This Wu Mei'er explained the strategy to her sister: "Sister, sister, I have spread rumors in Chang'an City, saying that you and brother-in-law are a match made in heaven.

When the time comes, my brother-in-law will definitely love you even more."

"Sister, how can you do this? In this case, we will definitely offend that ... Miss Cui Family."

"Sister, you are confused! You are so beautiful, if you marry your brother-in-law, the brother-in-law will definitely spoil you.

At that time, you would have offended her, do you still want that ... Miss Cuijia to become a good sister with you? "

Wu Mei'er was decisive and did not hesitate: "Impossible, then Cui Yingying is the daughter of an aristocratic family and is very domineering.

You have to be better than her to survive.

So sister, you have to do this..."

That Wu Mei'er lay beside Wu Shun'er's ear and made a chatter.

The more Wu Shun'er listened, the paler his face became. How could this little sister have so many twists and turns in her heart? Just when Wu Mei'er was teaching her sister some tricks, the housekeeper in the yard had already started shouting.

"The team of Wanjia welcoming relatives has arrived."

The Wan family's wedding this time is actually... to marry a concubine, there are not too many rules.

When the sedan chair arrived at the door and did not go in, Wu Shun'er could go out and enter the sedan chair by himself.

It should have been Wu Shun'er's two older brothers who carried Wu Shun'er out, but these two unfortunate people were still there: they were locked in the prison, so Wu Mei'er had to accompany Wu Shun'er out.

Wu Shun'er stepped into the sedan chair. This sedan chair was... the sedan chair that picked up Cui Yingying a few days ago, but the color was changed.

Cui Yingying is the wife, so she uses the red color.

And Wu Shun'er is a concubine, so she can only use cherry red.

As soon as Wu Shun'er sat on the sedan chair, her nose was sour, she looked at her sister and said.

"Sister, when my sister is gone, this family depends on you. You have to take good care of your mother and sister."

Wu Mei'er was a little impatient: "Sister, they are so close to Chang'an City, I will visit you anytime."

"Nonsense! Come on when you can say it."

"Don't worry, sister.

Brother-in-law hurts you so much, it must be fine.

Maybe I will take my mother to live with my brother-in-law in the future."

That Wu Shun'er was a little surprised, but before she could speak, the Wan family's sedan chair lifted up and set off.

At this time, the Wanfu was also decorated with lanterns and lanterns. Although it was to marry a concubine, everyone in the Wan family knew how much their young master liked the little lady of the Wu family.

Chapter 257

In fact, everyone in Wanfu knew that if His Majesty hadn't suddenly issued an imperial decree, the little lady of the Wu family would be... the mistress of the Wan family.

That little Lai Zi also knew Wan Kuan's thoughts, so he was busy before and after.

Wan Kuan was sitting in the attic at the back, Cui Yingying was sitting beside her, and only the little matchmaker was standing beside her.

Xiao Hongniang's mouth was pouted, she just got married and took a concubine, and when it spread, she thought her young lady was not favored.

That group... Yingying glared at the appearance of Little Matchmaker, then waved her hand to let her go out first.

The little matchmaker was a little angry, and stomped her feet a few times.

After watching Xiao Hongniang go out, Wan Kuan smiled and said, "Madam, you girl has a great temper."

"Husband, don't worry about her.

Hongniang grew up with her concubine, who regarded her as her younger sister.

Sometimes it's a little temperamental."

"Don't worry, my husband won't have the same knowledge as her, and my husband doesn't like those... compliant maids."

"Husband, today is a big day for you and the Wu family sister.

At night, the concubine will arrange the front yard and the back yard."

"I'm sorry for you, Yingying."

"Whatever your husband says, it is the wife's duty to take a concubine to her husband.

My family is not prosperous, so my husband naturally wants to spread the branches and leaves, and the descendants will be long.”

When Wan Kuan heard Cui Yingying's words, he always felt a bit absurd, maybe it was because of his modern thinking.

It is a good word to open branches and loose leaves.

The sun outside is west, and the sedan chair that picks up Wu Shun'er should also be back.

When marrying a wife, you should pick up your relatives in the morning, and when marrying a concubine, you must meet them in the afternoon.

These are the rules of the Tang Dynasty, and even the emperor is no exception.

Wu Shun'er's sedan chair entered from the side door, and the concubine could not go through the main door, which was also a rule.

The sedan chair was placed in the backyard, and Wu Shun'er walked down. Immediately, the little maid from Wanfu went up to help her, and helped Wu Shun'er up to the attic, and then walked into her wing.

At this time, Wan Kuan will play a good show with Cui Yingying.

"Husband, the sister of the Wu family is here, and please ask your husband to move."

"It's enough to have Yingying as a wife, so why take another concubine?"

"Husband, don't say that, in order to spread the branches and leaves of the Wanfu, and the descendants will continue, the husband must take good care of the Wu family sister."

"No, this concubine thing, my husband really doesn't like it."

"Husband, ministers and concubines know that your husband is a righteous gentleman.

But for the sake of the Wan family, my husband has to avoid it, and for the sake of the Wan family, I also ask my husband to cherish the younger sister of the Wu family."

Wan Kuan sighed: "Since this is the case, then the husband has to reluctantly."

Wan Kuan finally stood up and walked out pretentiously.

After reaching the door, Wan Kuan turned around again, and Cui Yingying immediately stopped Wan Kuan.

"Husband, be obedient!"

When Wan Kuan heard these three words, he immediately walked to Wu Shun'er's room.

This is the process of concubinage in Tang Dynasty. After the concubine is married, the husband should pretend to be reserved and show that he is a gentleman and not close to women.

On the other hand, the wife has to persuade her repeatedly to let her husband take good care of his concubine and have good children and grandchildren.

In the end, after the husband pushed and resisted, he finally agreed to walk to the door.

At this time, the wife has to say to be good, so that the husband can go into the concubine's room with peace of mind.

In fact, these are all hypocrisy. The man is unwilling to take concubines, but some concubines are ugly women specially chosen by the wife. At this time, the husband is really unwilling.

And Wan Kuan couldn't wait to rush into Wu Shun'er's room early in the morning, just because of such a deceptive rule.

Then Cui Yingying watched Wan Kuan enter Wu Shun'er's wing with a slightly sad face.

After all, no matter how generous a woman is, she is not willing to share her husband with other women.

And as soon as Wan Kuan entered the room, he saw Wu Shun'er in cherry red.

At this time, Wu Shun'er was wearing a beaded curtain, but she could see her beautiful face.

When a woman gets married, it is always the most beautiful moment.

At this time, Wu Shun'er was more beautiful than ever before, and under the candlelight, her charming and unparalleled temperament was suddenly revealed.

Wan Kuan's whole body is a little weak, and the beauty is on the side, who can't help Wan Kuan gently come to Wu Shun'er and take off the flower crown on her head for her.

Wu Shun'er's face was as bright as jade, and his eyes were as clear as water.

Indescribably charming and cute, and sometimes showing a pure beauty.

When she is shy, her face is flushed with rosy glow, the beauty is spring, and she is happy, just like the first bloom of flowers, beautiful and extraordinary.

Sometimes it is gorgeous and unpredictable, and sometimes it is so strict that people dare not look at it.

Wan Kuan's tongue was dry at this time: "Shun'er, I finally married you back."

That Wu Shun'er smiled lightly, as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom.

"The slave family finally married Wan Lang, and the slave family is very happy."

Wan Kuan held Wu Shun'er's hand, and the soft catkin that seemed to be congealed was as white as white jade, almost transparent.

Wan Kuan couldn't put it down, and Wu Shun'er's cherry-red dress made her look even more beautiful.

Both Wu Shun'er and Cui Yingying are stunning in the world, but they have different styles.

Cui Yingying is like a dignified palace maid in the sky, and Wu Shun'er is like a charming fairy.

That Cui Yingying is like a peony flower of national color and heavenly fragrance, and Wu Shun'er is a gorgeous and unparalleled peony.

"Husband, please turn off the bell!"

Wu Shun'er said softly.

Wan Kuan shook his head, Wu Shun'er lifted a pair of small feet and put them in Wan Kuan's arms.

Wan Kuan gently untied the bell on Wu Shun'er's ankle, and glanced at Wu Shun'er's little foot.

The soles of the feet are slender, and the ankle bones are rounded.

In just a few days, Wan Kuan married two peerless women. At this time, Wan Kuan even had a dazed feeling. Could it be true? Wan Kuan was reluctant to let go, and Wu Shun'er said softly: "Husband, it's late at night, please rest."

Wan Kuan nodded subconsciously, and then Wu Shun'er stood up gently.

Wu Shun'er is weak and boneless, graceful and graceful, and Pingting's slender waist is not enough to hold.

I saw her turn around slightly, her back was graceful and slender, and the skin on the back of her neck was more crystal-clear than snow.

The back is slender, with a thin waist like a bee.

Huang Si's family is full of flowers, thousands of flowers are low on the branches.

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