While Li Shimin was eating, Wan Kuan was also dangling his legs on the chair, looking like a condescending child, and he didn't take the emperor Li Shimin in his eyes at all.

Anyway... come today, Li Shimin also has business affairs, so he won't be angry with Wan Kuan.

"Wan Kuan, I ask you, how did you print the two hundred Buddhist scriptures?"

"Your Majesty, your people are just outside the Shaofu Prison. You know everything about the minister's actions, so why don't you ask?"

"Then why can't the engraving plate I made be printed?"

Chapter 232

In fact, Li Shimin also learned from Wan Kuan to carve the golden nanmu into wooden planks, and engraved a line of Analects on it, but the printed font is far less clear than Wan Kuan's.

Not only the ink often breaks between the lines, but also the ink is printed on the carton quickly, and it is not clear at all.

Wan Kuan smiled directly after hearing this: "Your Majesty, if it was so easy to print a book by carving a piece of golden nanmu, someone would have come up with this method long ago."

"What nonsense you have, please tell me your method."

"Your Majesty, in fact, the crux of the problem is that you have to brush a layer of tung oil on the engraved carving board, then bake it in the furnace, and then brush it again until the surface is extremely smooth."

"It's that simple"

"Of course it's not that simple, and the ink has to be specially made.

You can't use ordinary ink, you have to add ink in it."

"What is Ink"

"Ink oil is a clear oil made from lard and soybean oil.

Mix it in the ink, the ink will coagulate, and after printing on the paper, it will be clear and easy to separate without dyeing."

"You kid, there are so many twists and turns, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Your Majesty, you didn't ask. I thought Your Majesty didn't care about these things."

"Bullshit, this method of engraving and printing books is an unparalleled treasure in this world, much stronger than those glazed Guanyin, why don't you want to give it to me if you have such a treasure?"

"Your Majesty is actually exaggerating. This engraving is far from being that good."

"Nonsense, why isn't it so good? With it, you can really print unlimited books, isn't it?"

"But has your Majesty ever thought about how much golden nanmu is there... You have engraved the Analects of Confucius and golden nanmu have you engraved Mencius, do you still have enough wood for the Book of Songs?"

When Li Shimin heard this, he was a little stunned.

Wan Kuan is right, this golden nanmu is very rare, even if you use it to carve a carving board, you can't carve much.

At most, it would be good to engrave the entire Analects of Confucius. In this case, how could he engrave other characters? Li Shimin was a little stunned for a moment.

At this time, Li Shimin suddenly lost his appetite, and this person was stunned, as if his whole body had been drained of his strength.

Wan Kuan couldn't help pouting after watching it.

This Li Shimin is still the emperor, so he can't be calm at all.

It's too weak to be happy and angry.

At this time, Wan Kuan couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry, Wei Chen still has a way to print books."

"You have a way to say it quickly!"

Li Shiyou regained hope.

"Your Majesty, there is a way, but this has to be passed through. Now this way is just an idea, so Wei Chen will not talk about it for now."

"Why do you like to betray you so much and say that I will punish you for the crime of disrespect."

After Wan Kuan heard it, he turned the page, Li Shimin was too irritable, and he would bully the small at every turn.

In fact, Wan Kuan didn't know that Li Shimin attached too much importance to this method of printing books.

As a last resort, Wan Kuan had to tell Li Shimin about movable type printing.

After Li Shimin heard this, his eyes lit up with a brush.

In fact, the movable type printing that Wan Kuan said was a simplified version of the movable type printing technique, not the movable type printing technique invented by Bi Sheng in the Song Dynasty.

The movable type printing technique invented by Bi Sheng in the Song Dynasty used clay, which was engraved with characters and then fired.

It's just that... the composition of the glue is really difficult to grasp. Wan Kuan actually tried to burn it twice, but the fonts that were burned were always full of cracks, and it was impossible to read them clearly.

Therefore, Wan Kuan told Li Shimin that the movable type printing technique is actually cutting golden nanmu into small pieces, engraving a character on each piece, and then using these small pieces to arrange .

In this way, a variety of books can be printed.

However, there is also a big problem with this, that is, the glue must be easy to obtain.

The golden nanmu is extremely rare, and other woods cannot solve the problem of water absorption.

So even if it is movable type printing, if you take out the golden nanmu of the whole palace, you can only engrave a set of Chinese characters.

Even if this set of Chinese characters can be continuously arranged and combined, the overall progress is very slow, so it is far from the article in the Song Dynasty.

Although in Wan Kuan's eyes, there are still many loopholes in his simple version of engraving and printing, but in Li Shimin's view, it is already a treasure.

He was very excited, rubbed his hands together, and walked around in Wankuan's dining room, as if he had got some great treasure.

Wan Kuan looked at Li Shimin, like a donkey pulling a mill, turning around and around, and seeing a little dizzy, he closed his eyes and rested for a while...

It's so beautiful to eat, drink and sleep.

After Li Shimin's excitement passed, he saw that Wan Kuan had already fallen asleep, and Li Shimin stomped his feet in anger, awakening Wan Kuan.

"Your Majesty, you are happy enough"

"What do you mean when you're happy enough, isn't it worth being happy?"

"Your Majesty, what is auspiciousness from the sky? It is obviously the credit of Wei Chen, what does this have to do with God?"

Li Shimin burst out laughing at this moment: "You kid is... a gift from God."

When Wan Kuan heard it, he didn't have any problem. If there was no God, he would not have traveled to the Tang Dynasty.

Then Li Shimin sat on the reclining chair again, and also learned Wan Kuan to bend his feet a few times, and then his feet swayed, and there was an indescribable sense of comfort.

"Boy, you have made this great contribution again, you can say whatever you want."

Wan Kuan shook his head: "Your Majesty, I have no more desires or desires."

"Nonsense, you are only a prince now, and you are also a third-rank official, how can you have no desires and no desires?"

"Your Majesty, what's the point of being promoted to get rich? You can get rich without being promoted to a small official.

And those... prime ministers are busy like a donkey all day, Wei Chen doesn't want to be like that."

"If you want to be prime minister, I can't agree."

"Since that's the case, then Your Majesty doesn't have to tease Wei Chen.

The reward is nothing, if your majesty is willing, add a title to Wei Chen, how about changing from a marquis to a prince."

"You kid is a little too greedy."

Wan Kuan pouted after listening to Li Shimin's words.

Just now I let myself make a request, but now I just made a request, then Li Shimin said that he was greedy, it was really difficult to serve, and Wan Kuan stopped playing.

Chapter 233

When Wan Kuan stopped talking, Li Shimin lost a lot of fun.

Obviously with Wan Kuan, Li Shimin got angry, but he still... likes talking to Wan Kuan.

"Wan Kuan, you can be a prince if you want.

If you want to be promoted to a rank, you must first increase your ranks before you can become a rank. Do you want to be a second-rank officer?”

"Your Majesty, these second-rank officials are too troublesome, either the Shangshu Department: Pushe, or the big bosses of the Zhongshu Department and the Menxia Province, they are busy all day and night, what's the point of reading secretly all day long? Shape, I don't want to live like this."

"Nonsense, these second-rank officials are not only these officials, but also some others."

"The others are some generals and some vacant positions, so it's not interesting to ask for them."

Wan Kuan didn't care.

And Li Shimin's eyes lit up at this time: "How about you become the governor of a state?"

"The Grand Governor"

Wan Kuan was a little strange after hearing this, and then looked at Li Shimin.

This Li Shimin went to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, since he opened his mouth to say it, then he had this idea.

Wan Kuan felt a little panic in his heart, Li Shimin would not send himself out of Chang'an City.

That would be a bit too much.

Wan Kuan thought of this and immediately.

He said: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen used to think that this general did a good job as a high-ranking officer, and Your Majesty no longer has to worry about promoting Wei Chen.

There is no distinction in this position.

As long as I can do my part for Datang, I, Wan Kuan, are already very satisfied."

After listening to Wan Kuan's words, Li Shimin almost spit out the rice cake he just ate. What Wan Kuan said was really disgusting.

If someone else said such a thing, Li Shimin would applaud.

But when Wan Kuan said such words, Li Shimin could not wait to kick him away.

Are you Wan Kuan such a person who is dedicated to the country? You Wan Kuan are... a typical opportunistic person, who chooses the light and fears the heavy. Suddenly, such an impassioned statement comes up. How to listen to it makes people uncomfortable.

Li Shimin endured the goose bumps all over his body and said directly: "Don't talk so much nonsense with me, kid, you have to be an official whatever I want you to be.

Didn't you just say that there is no distinction between high and low, then I will make you a high-ranking official."

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