"By that time, our mother and daughter will have a backer, and the third sister will be able to grow up in peace."

At this time, Wu Mei'er said directly: "Mother, if you think this matter has ruined your reputation, you should just beat your elder sister to death.

After being beaten to death, my sister doesn't have to get married, and the three of us, mother and daughter, will still be living in this dungeon."

When the Wu family lady heard this, her lips trembled with anger.

"You little girl, it must be your idea. Your sister has been obedient since she was a child, and she will never act so recklessly."

Wu Mei'er did not deny it, and said sternly: "Yes, mother, everything is arranged by the daughter.

My daughter is just to find a backer for our mother and daughter, so Wan Kuan is... the best candidate."

"Now Wan Kuan is about to be promoted to an official title, this matter is already a certainty. If my mother... wants to kill my sister, then Wan Kuan is not happy."

"Okay! Mother, I'll kill you two disobedient things now!"

"Mother, call me.

Our sisters were born to you, you can beat them if you want, but the children in your sister's womb are the flesh and blood of the Wan family, if your mother beats your sister, Wan Kuan will come to the teacher to ask for the guilt."

After the Wu family's wife heard it, her eyes were dark, and the bead was already darkened.

At this time, the Wu family's wife was in despair and sighed heavily.

"Alas, the women's college is not in the middle!"

At this moment, Wu Meier ran directly to her room, took out the small box of golden leaves, and put it in front of her mother.

Chapter 160

As soon as Wu Meier opened the box, the golden light was a bit dazzling.

"Mother, this is the gift that Wankuan gave us.

My sister was afraid that you would be angry, so she never took it out.

In fact, if we were to take it out, the four of us, mother and daughter, would have had a good life long ago."

The Wu family's wife was even more uncomfortable when she heard it: "I haven't gotten married yet, how can I receive a betrothal gift from others.

It's spread out, and there are no rules at all."

"Mother, anyway... now we have accepted it, you have to marry this sister, or you have to marry if you don't.

If you really don't marry, then Wan Kuan can come to grab a relative.

Anyway... Your Majesty spoils him, he just... kicks the door of our house five, and Your Majesty will not punish him."

"A sin, a sin!"

At this time, Wan Kuan didn't know that he had been sold by Wu Meier's little girl. He was writing and drawing in the study, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Anyway... Wan Kuan doesn't need to go to court, and he doesn't need to order Mao, so he can spend a leisurely time at home all day long.

It's just that Wan Kuan can hide at home, but Cheng Yaojin can't hide at home all the time.

Today is the time when the army of the Sixteen Guards gathers to distribute weapons. Cheng Yaojin is the chief general of the Right Guards, so he had to show up in the barracks to sign and sign.

Cheng Yaojin used his helmet to block all his face along the way, but you couldn't block the flag behind him.

As soon as they entered the barracks, they all bowed their heads and snickered when they saw Cheng Yaojin. Everywhere Cheng Yaojin went, they were all whispering.

Cheng Yaojin was about to go crazy at this time, and wished he could hack them all to death with his big axe.

Just when Cheng Yaojin was helpless, he suddenly heard a hearty laugh.

"Cheng Dayan is here, everyone, look! Cheng Dayan is here!"

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth and raised his head, only to see Yu Chigong, the mortal enemy, standing opposite.

"Old Hei Yuchi, what are you calling?"

"Cheng Dayan, you still have the face to come out. If I were you, I would never go out again in my life."

Yuchi gave a respectful meal: ridicule, let Cheng Yaojin want to fight with him.

At this time, Li Jing walked back directly, sent Yu Chi Gong aside, and gave Cheng Yaojin a cold look.

"The right Weiwei quickly come to check your military supplies. There is no problem with the number of checks, so hurry up and sign it."

Cheng Yaojin breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly went into the tent to check.

He didn't even look at anything, he signed his name and ran away, but Qin Qiong stopped him directly.

"Brother Qin, my younger brother has something to do today.

Let's go first, and we'll talk about it later."

Qin Qiong directly grabbed Cheng Yaojin by the collar and held him in a corner of the tent.

"Yojin, brother, this is for your own good. Today, brother will prepare some gifts for you. You can take it to Wankuan's mansion and apologize to others."

"Brother Qin, I've already been so miserable, why do you want me to apologize to him now that my name Cheng Yaojin stinks in Chang'an City."

"That's why you have to apologize.

The two of you have a conflict, and now you are reluctant to resolve it, and there is still a rift in your heart."

Qin Qiong advised.

"But it's better to solve the enemy than to get married, you take your things and go to other people's houses.

At that time, the feud between the two of you will be over.

If you don't apologize, I will never help you in the future."

"If he doesn't help, he won't help, and I don't ask him to help me, I just ask him to stop hurting me."

Cheng Yaojin scratched his neck and said.

"If he doesn't help you, he will help others, and then it will still confuse you!"

Before Cheng Yaojin agreed, Qin Qiong took him out of the camp.

Anyway... Qin Qiong has decided on this peacemaker today.

At this time, Wan Kuan was thinking hard at home, how to deal with Wu Shun'er's two brothers, "Master, King Wei has a request!"

Xiao Laizi's voice interrupted Wan Kuan's thoughts.

"King Wei is here"

"No, then King Wei invites the young master to go to Wanfu Building to talk about it!"

"Go to my own tavern, what is Li Tai thinking about?"

Although Wan Kuan was a little dissatisfied, he still rode to Wanfu Building.

As a result, as soon as Wan Kuan left his forefoot and his hind foot, Qin Qiong came with Cheng Yaojin on his hind foot.

The two of them rushed to nothing, so they had to put down the gift and wait until another day to visit.

Sitting in the private room of Wanfu Building, Li Tai, Princess Changle, and Princess Wencheng, three people surrounded Wan Kuan and looked at Wan Kuan carefully.

"Wan Kuan, you are amazing, I have never seen my father so happy!"

Princess Changle kept talking about Li Shimin's happy appearance in the palace, although Li Shimin was relatively plain on the surface, but after Wan Kuan solved a big problem for him, he still danced with joy.

“A piece of cake, easy!”

Wan Kuan waved his hand, hiding his merit and fame.

"Wan Kuan, this king has used your method to teach the prince a good lesson, and now the prince will not dare to bully this king!"

"a piece of cake!"

Wan Kuan smiled slightly.

"Brother Wan, have you written a poem recently?"

Wencheng County Lord looked at Wan Kuan eagerly.

"Master, if you want poetry, I can write it now!"

"Farewell, Brother Wan, if there are good poems, I will write them later at the Friends of Literature Conference!"

"Wenyouhui What Wenyouhui"

Wan Kuan was a little puzzled.

Li Tai held a folding fan exactly like Wan Kuan and waved it casually: "Wan Kuan, every midsummer, Chang'an Xungui's son will hold a literary friend's meeting, and the literary world will be prosperous!"

"Not interested in!"

Wan Kuan looked disdainful.

Wencheng County Lord nodded: "With the literary talent of Brother Wan, it is really meaningless to participate in this kind of poetry meeting."

At this time, Li Tai raised his eyebrows: "Wan Kuan, this time you have to help this king and go to this literary friendship club!"

"Don't go, it's boring, there's no time!"

"Wan Kuan, you must go!"


"Because in the first two years of the Friends of Literature Club, all the guests of the crown prince took the limelight, this king was bullied enough.

With Wan Kuan here this year, this king is going to show off!"

Wan Kuan's eyes squinted: "He is the prince, what are you arguing with?"

"This king doesn't want to fight with him, but the prince has to... oppress this king.

When the guests of the prince's subordinates are in the limelight, the prince will sneer at us princes.

This king has to... fight for this tone!"

"Children, play the house!"

Wan Kuan smiled disdainfully.

"Wan Kuan, you can go.

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