The white glutinous rice immediately turned grass green! "Oh! Brother-in-law, why did you pour the mugwort juice into it! Look at the rice cakes all turning green."

Wu Meier shouted, Wan Kuan pouted, and cooked food for you. You are still talking so much nonsense, this queen is really hard to serve! Wu Shuner pulled her sister aside, and then patiently gave Wan Kuan Sweat.

Wan Kuan took the opportunity to kiss Wu Shun'er's hand, Wu Shun'er trembled and was afraid that his sister would see it, so he had to hold on and did not call out.

And Wu Mei'er had already seen the little actions of her sister and Wan Kuan, and couldn't help but pouted.

No wonder it is said that this gentle town is... Hero Tomb, his sister is so beautiful as a flower, and it is no wonder that Wan Kuan is intoxicated and unable to extricate himself.

The sun gradually went down, and Wu Meier was thinking about whether she could eat rice cakes tonight.

At this time, in Chang'an City, north of the Qinling Mountains, most of the people were taking advantage of the afterglow of the setting sun to quickly pack up their business for the day.

Li Shimin, who was sitting in the Nectar Hall, was now sitting leisurely on the bed, playing with a Wu Sensen dagger in his hand.

And at this moment, Empress Zhangsun walked in quickly with a serious look on her face.

"Your Majesty, the concubine has already taught Qing Que'er!"

Empress Changsun was full of shame, her face a little embarrassed.

At this time, Li Shimin sat up straight: "Guanyin maid, don't panic, this matter is not so simple!"

Empress Changsun's face was puzzled, and the people beckoned to let Empress Changsun sit beside him.

"Guanyin maid, you shouldn't blame Qingque'er for this!"

"Your Majesty, in any case, this Qing Queer dares to use a knife and a gun on his eldest brother, this is a big mistake!"

"Guanyin maid, don't worry, this matter is also wrong for Chengqian."

Li Shimin said slowly: "Chengqian has become more and more discordant with Qingque'er in the past two years."

Empress Zhangsun's face was extremely pale: "Chengqian and Qingque'er are both grown up, and it is normal for the brothers to have some estrangement!"

"No! Guanyin maid, this is not normal.

Chengqian is the prince and Qingque'er is the prince, what is the difference between this?"

"Your Majesty, are you saying that Qing Que'er committed a crime?"

"No, the prince has the style of the prince, and the prince has the style of the prince.

In the past two years, Qingque'er has been respectful to the prince, but Chengqian is a little intolerant!"

At this time, Li Shimin took out a memorial and handed it to Empress Zhangsun: "Look at what Chengqian has done in the past two years, keeping vicious dogs in captivity, and unscrupulous in the palace.

The East Palace is in a mess, and it dares to pretend to be a Turk!"

"When I saw my younger brother, I was arrogant, and I used vicious dogs to frighten my younger brother.

Even with the little eunuch in his own palace, Chengqian has gone too far in the past two years!"

Empress Zhangsun looked at the report that the memorial was full of bad deeds, and the whole person was stunned.

"Your Majesty, how could Chengqian become like this?"

Li Shimin sighed: "I don't know, there are moral scholars in the East Palace to teach every day, but Chengqian has not made any progress."

At this time, Empress Zhangsun burst into tears: "Your Majesty, why didn't you tell the concubine about these things earlier?"

"Guanyin maid, the anger has become more and more serious in the past two years, some things really don't want you to worry!"

"But now Chengqian has become: so tyrannical, wouldn't it be more painful for the concubine to find out?"

Empress Changsun let out a long breath, her face was extremely pale, and she fainted.

Li Shimin quickly helped her to the couch and brought a cup of warm tea to Empress Zhangsun.

After Empress Changsun drank it, her whole face returned to a ruddy look.

"Hey! Your Majesty, the princes in this palace are not at ease, only thinking of Kuan'er's concubines can make you feel better.

This tea is... Kuan'er sent it to the palace, the tea has entered the palace, when will Kuan'er enter the palace?"

Empress Changsun's tone was full of sadness, while Li Shimin sighed heavily.

"This time, the quarrel between Qingque and Chengqian may also have something to do with Kuan'er!"

Li Shimin's words made Empress Zhangsun's face pale again: "Your Majesty, don't scare your concubine, this matter is a misunderstanding between Qingque'er and Chengqian, how could it be related to Kuan'er?"

Li Shimin took out the dagger in his hand: "Guanyin maid, look!"

"Your Majesty, this is the dagger that Qingque'er took out to scare Chengqian"

Empress Zhangsun touched it lightly.

"Your Majesty, this dagger is really sharp, no wonder it cut the guard beside Chengqian.

I don't know where this blue bird got these weapons."

Li Shimin smiled: "Who else can make this kind of weapon except... Kuan Er"

"What Kuaner did"

Empress Changsun's voice became sharper.

Li Shimin nodded: "When I went to inspect the prison, I saw that Kuan'er was spraying a kind of poison on the roller.

This venom is so poisonous that even steel is stained with it!"

"But after being sprinkled with venom, this steel is not afraid of rusting in water.

This is the case on the surface of the steel that has been splattered with venom, this venom is only available to the generals of Kuan’er, and can’t be found anywhere else!”

When Empress Changsun heard this, she closed her eyes, and the last trace of blood on her face disappeared.

Chapter 128

In the Hall of Nectar, Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun were relatively speechless.

This was originally the most powerful couple in the Tang Dynasty, but now the hearts of the two of them are very heavy.

Li Shimin picked up the dagger at this time, held it lightly on his wrist, and stabbed it straight down into several cases.

The dagger was extremely sharp, without any obstruction, and directly penetrated the entire several cases.

Seeing that the dagger was so sharp, Empress Changsun had no choice but to shake her head.

"This afternoon, Chengqian and Qingque'er met in the back garden.

Chengqian brought the bulldog, and the bulldog barked at Qingque'er.

And Qing Queer got a bottle of something out of nowhere and threw it on the ground, the hound was so frightened that it ran away immediately."

Empress Changsun said slowly: "The fierce dog ran away and rubbed Chengqian's hand.

Chengqian was furious and attacked Qingque'er.

But I didn't expect Qing Que'er to escape directly with a dagger."

"Fortunately, the guard beside Chengqian was quick-witted and blocked between Chengqian and Qingque'er.

Otherwise, the injured this time is... thousands."

After listening to Empress Zhangsun's words, Li Shimin nodded: "A reward for that guard. This person has a clear mind and knows that the prince's conflict can't be escalated, so he knows to stop them."

Empress Zhangsun sighed: "Your Majesty, how to deal with this matter, the ministers and concubines do not dare to have the power, please let your Majesty cut it off!"

Li Shimin smiled bitterly: "Brothers are against the wall, making people laugh.

Playing fifty big boards each will have a long memory!"

"Your Majesty, how about the concubine banning Cheng Qian and Qing Que'er for half a month?"

"Yes, let Li Gang and Song Lian both teach Chengqian and Qingque'er, these two children are really noisy!"

"Your Majesty, if Kuan'er returns to the palace in the future, I don't know what it will be like!"

Li Shimin pouted: "This Kuan'er has made such a big incident before returning to the palace. I don't think it has anything to do with Kuan'er! He gave the dagger, and the bottle of stinky stuff said Maybe it was also given by Kuan’er.”

"Recently, Qingque'er is always looking for Kuan'er, and Qingque'er will definitely tell Kuan'er about Chengqian.

Kuan’er knows the past and the present, and he must know a lot of twists and turns.”

Empress Zhangsun looked a little surprised: "Your Majesty, even if this dagger was given by Kuan'er, it might just be for Qingque'er's self-defense.

Kuan'er should not provoke a dispute between Chengqian and Qingque'er!"

Li Shimin's face was also very bad at this time: "Guanyin maid, I am afraid that Kuan'er already knows his identity, and now he has other thoughts!"

"Ah how is that possible"

Empress Zhangsun was horrified, she couldn't believe it.

Li Shimin's face was a little stiff: "Guanyin maid, maybe I think too much.

Very few people know about this matter, and Concubine Wan will not take the initiative to disclose it, so the possibility that Kuan Er knows about it is very slim."

"Then why does His Majesty say that Kuan'er already knows his own life?"

Li Shimin's eyes are deep: "Zhen Jueer always has a kind of unpredictable prophet, and Kuan'er is really too smart, I don't have full confidence in my heart to hide him!"

"Your Majesty, you..."

Empress Zhangsun was astonished, she had never seen Li Shimin like this before.

Li Shimin is always in the heart, but only in Wan Kuan, Li Shimin has no confidence in the past.

At this moment, Li Shimin smiled: "Guanyin maid, do you know what's going on in Chang'an recently?"

"That's what Your Majesty said."

Empress Changsun is very strange, and I don't know why Li Shimin suddenly changed the subject.

"It's...the thing that Cheng Yaojin liked Kuan'er Zhonghuang!"

When Empress Zhangsun heard this, she burst out laughing.

"Your Majesty, everyone in the market is spreading rumors, what is there to hear about your Majesty, that is the Son of Heaven, how can you laugh at your servants like this?"

"Guanyin maid, this is not a lie, the matter of Cheng Yaojin is true, if it's fake!"

"how can that be"

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