At this time, Cui Wanping's mind was also shaking, and some souls were uneasy.

Today, Cui Wanping received too many shocks, and for a while his mind was out of control.

But even so, Cui Wanping scoffed at his son's words.

"Nonsense, how can there be any immortals in this world? Our aristocratic family doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, why should we scare ourselves?"

"There are so many colored glazes on it, and it would be even more difficult to see a single 1. How come there are so many colored glazes on this Guanyin statue?"

Cui Hao swallowed.

Chapter 226

The Cui family were all passionate at this time, and for the first time in their lives, a trace of inferiority appeared in their hearts.

"Brother, Chang'an City all said that Wan Kuan and Lord Long are good friends.

Maybe these....Liu Li is... Dragon Palace's treasure, borrowed by Wan Kuan."

"It's possible, even if this Wan Kuan is not an immortal, he must have some magical powers!"

Cui Wanping was completely speechless, and his two sons began to babble.

It is said that the Cui family has countless treasures, but at this time the Cui family is like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

On the other side, all the dowry gifts for Wan Kuan have been delivered, and it is time for the gift-giving team to return home.

Those...people scattered in a swarm as soon as the Guanyin statue was pushed away.

Next, these people will spread the grand occasion of Wan Kuan's marriage proposal all over the city of Chang'an.

In less than half a day, the news of Wan Kuan's marriage proposal will be known throughout Chang'an.

Wan Kuan went back to the house at this time, and he couldn't enter the Cui family's door anyway, after all, this is the rule.

After that, the Cui family will hand over the marriage certificate and write the royal auspicious day on it.

Then, after the marriage letter reaches Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan can report to Honglu Temple, which is equivalent to saying that the marriage of the two is officially reached.

At this time, Cui Yingying was already a member of the Wan family.

Wan Kuan is now a marquis, and can be regarded as a noble of the Tang Dynasty, so even if he is married, he has to go according to the etiquette.

The marriage certificate was handed to Honglu Temple, and after Cui Yingying married Wan Kuan, she also had her own imperial title.

Marquis's wife was originally a nobleman.

The Cui family is now shocked by the gifts that Wan Kuan gave... The betrothal gifts are too precious, even if they are the head of the family, they have never seen such a precious thing.

And that Cui Wanping had been sitting in the room, not saying a word, looking at the book of Diamond Sutra, his eyes couldn't stop dazed.

The Cui family didn't know what he was thinking. Cui Hao and Cui Bolue were surrounded by the... Guanyin statue and placed it in the backyard Buddhist temple.

This wealthy family built their own Buddhist hall, and usually came here to recite sutras and pray for blessings when they had nothing to do.

Wan Kuan gave three treasures of the Buddhist family at once, not to mention the white jade Buddha statue, an absolute treasure.

That Lingshan Arhat statue is also a treasure, and it is a treasure that no one has ever seen before.

Zhengming Wa Liang, who seemed to have a different feeling, this treasure was directly put into the Cui family's warehouse.

And that... Avalokitesvara statue is placed on the backyard, which is plated with a layer of gold, and inlaid with countless glass and crystals.

The red one in the middle looks like... a gem.

Cui Hao and Cui Bolue turned around and were amazed.

As soon as it got dark, let the candle light up, and the Guanyin statue looked even more compassionate and dazzling under the light of the candle, making Cui Hao almost want to kneel down and kowtow a few times.

And Cui Wanping had been sitting in the study, not saying a word, and the Cui family did not dare to go in to disturb, only that Cui Yingying, relying on her grandfather's love for her, dared to go in and have a look.

"Grandpa, you haven't eaten since this afternoon, and the granddaughter instructed the kitchen to cook a bowl of white porridge, or else you should pad your stomach first.

Grandpa, you are too old to be hungry."

Then Cui Wanping looked at his most beloved granddaughter, with a smile on his face: "Yingying, grandpa is really not in the mood to eat."

"Grandpa, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with Wan Kuan's offer of betrothal gifts today? If there is, grandpa doesn't need to be angry, then Wan Kuan has no foundation and doesn't understand these etiquettes. If there are some mistakes, grandpa doesn't have to worry about it. superior."

"Grandpa isn't worried about this at all, it's what Grandpa is worried about."

While speaking, Cui Wanping patted the Diamond Sutra on the table.

Cui Yingying went up and looked carefully. The Buddhist scriptures were written in Wankuan's font. It was simple and simple, and it seemed to give people a sense of Taoism. This font is most suitable for copying books.

"Grandpa, is there anything wrong with this Diamond Sutra? If there is, don't be angry, grandpa.

That Wan Kuan doesn't believe in Buddhism either, and his understanding of Buddhist scriptures is indeed a bit biased.

At this time, Cui Wanping's face was very ugly: "Yingying, this is not copied at all, it is printed."

"Grandpa, if it was printed, how wide would it be to engrave on a stone tablet..."

"Yingying, this shouldn't be carved out of a stone tablet.

The words copied on the stone tablet are all curved, far from being so straight. Grandpa doesn't know how the Wankuan came out, but he shouldn't have spent too long printing these two hundred Buddhist scriptures. It was terrifying.”

"Grandpa, what is there to fear, is it wrong to print Buddhist scriptures?"

"Printing Buddhist scriptures is right, the key is Wan Kuan's ability.

If every book can be printed like this, then soon those... classics and history books will no longer be treasures, and those readers will not have to come to our family to borrow books."

When Cui Yingying heard this, she immediately.


"Grandpa, granddaughter understands what you mean.

You are saying that if Wan Kuan makes this method public, everyone can use it to print books, so the books will be worthless.

Ordinary people can also buy books and read, and since then, our aristocratic family has no advantage."

After listening, Cui Wanping nodded: "There are so many Cui family members, it seems that only you understand what Grandpa thinks.

Your father and your second uncle seem shrewd, but all day and night they only revolve around the Avalokitesvara Buddha statue, no matter how precious those things are, they are just playthings."

"But the method of printing the book is the most important thing. If the book is worthless in the future, everyone can buy a copy for a few pennies.

Since then, the library of my family has become worthless, and those... poor scholars don't have to be attached to our family, they can just buy books and read on their own."

Cui Yingying understood what her grandfather meant, Wan Kuan's two hundred Buddhist scriptures had shaken the foundation of the family.

If the aristocratic family couldn't win over scholars, then there would be no way to occupy so many official positions in the court, and those... poor scholars would come to the fore.

The roots of the aristocratic family that have been high for hundreds of years are and knowledge.

With land, there will be a fixed amount of food, the family will not starve to death, and there will be a material foundation.

And if you monopolize books, you monopolize the readers in this world. Anyone who wants to read must depend on the family.

Chapter 227

Learn the arts of literature and martial arts, and sell goods to the imperial family.

Every scholar is to be an official.

If these scholars were supported by the aristocratic family, then after becoming an official, they would definitely have to do things for the aristocratic family.

And once there is no obstacle for readers to read, they can buy books at will.

In that case, the advantages of the aristocratic family will no longer exist.

Since then, the status of the aristocratic family must collapse on a large scale, and this is what Cui Wanping is worried about.

It's just that even if he is worried now, there is nothing he can do, because he can't kill Wan Kuan either.

After all, Wan Kuan is also Li Shimin's favorite minister. Maybe Wan Kuan's method has already been told to Li Shimin. Even if Wan Kuan is killed, Li Shimin can still use this method to deal with the family.

It's just that Cui Wanping's idea was wrong, and his worries were unnecessary.

Because Li Shimin didn't know Wan Kuan's block printing technique.

Li Shimin is now listening to the report of the Hundred Knights on the whole process of Wan Kuan's betrothal gift today. Listening and listening, the calm expression on Li Shimin's face gradually disappeared, and it turned directly into a look of surprise.

Seeing Li Shimin in a daze, the people from the Hundred Knights had to retreat carefully.

At this time, no one dared to sit beside Li Shimin except... Empress Changsun.

And Empress Zhangsun looked at Li Shimin, who was motionless, and felt a little anxious. What happened to His Majesty? Why did she become so surprised when she heard the return of the hundred knights.

Logically speaking, this lenient ability is sky-high, no matter what kind of things he does, it will not surprise people, why this time Li Shimin has become so abnormal: "Your Majesty, do you have any unhappiness in your heart? If so, please inform your concubine, minister The concubine is willing to share the worries for Your Majesty."

Empress Changsun's persuasion brought Li Shimin back to reality. At this time, Li Shimin looked at Empress Changsun beside him, and didn't know whether to be happy or sad, whether to be happy or to sigh.

There was a mixed expression on his face, and in the end he just managed to squeeze out a smile.

"Guanyin maid, in fact, I have nothing to worry about, but I really feel that I have underestimated Kuan'er before.

I only now understand what the use of Kuan’er carving wood planks in the Shaofu Supervisor these days is, it’s really amazing.”

"How do you say this, Your Majesty?"

"Guanyin maid, I originally thought that Kuan'er was a talented young man, even if he had some talent and some talent, he was just a young man, at most a young adult.

But now I understand that some people can't handle it with common sense."

Li Shimin was quite emotional at this time: "Just like Gan Luo, who became prime minister at the age of twelve, his twelve-year-old is even smarter than others' twenty-year-old.

And today I think Kuan'er is the same person, but Kuan'er was born in the royal family."

"Why does Your Majesty have such an opinion on Kuan'er? My concubine is really unclear. Is it because of the few peerless treasures that Kuan'er gave to the Cui family today?"

Li Shimin shook his head: "No, those... peerless treasures, no matter how precious they are, will not be in my eyes, because I understand what this country needs."

"What this country needs is not peerless treasures, but wheat and rice, iron tools and land, silk and twine, and elite soldiers and strong generals."

At this moment, Li Shimin's eyes became profound: "Even if that peerless treasure is ingenious, it is just a treasure.

You can't eat when you're hungry, you can't drink when you're thirsty, and you can't wear them when you're cold, such a peerless treasure is not good for the current Tang Dynasty."

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