Wan Kuan gave Wencheng County Lord a thumbs up: "After talking for a long time, Wencheng County Lord can see clearly."

Li Tai looked puzzled, chewing that... duck leg in his mouth.

The Princess Changle next to her had already eaten several pieces of meat while everyone was talking.

"Oh, sister Changle, why did you grab all the meat so quickly?"

Chang Le was a little proud at this time, his mouth was full of food, and his little hands were helpless.

And Wan Kuan just... smiled: "Don't panic, there is still a big goose stew in the pot in the backyard. Now that you are full from ducks, you don't have any stomach to eat goose meat."

Chang Le heard it immediately.

I regretted it, and hurriedly chopped the meat from the bowl into Li Tai's bowl.

Li Tai grimaced, his face wrinkled like a steamed bun.

To accompany a few princesses and princes to dinner is just... trouble, Wan Kuan finally sent them away, but he has to take a good rest.

Tomorrow, I'll go to Li Shimin with my down jacket, let him put it on, and have a good experience. Then I will hurry down and get married with Wu Shun'er.

This has been delayed for so long, Li Shimin is not in a hurry.

He is not in a hurry, Wan Kuan can be in a hurry, this is Wan Kuan marrying a daughter-in-law.

Li Shimin originally said that the Jiucheng Palace was meant to escape the summer, but he was urged by Wan Kuan to give it an order.

Li Shimin was upset. After seeing the down jacket brought by Wan Kuan, Li Shimin was completely stunned by the appearance of the down jacket.

"Wan Kuan, this is what you call warm clothes"

"Report to Your Majesty, it is!"

"This looks unremarkable, nothing special, just... I used the white folded cloth in the palace!"

"Your Majesty, there is heaven and earth in this dress.

As long as you wear it, it will not be cold for three or nine days!"

"Wan Kuan, there is no reason to speak!"

"Your Majesty, just find someone to try it out!"

Chapter 200

In the pavilion of Jiucheng Palace, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were looking at the down jacket, and they were unsure.

This dress doesn't look thick, it's just... white folded cloth, but it's dyed khaki.

Li Shimin squeezed it with his hands, and it was soft, but thinner than ordinary furs.

"Wan Kuan, don't be joking!"

"Your Majesty, I never joke!"

Li Shimin was surrounded by princesses and princes, and Li Chengqian sat far away from time to time, casting jealous eyes from time to time.

Li Tai jumped up and down on the side, very active, while Princess Changle and Princess Wencheng sat quietly.

"Father, just find someone to try it out."

Li Tai is smart.

"Qing Que'er, how can I try on this dress? It's a dog day. Anyone who wears this dress must be sweating profusely!"

Li Shimin is still smart, but Wan Kuan has his own way.

"Your Majesty, find someone to wear this dress and go to the ice cellar of Jiucheng Palace for an hour or two, wouldn't that be enough?"


Li Shimin hesitated.

On the other side, Empress Changsun smiled and said, "This is indeed a good idea! Although it is midsummer now, the ice cellar of Jiucheng Palace is freezing to the bone."

"Generally, the servants in the palace have to come out in less than half a stick of incense, otherwise they will catch a cold.

The waiter who carried the ice cubes also wore several layers of clothes to resist the cold!"

After listening to Li Shimin, he made a decision directly.

"If that's the case, then I will choose a strong bodyguard, put on this dress, and stay in the ice cellar for an hour."

After Li Shimin finished speaking, his eyes dangled on the guard beside him.

And those guards were a little backed out.

After all, this is not to kill the enemy on the battlefield, to kill the enemy on the battlefield, you will die, these guards will not frown at all.

But this severe cold is really unpredictable, and the feeling of icy coldness is too desperate.

When Li Shimin saw that no one came forward, he took the initiative to ask Ying, which made him a little disappointed.

"Wei Chi Gong!"


Yuchi Laohei was so frightened by Li Shimin's words that his heart came into his throat. Could it be that His Majesty chose him.

"Yu Chi Gong, who do you think should be sent?"


Yu Chigong hesitated.

At this time, Wan Kuan stood up: "Your Majesty, I don't think I have to choose a warrior.

On this battlefield, there are mostly small soldiers, just choose a healthy ordinary soldier!"

"Makes sense!"

Li Shimin nodded: "Then do you have... a good candidate?"

Wan Kuan always had a smile on his face, and no one of those guards dared to look at Wan Kuan.

This Wan Kuan is a famous supernatural power, and the person who offends Wan Kuan is also the most dangerous.

At this time, Wan Kuan passed the crowd and looked directly at Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian was shocked, is this Wan Kuan going to take revenge, "Your Majesty, the six commanders of the East Palace beside the prince are the most suitable!"

Wan Kuan's words made Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun frown. Are these two children endless? "Why him?"

Li Shimin said solemnly.

"Yesterday, Wei Chen was fortunate enough to meet the prince's Donggong Liushui, and then I thought about it, but it was nothing.

Since it is an ordinary soldier, then the Crown Prince's Eastern Sixth rate is the most suitable!"

Wan Kuan's words made Li Chengqian's face change again and again, from pale at first to flushed later.

The blood in Li Chengqian's body is about to rise again, and this Wan Kuan really won't let it go! "Wan Kuan, you can say that the six leaders of the East Palace are all elites in the army, but they are not... ordinary soldiers!"

"But yesterday, the guards, the prince, were slow-eyed and clumsy.

Far from being the elite!"

"Wan Kuan, you are talking nonsense!"

"Prince, maybe these guards are elites in the army, but in the East Palace they are just... kittens!"

"Wan Kuan, you..."

"A sheep led by a lion will surely defeat a lion led by a sheep, Prince, do you think so?"

Wan Kuan looked at Li Chengqian with a smile from beginning to end, while Li Chengqian was trembling all over, as if he was about to fall to the ground in the next moment! "Okay, just do what Wan Kuan wants!"

Li Shimin directly interrupted the fight between Wan Kuan and Li Chengqian. These two children are really worrying! Wan Kuan is aggressive and refuses to suffer.

And Li Chengqian was secretly ruthless and used his power to overwhelm people.

Li Shimin was a little upset, and Empress Changsun was also upset.

The head of Li Chengqian's bodyguard was directly named by Li Shimin and had to come out.

Li Chengqian's face was like frost, and Wan Kuan felt that standing beside Li Chengqian could feel the chill.

The head of the guard put on his clothes and was taken to the ice cellar by Yu Chigong.

An hour, but a long time.

Li Chengqian felt that if he stood in the ice cellar for an hour, his life would definitely be gone.

Wan Kuan asked his guard to go to the ice cellar. In fact, he was taking the opportunity to take revenge, to take revenge for the revenge that he brought people into his yard yesterday! Li Chengqian clenched his fists, and his prince's majesty was completely trampled by Wan Kuan. .

What kind of lion and sheep, Wan Kuan is just implying that he is a waste.

Li Chengqian's whole body exudes icy coldness, and the people on the side don't dare to approach at all.

On the other hand, Wan Kuan was laughing with Li Tai and the two of them, completely ignoring Li Chengqian.

Li Tai, plus Chang Le, Wen Cheng, a group of princes and princesses surrounded Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, it looked like a family's happiness.

And Empress Zhangsun looked at Wan Kuan who was singing with Li Taiyi, her eyes were slightly moist, and her son finally gathered together.

And Empress Changsun's expression quietly fell into Cui Yingying's eyes, and Cui Yingying secretly wrote it down in her heart.

An hour is neither long nor short.

When the time was up, Li Shimin went directly outside the ice cellar to see the guard.

Li Chengqian also followed, and he had to collect the body for his bodyguard.

This guard is... the victim of the struggle between Li Chengqian and Wan Kuan. In order to win over people's hearts, Li Chengqian must go to collect the corpse! But as soon as the door of the ice cellar opened, the guard was trembling a little, but his face was still a little rosy.

The whole person can't be said to be alive, but it is still far from becoming a corpse! "This clothes is really useful"

Li Shimin looked at the guard suspiciously: "You feel cold"

"Go back to your majesty, this dress is really warm and small: standing in the ice cellar, although a little gloomy, it's not too cold!"


Li Shimin took a deep breath.

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