Li Shimin thought a lot and took all the circumstances into consideration.

But Wan Kuan was full of doubts in his heart, anyway, Li Shimin didn't say anything after asking for a long time.

Li Shimin was the emperor, he didn't say it, and Wan Kuan couldn't force him to say it with a knife.

So after all the calculations, Wan Kuan just gave up.

Isn't it just to go to Hebei? Hebei is also a good place, after all, it can rely on the sea, so it is more convenient to eat seafood by yourself.

There is no way, Wan Kuan can only rely on self-comfort to make himself feel better.

I stayed well in Chang'an City, I had to go all the way to Hebei.

Hebei is surrounded by people from aristocratic families, and he sounds like a great governor with a second-rank official residence, but when he arrives in Hebei, no one cares.

Wan Kuan was a little worried, and Li Shimin, who was beside him, saw Wan Kuan's sad face, and couldn't help but say, "Wan Kuan, this time Hebei is very important. If you have any requests, feel free to ask."

Wan Kuan immediately heard it.

Said: "Your Majesty, I want money and people."

"Make it clear, how much is it, and who is it?"

"Your Majesty, I want an army of [-] troops, and give me a strong voice."

When Li Shimin heard this, his eyes were about to fall, his mouth opened like a hippo, and he almost spit out the food he just ate.

"How much does the Tang Dynasty have in total... Fu soldiers, I'll give you [-] at a time, do I still want to fight?"

"Your Majesty, after the winter comes, do you still need to fight to destroy the Turks?"

"Why are you so sure that you can deal with the Turks in one fell swoop after winter?"

"Your Majesty, you can't be wrong when you listen to me, you just give me the instructions: [-] people to prepare."

Li Shimin stretched out his palm and gestured to strike, but Wan Kuan quickly took two steps back.

"Your Majesty, Hebei is now a dangerous place, and there are quite a few militia households in the hands of the aristocratic family.

Without an army, let alone a small minister, even Your Majesty would not dare to go to Hebei."

Then Li Shimin sighed after hearing this: "I know you need military protection, but this [-] is too much. Don't say I don't want to, even if I want to, then the court will not be able to turn against the sky."

"The most elite government soldiers in the Tang Dynasty will give you [-] at a time, and you will have the qualifications to rebel."

"Then if Your Majesty is worried about Wei Chen's rebellion, then Wei Chen will not go there. How about showing his sincerity?"

"You kid, if you want to push the law, you have to go to Hebei, and I will not give you [-] elite soldiers."

"Your Majesty, if you can't give one hundred thousand, that's fine."

Li Shimin's eyes widened: "You kid is here to buy radishes and bargain, there is absolutely no one hundred thousand, and fifty thousand don't even need to think about it."

"Your Majesty, you don't give this or that, that Wei Chen just... went to Hebei to die."

"I won't let you die, but your request is too much.

The Hebei family is indeed deeply rooted, but the army in his hands is not that many."

Li Shimin snapped his fingers and said, "How many battles were fought in Hebei that year, the strong men in Hebei are almost dying. Even if some people depend on the family and survive, it is not bad to have [-] elite soldiers."

"Your Majesty, those [-] elite soldiers are familiar with the terrain. You won't be sure if you don't give me [-] elite soldiers."

"Fart, my Tang army is all elites, definitely stronger than those from the family...

Don't say I give you [-], and if you give you [-], you have to win for me."

Wan Kuan nodded directly: "That's right, Your Majesty will give Wei Chen [-] troops, plus the weapons and armor for the prisoner.

At that time, Wei Chen took people to Hebei and killed them like hell."

"You kid is deliberately angry with me, did I ask you to go to Hebei Wenzhi, not to go to martial arts.

If you want to use force to solve this matter, why would I send you to Qin Qiong, Yu Chi Gong, or Cheng Yaojin who is not better than you?"

"Your Majesty, don't talk too much. In this Tang Dynasty, apart from...Li Jing and Li Shangshu, the ministers are really not afraid of others when they fight."

"Okay, don't talk about so much mess.

Anyway... I asked you to go, not... I asked you to make trouble. You have to give me good control of Hebei, the country will be prosperous and the people will live and work in peace and contentment.

If you go to Hebei to fan the flames for me, I won't be able to spare you."

"Your Majesty, since this is the case, then you should transfer several million taels of silver from the Ministry of Household to the ministers.

When the time comes, Wei Chen will take these...... Baiyin directly to Hebei, walk all the way and spread all the way, those...... people will definitely submit to my Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin didn't even want to say a word at this time, this Wan Kuan always changed his mind and didn't want to go to Hebei, so he made such a very excessive request.

"Boy, if I want several million taels of silver, I can hit the sky.

The Ministry of Household doesn't have any money left at the moment. I don't know how much silver taels it will cost to attack the Turks this winter.

At this time, you ask me for money, but I can't give you a penny."

"Your Majesty, you are going too far, you can't be alone with Wei Chen.

You don't give people, you don't give money, you just want Wei Chen to give you good governance of Hebei.

I want the horse to run, but I don't want the horse to graze, how can there be such a cheap thing in this world?"

"Anyway... I'll leave my words here. You, the provincial governor of Hebei, are right and right."

"What if Wei Chen is inappropriate?"

"I'll put you in prison if you don't want to, and then put the Wu family's little lady's family in death row, and behead her in the autumn."

"Your Majesty, you are threatening your servant."

"I'll threaten you, why don't you go?"

"Don't go!"

Wan Kuan also has a temper.

"I'm starting to see blood now.

If you don't go, you're arresting your grandmother to see if you go."

Wan Kuan laughed outright at this moment, this Li Shimin is really powerful, he knows who to use to threaten him.

When he knew that he liked the little lady of the Wu family, he threatened him with her, and when he knew that he had a grandmother, he threatened him with his grandmother. This Li Shimin was really amazing.

"Your Majesty, the minister has something to say first, without [-] elite soldiers, the minister will never go.

If Your Majesty can't satisfy Wei Chen's request, then you are... the nine clans who have executed Wei Chen, and Wei Chen will not go."

After hearing this, Li Shimin was furious, and punished you nine clans! Didn't that kill myself?

Chapter 236

Wan Kuan bargained with Li Shimin just to provoke Li Shimin and get rid of the job.

But Li Shimin directly stretched out his hand at this time: "Okay, I will give you [-] elite soldiers. Which general do you want to be your deputy, just mention it."

"Find someone with strong martial arts who can protect Wei Chen."

"The most powerful warriors in the Tang army are Yu Chi Gong and Qin Qiong.

If Yuchi Gong wants to stay by my side, then I will assign Qin Qiong to you and let him be your deputy, in charge of military affairs in Hebei."

Wan Kuan nodded after hearing this: "Your Majesty, going to Hebei this time is very dangerous. Wei Chen will only go if he becomes a relative."

"That's fine, I also read the marriage book. The Cui family asked you to go to the wedding on the twenty-fifth of this month, so you have time."

"Your Majesty, why did you even peep at the marriage certificate of the minister?"

"You kid! Your marriage certificate was delivered to Hongru Temple, let's see what happened"

Li Shimin was a little angry. As a father, he saw that his son's marriage was not enough. "This is not what the minister said... to marry the little lady of the Cui family. The minister must marry the little lady of the Wu family before going to Hebei."

Then Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you.

Your kid married the little lady of the Wu family, immediately.

Pack up for me and go to Hebei, and you are not allowed to stay more than a day."

After speaking, Li Shimin flicked his sleeves and left.

Wan Kuan, Li Shimin's back, couldn't help sulking.

Come to my house to eat and drink:, even now he has found such a life-threatening errand for me, and now Li Shimin himself is angry.

It is not easy to choose an auspicious zodiac day, especially weddings, funerals and marriages, which must be carried out on the auspicious zodiac day to be considered auspicious.

This aristocratic family cares about these things the most..., that's why it was set on the [-]th of this month.

And Wan Kuan is about to get married, it's a matter of course

Although this Tang Dynasty is usually busy with official business, there are also many holidays, and the marriage is even more enviable.

Not to mention someone like Wan Kuan who is idle and wild, even officials who are busy with official duties have forty-five days of marriage leave.

Because this marriage is a troublesome matter, you go to propose a marriage, and after you come back, you have to go to the church to marry, and you have to wake up after three days.

Then in the next ten days or half a month, you have to visit relatives and friends, which is time-consuming and energy-consuming, and the marriage leave is not long enough to complete.

Moreover, Wan Kuan is also a shopkeeper. If there is no such thing as the Governor of Hebei, Wan Kuan can continue to take marriage leave until the New Year.

On the twenty-fifth, it is advisable to get married.

Wan Kuan counted his fingers and looked forward to the day to come soon, not because Wan Kuan wanted to get Cui Yingying quickly, but because he married Cui Yingying, Wan Kuan could go and get Wu Shun'er.

After this wife is married, there are so many rules for remarrying. If you want to give a betrothal gift, you can give it a little, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to.

And this time it was His Majesty's marriage, so the little lady of the Wu family is, she has to marry if she doesn't.

After the marriage of the main wife, Wan Kuan only had to take a horse and directly ride a horse, hire a carriage, and take Wu Shun'er back to the mansion.

After all, although the concubine is a little taller than the first, it is not that high. Except... the right wife, the status of other women is not high.

Anyway... Now Wan Kuan is sitting at home waiting to get married. After getting married, he rushes to Hebei and becomes the governor of Hebei.

Wan Kuan wants to disappear now and is not famous in the court, but Li Shimin has to push Wan Kuan to the forefront.

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