Qin Qiong also lived a hard life when he was a child. At that time, he thought about how good it would be to have a few acres of land.

He never thought that one day the farmland would be worthless! And Xu Jingzong frowned, thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

On the other hand, Wu Meier showed admiration in her eyes, she never thought that there was such a way to solve the problem.

My brother-in-law is really amazing, he seems to be a real immortal, and he can always think of things that ordinary people can't think of.

Wan Kuan looked at the three people in front of him, this was his team.

I have to rely on them to make a fortune, and then ascend to the throne.

In the small office, a turmoil began to sweep across Hebei.

Wan Kuan's plan was carried out, and Hebei suddenly became: the mountains and the rain were about to come and the wind filled the building.

Quietly, a big change is coming.

Those aristocratic families in Hebei could not have imagined that Wan Kuan had already begun to dig their foundations.

Chapter 276

After Wan Kuan left Chang'an City, it seemed that the entire Chang'an City had become somewhat quiet.

Without Wan Da immortals and Wan Da talents, it seems that the people of Chang'an City have less talk after dinner.

In fact, not only the people of Chang'an, but even the princes and nobles, as well as the ministers of civil and military affairs, felt that something was missing.

Li Chengqian of the East Palace has been very obedient recently, and it seems that he has grown a lot overnight.

Whether it is dealing with people or government affairs, they are all well-organized and imitated.

And Li Yuan of Linhu Hall, except...he gave a congratulatory gift on Wan Kuan's wedding day, everything disappeared again, and there was no movement.

And to say that this is the happiest in Chang'an City, it is necessary to count Cheng Yaojin.

Although Wan Kuan had long forgotten about Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Yaojin still had an incomparable fear of Wan Kuan in his heart, and this fear permeated from his bones.

As soon as Wan Kuan left Chang'an, Cheng Yaojin felt that a time bomb around him had been removed, and of course he felt much more relaxed.

However, when Wan Kuan left Chang'an, some people were happy and others were worried. Princess Changle in the palace, and Princess Wencheng of Wangye's mansion, both of them were bored.

When Wan Kuan is gone, the two of them seem to have no fun all of a sudden. Although they can go to Wan Fu Lou for a good meal from time to time, but without Wan Kuan, their lives are much bleak.

In fact, not only these two little girls, but even Li Shimin felt that the city of Chang'an was lacking, and now it lacks vitality.

It seems that Wan Kuan has a magical power that can make Chang'an City become full of vitality.

Li Shimin sighed in his heart and hoped that Wan Kuan could bring this divine power to Hebei, and make good efforts to transform the...

Li Shimin was splashing ink in the Liangyi Hall at this time, thinking about Wan Kuan's situation in Hebei, and he involuntarily wrote Wan Kuan's poems.

Dapeng rose with the same wind in one day and soared up to [-] miles.

At this time, Empress Zhangsun came to see this poem, and she was stunned for a while.

"Your Majesty, Kuan'er has the ambition of Lingyun.

Your Majesty put him in Hebei, it was the right choice."

Li Shimin also sighed at this time: "I don't know what Kuan'er will think after reading that letter, whether he will resent me or not"

"Your Majesty doesn't have to worry about Kuan'er. Although he is making a fool of himself, he knows best in his heart. He can understand His Majesty's difficulties, and he can understand the last resort, His Majesty Kuan'er."

"I hope so, even if he complains, I will admit it.

I just hope that Kuan'er can cheer up and do a good job in Hebei, and then I can hand over this throne to him in shock."

When Empress Zhangsun heard this, she felt a little worried in her heart: "Then, Your Majesty, Kuan'er just went to Hebei, are you still used to it? The noble family in Hebei didn't embarrass him?"

"Guanyin maid, you underestimate your son too much."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin suddenly came to his senses: "As soon as the secret report from Baiqisi arrived, Kuan'er went to Dingzhou to visit Cui Wanping of the Cui family. The Dingzhou Inspector has been transferred."

"What does it mean"

Empress Changsun is a little strange.

"That... Yuan Da, the prefect of Dingzhou, was sent by me, and I put him in the position of the prefect of Dingzhou in order to make him fight against the Cui family.

But the situation in Dingzhou has not improved in the past two years."

"Although Yuan Dake tried his best, he always came back in vain."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin sighed again.

"Then Kuan'er has a special meaning to transfer this Yuan Da to Dengzhou this time?"

"I don't know about this, but Kuan'er never does anything unsure, and I think it's right that he transferred Yuan Da away."

"Why does Your Majesty want to transfer an official who is loyal to the court? Isn't it a crisis?"

"Guanyin maid has also thought clearly in the past two years. If I always place people from the court next to the aristocratic family, the relationship between the court and the family will never be eased. Now the court and the family can't help each other."

"It's always like this, and it's not good for the people.

As soon as Kuan’er passed, Yuan Da could be transferred away, and he reached a peace talks with the Cui family, so it can be seen that Kuan’er sees better than me, and is willing to put down his face.”

After listening to Empress Changsun, she pondered for a while: "If the noble family is willing to assist the court, the situation in Hebei will indeed be much better."

"It seems like a lot! At least in the next two years, there will be no major famine in Hebei, and the imperial court will not have to transfer rice and grain to Hebei.

At this time, the pressure on the Ministry of Household is much less."

"But Your Majesty, cooperating with the noble family now is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

Even if the aristocratic family can help the court to control the situation in Hebei now, but if things go on like this, the power of the family will only increase, and the court will no longer be able to intervene in Hebei."

"Guanyin maid, why don't I know what you think, but I know that Kuan'er can also think of this situation, but Kuan'er still chooses to cooperate with the noble family at the beginning, which is wise, at least it can be guaranteed for a year or two, Hebei Dadi The situation is stable.

After a year or two, it will be up to him whether Kuan'er can break the game or not."

After hearing this, Empress Changsun shook her head and sighed. She felt that it would be too difficult to successfully break through the siege of the four great families.

Li Shimin saw that Empress Changsun's face was not worried, and immediately.

He smiled and said: "Guanyin maid, you don't have to worry, this kid Kuan'er has his own set.

Leaving Chang'an this time, Kuan'er has transferred a lot of craftsmen who will be supervisors from Chang'an."

"He also picked up a lot of the master of the weapons supervisor, and also brought a lot of documents from the palace to Hebei. What's more, he also brought two of my favorite generals to Hebei. "

After hearing this, Empress Changsun's eyes lit up: "Oh, what Your Majesty said is the Yan brothers."

"Yes, Yan Lide, Yan Liben, these two are talents.

Although they are young, under thirty, the ministers of the Ministry of Industry in the future will definitely be their brothers.”

After hearing this, Empress Changsun smiled: "Your Majesty, the concubine has also heard of this Yan's brother.

The Yan brothers are the queens of the famous family.

He is proficient in the art of alchemy, and is especially good at building things."

"Their Yan family was originally... the imperial concubine in the previous dynasty. The Yan brothers are even better than the blue. I didn't expect Kuan'er to transfer them away in advance."

Chapter 277

Empress Zhangsun felt quite relieved when she thought that Wan Kuan had already made preparations.

Then Li Shimin smiled and said, "This brother Yan has been serving as a member of the staff, and although his position is not low, he will not be able to get promoted for a while, after all, his qualifications are too shallow.

If you can follow Kuan'er to make a great contribution in Hebei, you can make the best use of it."

"It seems that this Kuan'er is already prepared, so the concubine doesn't have to worry."

"It's more than ready, as soon as I let him go to Hebei, I'm afraid he has already started planning.

From the moment he promised, I knew that he had already made up his mind, this time he was bringing craftsmen, cooperating with aristocratic families, and collecting documents and files of the court, it seems that Kuan'er wants to do a big job in Hebei."

"If Kuan'er can gain a firm foothold in Hebei, then the ministers and concubines can rest easy.

Now Kuan'er is soaring like a Dapeng, and Chengqian has grown a lot these days.

In this way, the courtiers and concubines have nothing to ask for."

"Haha, Guanyin maid, that Chengqian has not grown up a lot, but has grown up completely."

"Your Majesty, what do you say?"

"In the past, Chengqian was the crown prince, he thought that the throne must belong to him, so he had not thought much.

But after the incident of Kuan'er, Chengqian felt that the crown prince's position was not secure, so he became: Be careful."

"Then if Chengqian becomes: thoughtful, will His Majesty still consider him?"

Li Shimin smiled lightly at this time: "Guanyin maid, why do you ask this when you know it? Even if Chengqian is thoughtful, it is far from Kuan'er.

My country is to be handed over to the best son."

Li Shimin's eyes lit up: "I want to make the Tang Dynasty immortal and popular for centuries.

Under the whole world, is it not the king's land.

In such a prosperous Tang, only Kuan'er can do it."

While Li Shimin was speaking, a report suddenly came from outside the hall.

Li Shimin's eyes widened and he let people in.

I saw a guard dressed in black bowed his head and walked in respectfully.

"Your Majesty, that Pei Ji wrote a letter, and it has been sent to Hebei as soon as possible. It should arrive in Jizhou tomorrow, and it should be sent to Pei Jingde, the servant of Jizhou."

When Li Shimin heard this, a cold look appeared in his eyes, and he beckoned to let the black-clothed guard go down.

After the black-clothed guards left, the atmosphere in Liangyi Hall suddenly became much colder.

"Your Majesty, what is Pei Ji going to do?"

"Guanyin maid, can't you guess what Pei Ji wants to do? That Pei Ji is the favored minister of the Supreme Emperor, the first minister of the Supreme Emperor back then, although he is idle at home now, he is not old, and he still wants to have some crooked thoughts."

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