All government affairs of the imperial court no longer involve land, and all workshops have been opened near the county seat.

Regarding the farming and arable land, the imperial yamen directly delegates power, and everything is left to the aristocratic family.

Some knowledgeable people shook their heads and sighed after seeing it.

This Wan Kuan really lived up to his name, I thought he was a good official, but he didn't expect to turn his back to the aristocratic family.

What's even more speechless is that Wan Kuan, the provincial governor of Hebei, doesn't do anything. He stays in the backcountry of Dengzhou all day and doesn't know what to do.

There is only one Qin Qiong left in Jizhou. What can a military general stay here for? And this Wan Kuan is extremely ferocious and extravagant. He even thinks that his Grand Governor's Mansion is not enough... imposing, and he wants to build another magnificent one next to him.

After everyone found out, they couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, this is simply an incompetent corrupt official.

How could such an official be sent here by the emperor? Hebei is already in dire straits, and to send such a great governor, isn't this adding fuel to the fire and making it worse? And you are greedy and greedy, even if you are smart enough, Knowing to seek a little welfare for the people of Hebei.

But Wan Kuan is still an idiot, and I don't know why many people regard Wan Kuan as an immortal. Would immortals build houses with stones? In an open space outside the Jizhou Grand Governor's Mansion, a group of craftsmen dug wildly, and then piled up next to it. Long-shaped stone.

The stone is red, and I don't know where it came from. If there is something good, go up and ask.

The craftsmen who...worked directly said that they were going to build a new Grand Governor's mansion with these stones.

Everyone sneered when they heard it, building a house with stones, is this Wan Kuan a savage who drank blood? Besides, there are so many barren mountains and trees next to Jizhou, how could it be possible to build a house with stones and a bunch of people are still carrying it Bags of dusty clay, said to be mixed with water to make a paste, and then stick the stones together, it will be very strong.

Some people also brought a lot of gravel and sand from Dengzhou. For a while, no one knew what Wan Kuan was doing.

However, some people of insight are already full of despair, such a great governor can't save the people of Liming in Hebei at all, it is good that the people of Liming in Hebei are not suffering.

Moreover, many officials in Hebei who were loyal to the imperial court saw this scene and directly wrote a memorial and handed it to the censor's desk, saying that they wanted to impeach Wan Kuan.

The Censor's Office monitors hundreds of officials all over the world and hears reports, and these officials hope that the emperor can recognize Wan Kuan's true face.

But at this time Wan Kuan couldn't care about them at all. The industrial revolution was in full swing. How could Wan Kuan have the time to take care of this matter? Wan Kuan was already tired of the current house. In fact, Wan Kuan wanted to build a government office. Verify the bricks and cement burned in Dingzhou.

Now so many places in Hebei are building workshops, but so many craftsmen have been recruited from refugees and common people, you have to give people a place to live.

Every craftsman brings his family and his family. If you don’t arrange a place for them to live, why don’t you let them live in their old rural homes? So it is imperative to build staff dormitories, and Wan Kuan also wants to build another big one for himself. The Governor's Mansion, anyway, used bricks and cement to build a three-story building, which is exciting to think about.

Chapter 342

Wan Kuan wanted to find another vacant land and build a duplex villa in later generations, but he never got the chance.

As a result, after arriving in the Tang Dynasty, it can be regarded as an opportunity.

For such a large area, Wan Kuan has designed it well.

Rockery, water pools, swimming pools, the three-story building in the middle, with a large garden, this is simply the day of the gods.

And Yan Lide, who is in Dingzhou, has been in full swing recently, and the bricks and cement are transported to the land of Hebei as if they don't need money.

The workshops in every state capital are building buildings, and they are building houses, and those... craftsmen finally have their own place to live.

This cement and bricks can't be used up, Wan Kuan waved his hand directly, every craftsman must have a place to live.

A family of five or more can get a small courtyard, and a family of three can get a bungalow.

Singles live directly in the single dormitory, and when they get married, they will get a small bungalow.

This Wan Kuan knows the pain of not having a house, so every craftsman will be assigned a house as soon as he comes up, so he can feel at ease with a house.

However, Wan Kuan was full of ambition, but there were always some people in the court who could not understand that Wan Kuan was deeply favored by Li Shimin.

It was another great conference. The previous great conferences were calm, but this time, there was a bit of turmoil.

Originally, all of Li Shimin's energy recently was on the war against the Turks, and the big court meeting was only going through the motions, and most of the matters were discussed with the prime minister and the generals at the small court meeting.

But this time the great meeting was a little different. As soon as the great meeting came up, Li Shimin felt the strange atmosphere in the hall.

Like Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng... all the senior officials of the civil servants looked at their noses, noses and hearts, motionless.

And those officials of the ...... four or five, ,, the officials are just around the corner, gearing up.

Li Shimin was an old fox, and even the slightest change could not escape his eyes. He knew that today's Great Court must be a little different.

Sure enough, when Fu Lai, who was beside Li Shimin, said that the court meeting was about to begin, the Censor Zhongcheng of the Censor Terrace couldn't hold back.

"Your Majesty, I impeach Wan Kuan, the governor of Hebei Province, for ten crimes, and I implore Your Majesty to remove him and bring him to Chang'an."

When Li Shimin heard these words, his eyes narrowed, and a cold light appeared from the slits of his eyes.

And Fang Xuanling glanced at Wei Zheng, the doctor beside him, but Wei Zheng was still calm, as if his subordinate's impeachment against Wan Kuan had nothing to do with him.

On the other hand, Changsun Wuji's face was neither sad nor happy, but his eyes wandered back and forth between Wei Zheng and Li Shimin.

At this time, Li Shimin was also looking at Wei Zheng. Censor Zhongcheng was the deputy of the Censor, and he wanted to impeach Wan Kuan. Li Shimin didn't believe that Wei Zheng didn't know.

At this time, Wei Zheng was as motionless as a mountain, not saying a word.

Zheng didn't speak, but the others were speaking, and four 44 censors came out from the censor's desk, and they kept saying that the minister agreed.

As he spoke, Huang Mingjian, the imperial censor, handed the copy in his hand to the old eunuch Fulai.

And there was some panic in Fulai's eyes, he took the book and trotted and handed it to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin took the note and paused for a while, then opened it gently.

And that Huang Mingjian said directly: "Your Majesty, this minister impeaches Wan Kuan, and his crimes are ten.

The first crime is slack in duty and dereliction of duty.

After Wan Kuan arrived in Hebei, he didn't go to the yamen to work, he spent the whole day wandering around the mountains and rivers, and had no intention of political affairs."

"The second sin is greed.

This Wan Kuan actually dislikes the dilapidated residence of the Grand Governor assigned by the imperial court, and wants to build another one in other places, which is really greedy."

"The third crime is to be eccentric and skillful, to mess with the imperial court.

After Wankuan arrived in Hebei, he gathered a lot of people into the workshop to refine tools, and these people stopped farming, which really shook the country."

"The fourth sin is that, as an official of the imperial court, he is a demon and confuses the public. He is actually here: Hebei preaches the theory of gods and ghosts, and claims to be the reincarnation of gods and deceives the people."

"The fifth crime is to harass the court and the people. It is said that Wan Kuan actually wanted to build the Governor's Mansion with bricks..."

That Huang Mingjian is worthy of being the chief of the imperial censor, every word is plausible, and every crime evidence seems to have sufficient evidence.

Those... middle and lower-level officials who participated in the court meeting were all excited after hearing this.

Everyone just didn't expect that Wan Kuan would actually be there: Hebei is doing something wrong, and this talent is wasted in vain.

Then Huang Mingjian read the ten criminal evidences, and said with great enthusiasm: "Your Majesty, this Wan Kuan has acted erratically in Hebei, causing the trouble for the people to live in Hebei.

I urge Your Majesty to escort him back to Chang'an and hand him over to the Dali Temple for questioning. According to the crime, the Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Personnel, and the three divisions should have a joint trial."

When Li Shimin heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he closed the memorial directly, pinching it with two fingers.

Li Shimin's expression seemed to be smiling, but the cold light in his eyes made people panic.

Those low-level officials who don't see Li Shimin often don't know yet, but people like Fang Xuanling and Zhangsun Wuji should be careful when they see Li Shimin's eyes like this.

At this time, Huang Mingjian spoke righteously, and many censors behind him, as well as middle-level officials, all agreed with him, and it seemed that the momentum was huge.

At least half of the people in the Taiji Hall stood up, as if Wan Kuan had done something injurious and was attacked by the crowd.

At this moment, Li Shimin's expression was calm, he put the memorial in his hand aside, and looked at Huang Mingjian.

"Yushi Huang, the first thing you said was Wan Kuan's dereliction of duty, which made life difficult for the people of Hebei.

But as far as I know, it seems that Hebei has not asked the court for another grain of rice since Wankuan left."

After Li Shimin said this, he looked at Changsun Wuji next to him. Of course, Changsun Wuji understood what Li Shimin meant and hurriedly stood up and said.

"Report to Your Majesty, after Wan Kuan took office in Hebei, he did not ask the Ministry of Household for some rice, and there was no news of famine in Hebei."

Li Shimin nodded, and the eldest grandson Wuji also wiped his sweat secretly. The meaning of what Li Shimin said just now was obvious. He still stood on Wan Kuan's side as always, and didn't care about those... Yu What did Shi say.

Then Huang Mingjian said that Wan Kuan made the people in Hebei difficult to live, and as a result, those people in Hebei...the people did not have famine, and did not allow the court to allocate a little grain. Isn't this contradictory? Huang Mingjian felt a little wronged after listening to it. Everyone knows that there is no famine in Hebei, that is because Wan Kuan took the farmland in Hebei and exchanged it with the family, but this matter cannot be said in the court.

Because there are many people in the court who can relate to the aristocratic family, if Huang Mingjian speaks out about this, it is... against the aristocratic family, and the officials under the aristocratic family will definitely gang up and attack it.

Chapter 343

That Huang Mingjian was stopped by Li Shimin, and for a while... he was speechless.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, so he had to bite the bullet and said.

"Your Majesty, this Wan Kuan is indeed a heinous crime, and there is evidence for the remaining nine articles of Weichen's impeachment against him.

Na Wan Kuan is indeed using the people's fat to build the Grand Governor's Mansion."

"Wan Kuan didn't stay in Jizhou, he wandered in Dengzhou all day.

Moreover, Wan Kuan recruited farmers to set up workshops, and he did not focus on farming, but only used some strange tricks to make money. This is putting the cart before the horse."

After listening, Li Shimin sighed: "That place in Hebei has been in war and chaos for a long time, and it is indeed dilapidated. Maybe the Grand Governor's Mansion is indeed uninhabitable. Wankuan builds another one, it will affect the face of the court, and it is not necessary."

Fang Xuanling and the eldest grandson Wuji understood when they heard this, today Li Shimin is... standing beside Wan Kuan, and he can't tolerate anyone saying bad things about Wan Kuan.

The Grand Governor's Mansion, which was placed in the imperial court, did not live there, and building another one in other places was indeed criticized. As a result, Li Shimin was still biased towards Wankuan, saying that the Hebei area was really bad enough, and it was normal to build another one.

Just based on this sentence, those bigwigs know that today's... The imperial censor's impeachment is doomed to be futile.

"Your Majesty, how can Wan Kuan be allowed to do anything wrong in Hebei?"

That Huang Mingjian looked extremely indignant, and at this moment Fang Xuanling got up and said.

"Yushi Huang, some things can't be seen on the surface. Although Wan Kuan is not in Jizhou, he doesn't travel all day long like you said.

That Hebei is a land of poverty.

There are many people in hardships, and since Wan Kuan went to Hebei, he has visited various places to investigate, and it can be considered to be aware of the people's conditions, how can he say that he is not doing his job properly?"

"But those...the workshops in Hebei are now open, and the plastics are produced in the workshops. No one here has ever used them."

At this moment, Fang Xuanling laughed: "Yushi Huang, this is the genius of Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan set up a workshop, how can it be considered a strange skill, then Wan Kuan was originally a prisoner."

"Let those peasants who have no land to grow into the workshop, refine the utensils, and then sell them for a living, which has solved the livelihood of many people in Hebei. Can you sum it up?"

"According to what Huang Yushi said, the armor and weapons that will serve as prisoners are also ingenious skills. Don't we need to fight with the Turks in close quarters?"

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