One tenth!"

Chapter 114



Li Chengqian's unbridled laughter was heard from the East Palace. This laughter was a bit like a night owl, and it sounded a little creepy.

"Prince, don't laugh like this, be careful that the walls have ears!"

The eldest grandson Wuji sat opposite Li Chengqian and persuaded him earnestly.

At this time, Li Chengqian's eyes flashed with a crazy look.

"Uncle, that Wan Kuan is so arrogant, this time he is finally finding his own way!"

"Prince, this Wan Kuan is not... a hairy boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky, since he dares to speak like this, he must have some confidence in his heart."

Li Chengqian smiled contemptuously: "Uncle, throughout the ages, have you ever heard of someone using that yellow paper as armor?"

Zhangsun Wuji touched the moustache on his chin and said, "You can't make armor with yellow paper, but the people of the Southern Barbarians during the Three Kingdoms period used rattan to make armor!"

Li Chengqian waved his hand after hearing this: "That's Meng Huo's rattan armor, this solitary knows.

But that kind of... rattan armor is not easily available, the raw materials are scarce, and it is troublesome to make.

It simply cannot satisfy the supply of hundreds of thousands of troops."

Changsun Wuji nodded.

And Li Chengqian said excitedly at this time: "Paper is used as armor, I have never heard of it, and I have never seen it.

This is just Wan Kuan's grandstanding, and Wan Kuan's nonsense is about to die."

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji sighed: "Prince, what you did to Wan Kuan at the Liangyi Hall today made Your Majesty a little unhappy!"

"Then why is the father and emperor confused by Wan Kuan's yellow-mouthed child, Gu just wants to expose the true face of Wan Kuan.

Save your father and emperor's insistence on going his own way and being deceived by treacherous officials!"

"Prince, although Wan Kuan is not happy, he has indeed done something for the Tang Dynasty.

Prince, you are so aggressive, Your Majesty is very unhappy!"

Changsun Wuji and Li Shimin were young acquaintances. Before Li Yuan rebelled, Li Shimin and his brother-in-law, Changsun Wuji, were...

And Li Chengqian disagreed.

"Uncle, that Wan Kuan is just a young man who has only recently emerged.

Even if he is a bit talented, he is not a pillar.

And Wan Kuan's eloquent words are so eloquent, they must be released.

Besides, being the crown prince alone, the royal father won't say anything!"

"Prince, don't be careless, and don't let: Your Majesty get angry in the future, or your Majesty will become more and more alienated from the Prince."

"Don't panic, uncle, Gu is the prince and the prince."

Li Chengqian seemed very confident, while Zhangsun Wuji sighed inwardly.

The last prince was not an emperor.

Moreover, the prince of the previous dynasty was not regarded as the crown prince, but it was the most dangerous position in the world. It is really difficult to be a good prince and inherit the throne.

Seeing Li Chengqian like this, Changsun Wuji could only sigh, and then left the East Palace from behind.

Changsun Wuji thought that he was here without knowing it, but the eyeliner in this palace had already fully reported Changsun Wuji's whereabouts to the emperor.

After the conversation between Changsun Wuji and Li Chengqian in the little black room was not heard, the spies even reported Li Chengqian's laughter to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was sitting in the hall of nectar, and Empress Changsun rubbed his temples, which made Li Shimin's headache again.

Li Shimin waved his hand impatiently and let the little eunuch go down.

"Noisy, noisy!"

Li Shimin cursed twice.

"Your Majesty, it's better to have a quiet mind, all of your headaches came out of a hurry."

"How can you not be in a hurry, the real prince wants his brother's life wholeheartedly."

Li Shimin's tone was very serious, and his dissatisfaction with Li Chengqian was clearly revealed in his heart.

"Guanyin maid, did you hear that, this prince laughed and laughed in the East Palace, he was gloating! He can be so cruel to his own brothers, this Chengqian..."

When Li Shimin said this, he was so angry that he was speechless.

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