In fact, Wan Kuan knew exactly what the Cui family was going to do and what ideas were in his heart.

Wan Kuan likes Cui Yingying, but Cui Yingying and the Cui family cannot be confused.

The Cui family is a big family that has lasted for five or six hundred years. It has been a high-ranking official from the Eastern Han Dynasty until now.

In the past few hundred years, the North has experienced the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, the chaos of the Five Husbands, and the farce of the Sixteen Kingdoms. The Cui family can stand upright, how much blood and how much hardship, I am afraid only they themselves know.

And if you really want an aristocratic family to last until now, then the aristocratic family will never care about the personal feelings of the family members, what they need is absolute loyalty to the family.

Therefore, although Cui Yingying is very favored in the Cui family, if there is a confrontation between the family and the court, then in the end it will be Cui Yingying and Wan Kuan, the son-in-law who will be sacrificed.

If it is said that the battles between the royal families are cruel, then the battles between the families are even more cruel than cruel.

There are more rules in the aristocratic family than the royal family, and the relationship between it and the imperial court is complicated and confusing, and those who are not wise cannot guess.

And Wan Kuan's engraving and printing technique touched the foundation of the aristocratic family, don't think about it, this family must have an idea for itself.

And the best way for the family is to... kill Wan Kuan, and then let the engraving printing technique return to dust.

But now Wan Kuan is an official of the Tang Dynasty, this block printing technique must have been mastered by the Tang court, so even if Wan Kuan is killed, there is no way to solve this problem.

In this case, it is better to ignore it, maybe Wankuan can still be used for himself in the future.

"My son-in-law, this rubbing method has existed since ancient times, but it doesn't seem to be as clear as the seal of a good son-in-law!"

Wan Kuan smiled: "This is a new method of wood rubbing created by the Shaofu Supervisor. It is simpler than the ancient stone rubbing."


At this time, Cui Hao's heart was pounding. This is how many Buddhist scriptures can be printed with wooden boards. After that, the book is not as numerous as a feather.

At noon, Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying stayed at the Cui family's house and met the elders of the Cui family, which was considered a basic etiquette.

After the afternoon, Wan Kuan took Cui Yingying out of Cui's house.

At this time, the Cui family was gloomy!

Chapter 254

In the study room of the Cui family's house, the three of Cui Wanping and his son gathered together, and the expressions on their faces were a little heavy.

Today, when Cui Hao learned the truth of printing from Wan Kuan's mouth, Cui Hao's mind was shaken for a while, and he almost lost his temper in front of Wan Kuan.

"Father, this is going to break the foundation of my family! Listening to Na Wan Kuan, this method of rubbing can be carved out of wood.

This wooden board can be seen everywhere, and it is easy to carve, and if you come and go, there will be no shortage of books in the world."

At this time, Cui Bailuo also said: "That's right, father.

Previously, rubbing was done with slate, and we had to choose high-quality blue-and-white rock, and then we had to carefully carve with skilled craftsmen, and it was extremely difficult to carve slate."

"First of all, the writing should not be too small, and the texture should be clearly distinguished. Only three crosses can be engraved on a three-foot-square slate.

An Analects of Confucius uses nearly a hundred slates, which is extremely troublesome!"

Cui Hao continued: "In the past, many big families used slate rubbings, but wars broke out frequently, and the slate was displaced.

That's why the book is so in short supply."

"If it's really like what Wan Kuan said, you can carve with wood.

I'm afraid it won't take a year and a half, and everyone in the world will have books to read."

The faces of the Cui brothers are ugly, and the scholars in this world are the foundation of their family.

Those... poor scholars, in order to read and literate, they must seek refuge in aristocratic families.

And to rely on the aristocratic family, after becoming famous, you have to do things for the family.

As a result, eight out of ten officials in the imperial court were members of aristocratic families.

Although those... prime ministers and generals may not be members of the aristocratic family, a large number of middle and lower-level officials are included in the aristocratic family.

After all, you can't govern the huge Tang Empire with just a few prime ministers. You have to rely on thousands of servants, servants, and Huangmen. Don't let these people govern the people of the world.

And if the children of poor families do not need to seek refuge in an aristocratic family, they can read and read.

Coupled with the imperial examination system established in the previous dynasty, in that case, the family will no longer have the power to turn around.

That Cui Hao's hands trembled a little. This is a big change that has not been seen in hundreds of years. If we deal with missteps, I am afraid that Cui's detached status will no longer exist.

At this moment, neither Cui Hao nor Cui Bolue had a clue, so they could only stare at their father.

As for his old father Cui Wanping, although his face was a little heavy, he was far less dejected than his two sons.

"Father, what should we do?"

"Hao'er, don't worry, this matter is far less serious than you think."

"Father, the foundation of my Cui family has been cut off, isn't the form serious enough?"

At this time, Cui Wanping smiled: "It's not that simple to use a wood seal.

In the past few hundred years, in addition to...hand copying, that is...writing with slate, if you use wood, it can be easily expanded, why wait for Wankuan to discover it now"

"For hundreds of years, talented people have come out in large numbers, how come no one thought of it?"

Cui Wanping's words awakened the Cui brothers.

"Yes, father.

How come no one has thought of such a simple idea of ​​using a replacement slate?"

"That's right, my son and brother are not stupid, and they didn't think of this idea!"

Then Cui Wanping smiled and said, "You two have books to read since you were born, and there are countless classics waiting for you to read. Of course, you won't worry about this kind of thing."

"And for hundreds of years, those... poor children have been thinking day and night just to be able to read a book, and there are a lot of people copying books for this reason.

Don't they think of a way to replace slate with planks?"

"Father, you are right.

Since it is so simple to replace slate with wood, why has no one done it for hundreds of years?"

"That Wan Kuan just gave a rough idea, but for my father, I think it would be difficult to replace the slate with a wooden board. The board must not be an ordinary wooden board."

Cui Wanping's eyes were sharp: "Think about that ordinary wooden board dripping water, the water will seep in. If you apply ink, the ink will seep into the wood texture, and how can it be printed on the paper?"

The Cui brothers looked at each other, somewhat surprised.

"Father, the huanghuali wood tables and chairs in the house are painted with a layer of tung oil, which is waterproof."

"Hao'er, you think things are too simple.

It can be waterproof, but if you put water droplets on the huanghuali wood, the water will gather into water droplets, so how do you rub it on the paper and print it on the paper without a few ink dots?"

"Yes, father, you are right.

If this is the case, then why does Wan Kuan say that he used wooden boards instead of slates, and printed so many Buddhist scriptures?"

At this time, Cui Wanping sighed: "You only know one of them, but you don't know the other, although this wooden board can print Buddhist scriptures, but it is not so simple.

This board is softer than slate, but it is also difficult to rub it with a board."

"Although it is a little more convenient than slate rubbing, but I am afraid it cannot satisfy the world's poor.

So we don't have to frighten ourselves, we can just wait and see what happens."

"Father, how to wait and see what happens"

"If the imperial court really had such a simple method of rubbing, within half a year, the classics of the Tao of Confucius and Mencius would surely be sold all over the street, we'll just have to wait and see."

The Cui brothers nodded, and at this moment they admired their father to the extreme.

Just now they had a frowning look on their faces, but now after Cui Wanping's explanation, the two of them let go of the knot in their hearts.

Although Cui Hao and Cui Bolue were relieved, Cui Wanping's face was still solemn.

"Hao'er, you have been talking to Wan Kuan for so long, what do you think of this Wan Kuan?"

Cui Hao immediately replied, "Father, this Wan Kuan is quite polite in his words and deeds, and there is an air of arrogance in his expression. He is indeed a young hero."

"Ask for a father is how to be a man"

"Father, Wan Kuan loves Yingying very much between words, so father, you don't have to worry about Yingying's days in Wanfu."

"Bullshit, I said so much to Yingying just now, and I already knew about Yingying's situation.

I'm asking you Wan Kuan how you are, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Then Cui Hao heard it immediately.

Carefully said: "Father, Wan Kuan is brilliant in writing and candid in his manners. He should be a frank person."

Then Cui Wanping snorted coldly: "If Wan Kuan is really so honest, why would His Majesty send him to Hebei today?"

"This son doesn't know."

After Cui Wanping listened to it, he looked at Cui Bolue, who also shook his head.

Chapter 255

Seeing that his two sons were bewildered, Cui Wanping had no choice but to sigh.

"You two, you don't know what to spend all day on. It's such a big thing that His Majesty sent Wan Kuan to Hebei. Don't you know the meaning behind it?"

"Father, we also guessed what Your Majesty meant.

This Wan Kuan is the son-in-law of our Cui family, and then His Majesty sent Wan Kuan to Hebei, obviously to ease relations with our Cui family.

Let the Cui family's son-in-law sit in Hebei, then our Cui family's influence in Hebei will become stronger and stronger."

"You really think so"

Then Cui Hao and Cui Bolue nodded together.

After Cui Wanping read it, he sighed heavily: "Confused, really confused, you guys think things so simple."

"Father, isn't that so?"

"The two of you are so incompetent, how can you make your father feel at ease to hand over the Cui family to you?"

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