"Your Majesty, although this porcelain has cooled down, it is still hot. If your hand touches it, it will burn several bags."

Li Shimin felt a little pity, he couldn't help rubbing his hands, looking like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

"Wan Kuan, how did you burn this porcelain?"

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen told you this method, but you don't understand it."

"Fuck! Why can't I hear..."

Li Shimin suddenly got stuck when he said this. He didn't seem to understand what metal ions Wan Kuan was talking about just now.

"Wan Kuan, you should probably talk to me."

"There are many processes involved, such as what kind of clay to choose, how to deal with the clay, how high the temperature is in the furnace, how many... ,Floor."

Wan Kuan said slowly: "These... all are difficult, and His Majesty won't be able to learn it for a while.

Anyway... as long as your majesty knows, these... porcelains are... in the furnace of one color: , come out in a thousand colors."

After Li Shimin heard this, he looked at Wan Kuan with gritted teeth.

He found himself with Wan Kuan, and was always belittled by Wan Kuan unconsciously.

Li Shimin felt very uncomfortable being an emperor by himself, like an old landlord who didn't know anything in Wankuan.

However, what Wan Kuan said just now, he couldn't understand, and Li Shimin couldn't help it.

However, in view of Wan Kuan's burning of such good porcelain, Li Shimin didn't care.

At this time, Wan Kuan's face was a little mean, and he leaned over to Li Shimin and asked, "Your Majesty, let's see how the marriage proposal I have prepared will make the Cui family speechless."

Li Shimin smiled coldly and shook his head directly.

Wan Kuan was a little strange: "Your Majesty, these...Porcelains are not found in the sky, but only in the ground."

Li Shimin laughed at this moment: "Wan Kuan, your porcelain is good, but you can't use it as a marriage proposal."

"Your Majesty, is this why the Cui family hates porcelain the most?"

"Hebei's most famous white porcelain is actually... the Cui family is firing, and he doesn't hate it at all.


"Then why does the Cui family think that this porcelain is too bright and beautiful, and steals the sound of their white porcelain?"

"That's not true. You have such good porcelain-firing skills, so it's too late for the Cui family to win over you."

"That's why, can't the Cui family be satisfied with these gifts?"

"Because of these...I have to take the porcelain and put it in my palace in the future. You can't use them to propose marriage to the Cui family."

Wan Kuan was speechless after hearing this, and the whole person was stunned.

And Li Shimin laughed when he saw Wan Kuan's stunned expression.

"Come here, move all these porcelains to the Hall of Nectar, I want to appreciate them one by one."

After he finished speaking, Li Shimin looked up at the sky with a long smile, and left the Shaofu Prison directly, leaving Wan Kuan alone in a daze.

At this time, Lao Yu came over and whispered: "Master Hou, don't be angry."

At this time, Wan Kuan came back to his senses, looked at Li Shimin's back, gritted his teeth and pointed his finger directly, and was about to curse.

That Lao Yu hurriedly stopped Wan Kuan: "Master Hou, you must not be confused, this majesty hasn't gone far, if you want to scold, you have to hide in the corner and scold secretly, don't Let it be heard, or your Majesty will have to chop off your head."

"Okay, this majesty is really cunning and cunning, otherwise he wouldn't be an emperor."

Wan Kuan was really gnashing his teeth, wishing he could just kick Li Shimin's ass and kick him like a dog.

But now there is no other way, then Li Shimin directly took away the porcelain that he worked so hard to make, so there is no other way to do it, "Master Hou, or you can accept your fate, let's burn this porcelain again, Anyway... the last time was the first time we did it, and we didn't have enough experience... The second time we did it would definitely be better than the first time."

Wan Kuan thought about it carefully, what Lao Yu said was right, but Wan Kuan was still worried.

"Lao Yu, the porcelain will be fired next, and it will be thinner and brighter than the ones that the emperor took away..."

"Master Hou, don't worry, after the first time, those of us......the craftsmen have all the experience."

"And you have to remember, Lao Yu, show me the door of the young mansion supervisor, and as long as someone close to the emperor comes over, hurry up and hide it for me.

If you let the emperor take away the porcelain I burned again, I will burn you into porcelain."

"Ah, burn me into porcelain"

Lao Yu took a few steps back in fright.

"That's right, wrap your body in clay and burn you into terracotta warriors. I'll paint you on top of it, so that you won't be immortal for a thousand years or ten thousand years."

Lao Yu was frightened and trembling, Wan Kuan stomped his feet and walked out.

What's so special, this day was wasted, and Li Shimin got the first move.

Wan Kuan rode his horse and hurried back to the mansion to sleep. It was best to dream of Li Shimin in his dream, and Wan Kuan punched him a few times to let out his breath.

It is best to burn Li Shimin into a terracotta warrior sandbag, and he can punch twice a day.

Chapter 214

On the other hand, Li Shimin was triumphant, and returned to the Hall of Nectar with the porcelain in his arms.

The Empress Changsun was also a little surprised when she saw that Li Shimin had brought so many things back.

"Let the imperial kitchen cook more good dishes, I want to drink two cups."

"Your Majesty, why are you so happy?"

"Haha, today I became a bandit once and grabbed a lot of good things."


Empress Changsun was a little surprised, but when Empress Changsun saw those ...... porcelains, she was also shocked and couldn't close her mouth.

"Your Majesty, these are all treasures in the world, ah, each piece is invaluable, how did Kuan'er do it?"

"Guanyin maid, don't ask about it, even I don't understand it, anyway... it's like singing a book from heaven, but this thing is really good."

"Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty still has a lot of business to do, but with this porcelain...it can be regarded as a sharp weapon in hand."

"The maidservant of Guanyin is right, this porcelain is indeed a good thing, and it can take those money and grain out of the hands of those aristocratic families.

I originally wanted to wait until the Turks were defeated before sending Kuan'er out, but now it seems that we don't have to wait that long."

"Your Majesty, do you want to send Kuan'er out?"

"Yes, I have already thought about it, as long as Kuan'er gets married, I will directly send Kuan'er out to be the shepherd of a state."

"I don't know where your majesty wants to send Kuan'er to"

Li Shimin smiled coldly after hearing this: "Kuan'er is the son-in-law of the Cui family. If I send him to Hebei, do you think it would be a good idea?"

The Empress Changsun was a little surprised when she heard it, her eyes couldn't stop swimming, and finally she said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, this is a dangerous move."

"That's right, if you don't enter a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son."

"But Your Majesty, in this case, Kuan'er must be in danger.

Does Your Majesty have to sacrifice his own son in order to get the tiger son?"

Empress Zhangsun was a little anxious, so she said something serious, but Li Shimin listened...with a straight face.

"Guanyin maid, you don't have to worry, this Kuan'er has the ability to deal with those noble families in Hebei."

"But Kuan'er is only in his teens now. Those aristocratic families are cunning and deep-rooted, let alone Kuan'er. Even... it would be even more difficult to deal with him with the power of the imperial court."

"It is naturally extremely difficult for the imperial court to deal with those noble families, so only people like Kuan'er who have taken a different approach can think of a way.

I think it is more appropriate for Kuan'er to go, because he is the son-in-law of the Cui family, at least the Cui family will protect his safety."

After hearing this, Empress Zhangsun shook her head: "Your Majesty, when did this family care about family affection? For the sake of benefit and family, let alone a son-in-law, even a son should be killed."

Li Shimin nodded, what Empress Changsun said was right, for the past few hundred years, relying on... this kind of cold blood, sending Wan Kuan out was indeed a dangerous move.

But now the Tang Dynasty is waiting for all kinds of businesses, and there is no breakthrough at all. If you only rely on farmers to cultivate the land, you will have to depend on the sky.

The weather is good and the rain is good, of course, it is safe, but if there is a locust plague, drought, or flood, the situation will be unstable.

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty was surrounded by crises, and Li Shimin had long wanted to draw his sword and look around.

And if you want to use troops externally, without the support of internal money and food, it is simply impossible.

And Li Shimin also saw that it wasn't Fang Xuanling who could solve this problem at this time, nor was it the eldest grandson Wuji, nor was that kind of... military commander.

Only Wan Kuan can solve this problem.

Wan Kuan is really a lucky star bestowed by God.

Li Shimin felt that only Wan Kuan could do this, and since Wan Kuan was going to be an emperor in the future, he should have accepted it earlier.

Instead of waiting until all of a sudden, a burden fell on him.

Empress Zhangsun was very worried, but she knew that Li Shimin's decision could not be changed.

She could only sigh, sit down silently, and touch the... chinaware in front of her as if she were touching her own son.

"Your Majesty, the head of the Cui family, Cui Wanping, has entered Chang'an, and his concubines have already been arranged to be sent to Taichang Temple."

When Li Shimin heard this, a mysterious smile appeared on his face: "It seems that Cui Wanping really cares about this marriage. If that's the case, then I will invite the father and son of the Cui family into the palace tomorrow night, and I want to entertain them."

"Then, Your Majesty, this matter can be ordered."

"There is no need to issue an decree, that is... an ordinary audience, and there is no need to disturb other courtiers."

Wan Kuan doesn't know yet, he has been pushed to the cusp by Li Shimin, and now he has to go to the Shaofu Supervisor to watch the firing of porcelain.

This damned Li Shimin actually robbed his own things, which is really not particular.

Wan Kuan came out of the Shaofu prison to take a breath, and then walked near the west gate of the imperial city. After those guarding soldiers saw Wan Kuan, they pretended not to see it.

Who is Wan Kuan, he is a favorite like a prince, and no one dares to stop him if he wants to enter the palace.

Wan Kuan was a little thirsty and planned to go to Princess Changle's side to escape the summer heat, so he walked directly on the avenue of the palace.

Wan Kuan remembered which palace Princess Changle was in and it seemed that it was not far from here.

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