"Captain, Your Majesty sent you and me to Hebei this time, originally to curb the family and give the people a bright and sunny day. Don't you understand?"

"General Qin misunderstood His Majesty's meaning."

"Qin will never misunderstand His Majesty's meaning, His Majesty is very talented, and he swept the North at a young age.

Qin followed His Majesty for dozens of rounds of life and death, and His Majesty Qin knows very well."

"General Qin, Your Majesty sent this official to Hebei just to return the people of Hebei to a peaceful and prosperous age.

As for the family, I didn't mention it."

"That's right, if the governor really wants to return the people of Hebei to a peaceful and prosperous world, then the aristocratic family will definitely be eliminated."

At this time, Wan Kuan shook his head helplessly, this Qin Qiong is... an old angry young man, who is already a lot of age, even thinking about his blood.

Wan Kuan picked up the wine glass and took a sip. It was his own wine, bitter and strong.

Wan Kuan took a bite of the vegetable and suppressed the wine, and then said slowly.

"General Qin, you only see the evil of the aristocratic family, but you don't see the other side of the aristocratic family."

"Also ask the Governor to make it clear."

"General Qin, ten years ago, the previous dynasty was in chaos and the world was in great chaos.

The Hebei area is even more powerful, and the military will fight for it.

At that time, the people were displaced and the countryside was deserted.

And it is these great families that stabilize the people."

Wan Kuan said slowly: "The family that the people rely on, continue to farm.

This is the only chance of Hebei's life, regardless of...

At that time, whether Dou Jiande or Liu Heida, or Xu Yuanlang all depended on the family's food and grass."

"No matter how hard the attack is, there are still many people in Hebei who work under the arrangement of the aristocratic family.

If so, wouldn't it be a good thing?"

"The Governor is right, the aristocratic family has protected many people from the suffering of exile.

But the food that the commoners planted was taken away by the family, the granaries of the family were piled high, and the commoners were yellow-faced and skinny, don’t the governors know this?”

"General Qin, you have to understand that taking refuge in an aristocratic family is to seek skin with a tiger, and naturally this is the result.

Dew some meat from the tiger's teeth for you to eat, of course you won't be full, but if you want to overturn the tiger and eat the tiger's meat, you have to measure your own strength."

Qin Qiong's face turned cold after hearing this: "Qin has commanded [-] elite soldiers, and they are all well-equipped, so sweeping Hebei will not be a problem."

Wan Kuan sighed, he was a bit reckless when he chose Qin Qiong, but he never thought that Qin would be more violent than himself.

At this time, Wan Kuan put down the wine glass, his eyes were solemn, and he said solemnly: "General Qin, you are the subordinate of this official. This official hopes that you can follow the arrangements of this official, instead of having your own ideas."

"What to do after arriving in Hebei is entirely up to this official to decide.

If General Qin is dissatisfied, he can return to Chang'an to inform His Majesty.

But as long as you are in Hebei, you have to obey the official."

Wan Kuan's words were very severe, Qin Qiong sighed after hearing this.

"The commander-in-chief, Qin knows that the commander-in-chief is unparalleled in talent, and Qin just hopes that the commander-in-chief can return the people of Hebei and Shandong to a peaceful and prosperous world.

This is Qin's only wish, nothing else!"

Wan Kuan's face softened a little: "General Qin, don't worry, I, Wan Kuan, hate trouble the most, and I didn't want to go to Hebei.

But since he has accepted His Majesty's will to become an official in Hebei, then Wan must do his best."

Chapter 261

In Qin Qiong's room, Wan Kuan looked directly at Qin Qiong and said lightly.

"When Your Majesty asked Wan to choose his deputy, Wan directly ordered General Qin, hoping that General Qin would protect Wan comprehensively.

Since then, Wan has been able to make a career in this land of Hebei."

Then Qin Qiong clenched his fists after hearing this: "Captain, as long as you can restore the people of Hebei to a peaceful and prosperous world, you will kill me Qin, and Qin will be happy."

Wan Kuan patted Qin Qiong on the shoulder at this time: "General Qin, this officer does not want your life, but instead asks you to take good care of your body. General Qin will not drink this strong wine again."

"If General Qin still wants to compete with that Yuchi Laohei, take good care of your body.

Otherwise, in another two years, General Qin will not be able to fight that old Yuchi."

"The governor's remarks are too exaggerated, and it is not a problem for Qin to capture that old Yuchi."

Qin Qiong is....comfortable.

And Wan Kuan sighed: "Five years ago, General Qin exchanged two mace for three whips, and he was still able to suppress General Yuchi's head...

But now that General Yuchi and General Qin are evenly divided, after two years, I am afraid that General Qin will no longer be his opponent."

"General Qin's body is weak and his blood and energy are both depleted. Let's take good care of his body."

After finishing speaking, Wan Kuan got up and left his room. There were two little beauties. Why should he face this big man with a sad face? Qin Qiong looked at Wan Kuan's back, and she didn't know what to think in her eyes.

Back in their room, Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er were already lying on the big bed.

It is said to be a big bed, but it is actually a large bed of one piece.

But the place is not small, otherwise it would be impossible to squeeze three people.

Wan Kuan took a closer look. Cui Yingying was on the left and Wu Shun'er was on the right. There was an empty space between the two, which was his own.

Wan Kuan was a little proud in his heart, is this a hug from left to right? When Wan Kuan was stunned, Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er both stood up to serve Wan Kuan.

"The husband is back, and the concubine is waiting for the husband to rest and undress."

"What's there to serve, the clothes will fall off as soon as they are taken off."

When Wan Kuan said this, he took off his official robe and lay down on the bed.

Although this is in the post station, the little maid of Wanjia also made the bed soft.

There is a fragrance on the left, and a fragrance on the right, Wan Kuan's two hands are just about to move.

Just as she was about to make some small movements, Cui Yingying suddenly spoke.

"Husband, then Qin Qiong is looking for you on official business"

"There's no business, it's just drinking and having fun."

"Husband, my concubine has something to say."

"Just say it!"

Wan Kuan was a little strange, this Cui Yingying stopped talking.

"Actually, after saving relatives, the concubine's father and grandfather moved to Dingzhou.

Before leaving, my grandfather said that after my husband goes to Hebei, we can go to Dingzhou to find him first."

Wan Kuan touched his chin after hearing this, what does Cui Wanping mean by asking him to go to the mountain gate before taking office as an official? Then Cui Yingying saw Wan Kuan's doubts and immediately.

He said: "Grandfather has no other intentions, it's just that my husband went out to Hebei and doesn't know anything about Hebei. Grandfather will tell my husband the general situation of Hebei."

Wan Kuan nodded after listening, but did not speak.

On the side, Wu Shun'er flashed big eyes, she actually didn't care about the affairs of the government.

Anyway... Now that she is married to Wan Kuan, she will follow Wan Kuan wherever she goes.

And that Cui Yingying saw Wan Kuan's silence, her face was a little anxious: "Husband, grandfather has no other intentions, husband, don't think too much."

Na Wan Kuan laughed after hearing this: "Yingying, you don't have to worry.

My husband went to Hebei this time, not to be an enemy of your family.

Since my grandfather has invited me, I can go for my husband."

Then Cui Yingying's face was gloomy: "Husband, in fact, all the civil and military people of this dynasty know the situation in Hebei. This time, when Your Majesty sent her husband, Yingying knows what it means."

Wan Kuan rolled his eyes after hearing this, and asked deliberately, "That Yingying, if there is a conflict between the imperial court and the Cui family in Hebei at that time, how should Mrs.

Cui Yingying was stunned for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "The concubine is married to the Wan family, and she is...a member of the Wan family. Naturally, she listens to her husband, and she has nothing else to think about."

After listening, Wan Kuan held Cui Yingying's hand: "Don't worry, this time I went to Hebei to be my husband not to seek trouble.

Hebei has been poor and weak for a long time, and every year the imperial court uses a large amount of rice to support it.”

"Your Majesty is also very troubled, so he sent his husband to Hebei to encourage Nongsang.

In fact, this has nothing to do with the family, so don't worry about it."

Wu Shun'er on the side also flashed her eyes. Although she did not understand government affairs, she was not a foolish village woman.

Between these three words, she also listened to it, and it seemed that this trip to Hebei was not that simple.

Wu Shun'er knew in her heart that as long as she was wholeheartedly good to Wan Kuan, she didn't want to do anything else.

"Husband, hurry up and rest."

Wu Shun'er whispered.

Wan Kuan smiled, holding one in each of his hands.

The two little beauties were a little shy. After all, the three of them rested together tonight, and the two women were too shy.

Wan Kuan directly pecked on the hands of the two, and then laughed.

Then use the quilt, cover it up, and fall asleep directly.

I drank some wine just now, so let's meet Zhou Gong quickly.

That Cui Yingying clenched her hands under the quilt, feeling mixed for a while.

The emperor deliberately sent his husband to Hebei, and Hebei is the place where the family gathers, the meaning of which can be seen at a glance.

But since he has already married into a million family, then everything is based on the husband.

In a trance, all three of them fell asleep.

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