There is nothing noisy in the East Palace, only peace.

Li Chengqian is no longer angry now, but more gloomy.

There were many changes in Chang'an City that night, and even in the Cui Mansion, the father and son were chatting on candle nights.

That Cui Hao sat at the start of Cui Wanping with a respectful look on his face.

Just now, the two of them were drinking and having fun in the palace, looking like they were drunk, but after returning home, their eyes showed shrewd expressions, and there was no trace of drunkenness. "Father, Your Majesty's banquet today is very interesting."

That Cui Wanping stroked his beard and laughed: "Although you and I are the masters of the Cui family, but there is no official position in the imperial court, nor a title, it is indeed a little strange that your majesty should directly invite you and my father and son into the palace. ."

"Father, even if there is no title or official position, our Cui family is a first-class family.

Even His Majesty would not dare to underestimate it, today's banquet shows this."

"Hey, Hao'er, you are wrong about this. I'm afraid that your majesty's invitation to you and me today has other meanings."

"Father, I don't know what you mean by this, Your Majesty didn't say anything superfluous during the banquet today. He just talked about Yingying's marriage, and in his words, he praised that... Wan Kuan."

"Yes, that makes father very strange."

"Father, what's so strange about this? After all, we came to Chang'an this time for Yingying's marriage, and that Wan Kuan was assigned by His Majesty. His Majesty must say something nice."

Then Cui Wanping waved his hand: "Hao'er, you still haven't found the key to this problem. The most thought-provoking thing is why His Majesty likes Wan Kuan so much. Until now, we still haven't figured it out clearly."

"Father, I also heard that my son came to Chang'an.

That Wan Kuan is indeed very talented, and his literary talents are flourishing. In addition, he is young and promising, so it is normal for His Majesty to love him.

Today, His Majesty is the most practical, and Wan Kuan has made a lot of credit for His Majesty, of course His Majesty favors him."

"Hao'er, you see the problem is too simple.

No matter how practical your Majesty is today, he is still an emperor.

Moreover, His Majesty was killed in blood at Xuanwumen, and he sees some things more thoroughly than others."

Cui Wanping looked like God was there.

"My father knows that it is ten thousand broad and rootless, although there is some ability, but this kind of person can be used by ordinary emperors, but they will not be too fond.

Generally, some talented people are proud, the more you dote on him, the more arrogant he will be."

"So it's right to suppress such people, but His Majesty is extremely condoning.

Young man, young and frivolous, the more you indulge him, the more you will hurt if Your Majesty really has high hopes for this kind of generosity, you should beat him repeatedly instead of acting like this."

Cui Hao looked suspicious: "What do you think this Wan Kuan is from?"

Cui Wanping shook his head: "I can't see clearly for my father, I don't know if Your Majesty really likes this Wan Kuan.

If you really like this Wan Kuan and plan to use it forever, you should let him keep a low profile, don't have a fight with this prince today, and a conflict with the prince tomorrow."

"Could it be that Your Majesty wants this Wan Kuan to be a solitary minister and only be loyal to himself. Apart from that, it doesn't matter how many people Wan Kuan offends."

Then Cui Hao suddenly thought of a possibility.

At this time, Cui Hao was a little nervous: "Father, if this is the case, wouldn't it be too dangerous for Yingying to marry Wan Kuan, and our Cui family may be implicated by Wan Kuan at that time."

"Hao'er, you're always staring at some small things without seeing the big picture.

Now the court wants to ease the relationship with the noble family, and Wan Kuan is currently popular, and His Majesty personally ordered the marriage, which means that Wan Kuan is still on the rise for at least ten years."

"Father, what about ten years later?"

"And ten years from now, who can say for sure?"

"Father, there is not enough time for one who is not enough to seek eternal life!"

"Haha, Hao'er, but sometimes people can't look too far, and the things in front of them are the most important.

Just thinking about the horizon, but not seeing the trap under your feet, this is unacceptable!"

"Father, the child has been taught!"

"Okay, after the banquet, His Majesty will send someone to the manor to propose marriage, then everything will be done according to the etiquette, and our Cui family's face cannot be lost.

In the future, this Wan Kuan will be the son-in-law of our Cui family, and I don't know if this Wan Kuan is His Majesty's pawn."

"Father, the boy knows."

The imperial decree was issued, and the marriage of Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying was immediately put on the agenda.

The first step to get married is to propose a marriage, and the man can't go there, which means Wan Kuan can't go to Cui Mansion.

Because the person who proposed the marriage had to be the man who invited some people with high morals and respect, and since this marriage was bestowed by His Majesty, Li Shimin also arranged the person who proposed the marriage for him.

It is directly... the two princes of the royal family, one is King Li Daozong of Jiangxia, and the other is King Li Xiaogong of Hejian.

The two candidates for marriage did not feel anything strange.

After all, two princes were used to propose marriage, which showed Li Shimin's love for Wan Kuan.

Moreover, Wan Kuan himself has no roots and no support, so he directly replaced the fame of his own family with the prince of the royal family.

However, Wan Kuan still felt a little strange when he saw this candidate for mentioning relatives.

Because there are too many people of high moral character in this court, why must it be Li Daozong and Li Xiaogong? Both of them are princes surnamed Li. If Li Shimin really loves himself, he can let Fang Xuanling and Gao Shilian Or a big guy like Xiao Yu.

After all, these three 3 are still giants in the literary world. If they go to the Cui family to propose a marriage, the Cui family may be happier.

Li Daozong and Li Xiaogong are just... two generals, if they go to propose marriage, the Cui family may not be happy.

And Li Shimin naturally has his own plans. Others don't know who Wan Kuan is, but he knows.

Wan Kuan is his own son, and it is reasonable to say that if his prince proposes marriage, he must be a highly respected person in the royal family.

Chapter 220

And now the most virtuous and respected person in the royal family is... Li Yuan, but he is the Supreme Emperor, so naturally he can't go.

In addition, people of the same age as Li Yuan are far away in Jinyang, not in Chang'an.

And if Li Shimin sent these....... the older generation, everyone would find it even more strange, so he let his two cousins ​​go after the calculation, which is also considered Li Shimin. People with more respect and dignity.

In the palace of the Jiangxia King in Chang'an City, Li Daozong rode a tall horse, feeling a little depressed.

Originally, he didn't have a good impression of Wan Kuan, but this time His Majesty asked him to propose a marriage, which made him feel a little depressed.

At this time, the old housekeeper had prepared everything for Li Daozong. When proposing marriage, he did not need to bring heavy gifts, but he also had to bring some small gifts.

Of course, these are all fixed rules, and there is no need for Li Daozong to prepare them. His Majesty gave them to him directly.

"Your Majesty, this is His Majesty's will, everything is ready for you."

Li Daozong nodded: "Is the young lady still depressed recently?"

"My lord, don't mention it.

Since last night, the lady has locked herself in the Xiulou, and she hasn't come out yet."

"What's wrong with this girl? It's been a little unusual recently, and she didn't even eat food?"

"If you go back to the lord, the Miss Fan we sent in... ate all of them, but she just didn't come out."

"Just eat, this girl doesn't know what's going on insane.

Set off, don't let Hejian Wang wait for a long time!"

The Princess Wencheng hid in the embroidered building alone and looked at the sky outside the window, his whole person was unhappy.

Then Wan Kuan is about to propose a marriage today, and the person who proposed the marriage turned out to be his own father, which made County Lord Wencheng feel uncomfortable no matter what he thought.

The poems written by Wan Kuan can be memorized by Wencheng County Lord.

Although some of the poems are incomplete, Princess Wencheng reads them several times every night before going to bed.

When he was at home, Princess Wencheng kept transcribing.

If you happen to meet Wan Kuan by chance, Princess Wencheng will be happy for several days.

There is too much love and love in this Wankuan poem. If the two loves last for a long time, why can't I have a lover and finally get married? Wencheng County Lord held his chin and looked at the sky outside the high wall without laughing. The voice fades away, and the passion is always annoyed by the ruthlessness.

Wencheng County Lord recited these two lines of poetry, and suddenly shed two lines of clear tears.

"Master, what's wrong with you, is there something sad in your heart?"

The little girl on the side asked quickly after seeing it.

"Forget it, I told you you didn't understand."

"The slave girl knows that the young lady has in her heart that Mr. Wan is that Mr. Wan has been given marriage by His Majesty, and it is extremely difficult to change.

The lady is also the princess, it is impossible for her to be a concubine, so the lady is still in love."

After hearing this, Wencheng County Master was upset and waved his hand directly to let that... little girl go out quickly.

It's just a joke to let others see it when you feel sad to yourself.

As the royal county lord, the marriage was out of his own hands.

Whether it is a royal woman or a woman from an aristocratic family, marriage must be controlled by others.

At this time, Wencheng County Lord was very envious of Cui Yingying, the emperor just appointed the first talent of the Tang Dynasty to her, this is a blessing that can be cultivated in many lifetimes.

And County Lord Wencheng was just panicking, not knowing who he would be assigned to marry in the future.

If it wasn't for his identity as the county master, Wencheng county master would rather be Wan Kuan as a concubine.

It is also better to be Wan Kuan's concubine than to be a first-class wife.

At this time, Li Daozong didn't know that his daughter had such thoughts. He rode on the horse and was chatting with Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the Cui family's mansion, Li Daozong's face was not very good.

"King Hejian, why did His Majesty ask you and me to propose marriage? It's a bit unconventional!"

"Dao Zong, Your Majesty has his own considerations on this matter. This is His Majesty's gift of marriage. Having you and me here means that Your Majesty attaches great importance to Wan Kuan.

After all, in terms of titles, the two of us are already the highest princes."

Li Daozong pouted at this time: "It's really cheap, that kid Wan Kuan! I don't know what he is good at, but he is so important to His Majesty."

"Daozong, don't be dissatisfied with this matter.

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