"Don't worry, Yingying, Your Majesty will never be dissatisfied with your husband.

And as a husband, you don't have to give your Majesty a memorial."

Wan Kuan pulled Cui Yingying into his arms and sat down: "I am His Majesty's son, just write a letter for anything between the father and son, why should I file a memorial, and Wan Kuan doesn't like it, and if Wan Kuan really wrote Li Shimin, Li Shimin I'm afraid I will be very disappointed in my heart.

There is no family in the imperial family, but no father wants his self to be alienated.

In fact, now Wan Kuan sometimes recalls the scene of meeting with Li Shimin, which is quite interesting. My father often has that kind of thing... When there are words that are hard to explain, it is really interesting to think about it now.

And Wan Kuan took the lotus seed porridge, drank it, and stood up.

Cui Yingying sat on the Taishi chair and spread out the rice paper.

Wan Kuan took two steps and said: "Your Majesty, the construction of the Hebei sea ship is completed, and it is about to set sail. It will be able to return in about ten days.

On the day of the return flight, it will bring hundreds of thousands of dans of rice."

Na Wan Kuan was talking and Cui Yingying was writing.

Wan Kuan stopped after saying a word, and Cui Yingying raised her head strangely and asked.

"Husband, what's next?"

"No, just this sentence, write it and put it in an envelope, and then put the two lines of poetry in it, and I will send it to Your Majesty."

"Husband, this is a bit too hasty."

"What is sloppy is originally a personal letter, why write so well?"

After hearing this, Cui Yingying sighed, her husband has a really weird temper sometimes.

When others face the emperor, they can't wait to be respectful, but as a result, the husband has to do whatever he wants.

However, it seems that His Majesty's love for her husband continues unabated.

At the great court meeting, His Majesty even reprimanded those... Censors, this really made Cui Yingying a little confused.

Give the letter to Xiaolaizi, Xiaolaizi knows what to do.

Wan Kuan stretched his waist, looking at the bright moon hanging high outside, he couldn't help stretching his muscles and bones, and then looked back at the calm and peaceful Cui Yingying.

"Ma'am, it's getting late, we should go to bed."


Cui Yingying stood up and said, "My husband rested in the concubine's room yesterday, and today we should go to Sister Shun'er."

At this time, Wan Kuan took Cui Yingying's hand and scratched her palm twice: "Sister Shun'er is inconvenient these days, so my husband has to sleep in Yingying's place."

That Cui Yingying blushed a little under the candlelight.

"Why, Yingying, don't you want to?"

"How can the concubine not want the concubine to fetch water for the husband to bathe and change."

Cui Yingying grew lotus step by step, pacing out of the room.

Looking at Cui Yingying's slim figure, Wan Kuan touched his chin and thought.

These days of getting married, this Cui Yingying seems to have matured a bit.

Wan Kuan thought of this, and whistled out of the study.

On the other side, Yan Li could have been miserable, and was still busy on the dock.

The governor has orders to load all the goods into the ship one day tomorrow, and set sail early the next morning.

What kind of fresh water, the goods sold must not be less.

Then Yan Liben calculated the time, and it was definitely too late to wait until tomorrow, so he worked overtime tonight.

Boxes of plastic, boxes of china, plus iron and cloth.

The cargo shipped by sea ship to the South China Sea this time is very rich.

How many Nanyang trees are there... ore, so the... indigenous savages over there are all wood and stone tools.

If plastic ceramics and ironware were transported over, they would not be mad with joy.

In fact, Yan Liben was also very strange. Since the native savages in Nanyang are so weak, it is enough to send [-] soldiers to conquer them. Why bother to exchange with them? But Wan Kuan sneered when he heard Yan Liben's words, and left with a sneer. .

Yan Liben still doesn't know what Wan Kuan means, in fact, Wan Kuan has long thought about this matter very clearly.

The indigenous savages in the South Seas are indeed weak in combat, let alone ten thousand elite soldiers, five thousand elite soldiers can conquer thousands of miles of land.

But after your expedition, you have almost killed those savages, who will farm the land for you? Do you still want the people of Datang to go to Nanyang?

Chapter 347

At this time, in the hearts of the people of the Tang Dynasty, Nanyang was the land of barbarians. Who would want to leave their homeland and go to Nanyang unless they were the kind of people who were hungry and couldn't eat.

Moreover, there are many miasmas and poisonous insects in the South China Sea. After the people of the Tang Dynasty went there, they were not satisfied with the environment and conditions, and it was not certain whether they could survive or not.

When the time comes, the natives will be killed, and there will be so much land that no one cultivates. Isn't this a big joke. With such a fertile land, the Tang Dynasty will definitely hold it tightly in its hands, but And don't hurt the local indigenous people.

Because the living environment in Nanyang is still too poor, except for the indigenous people, few people can live for a long time.

Wan Kuan wanted to find a way not to hurt the lives of the Tu people, but he made them work hard to farm. After much deliberation, there was only one way, and that was commercial colonization.

Sending a large army to conquer is military colonization, and commercial colonization is...with enough benefits, to induce the local indigenous people to sacrifice their lives for themselves.

In fact, this is also very simple, first send a large number of good things, and the indigenous people are all tribal.

Those... tribal chiefs must have loved it when they saw a bright silk, light plastic, perfect china.

After they are hooked, they will show the strength of Datang. At that time, the leaders of the indigenous people must be [-]% willing to cooperate with Datang.

Let those... native leaders oppress the native savages under him to cultivate the Tang Dynasty, so that we can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

If the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty alone were used to persecute them, those indigenous people would not be able to work at all.

When the time comes to let the land go to waste, this is the biggest waste of land.

Therefore, Wan Kuan had two purposes this time. The first was... to let those indigenous people see that Datang had unparalleled good things.

And the second purpose is...to let those...indigenous leaders see how strong the Tang Dynasty's military strength is, so that they don't dare to think carefully.

After all, everyone who sees a good thing wants to take it for himself. If you are not strong enough, those...the indigenous leaders will directly send people to rob them.

But if your strength is much higher than them, they will definitely beg for each other respectfully.

At that time, if the benefits are granted again, those...indigenous leaders will naturally form the colonial ruling class.

Then Wan Kuan can control the indigenous tribes in the entire Southeast Asia by remote control of those...indigenous leaders. This is the best way.

The army used to kill indiscriminately in the past. Of course, this land can be taken by force, but no one cultivates it. What use do you want this land for? There is no shortage of food at all.

At that time, the family had so much arable land, but all the people had already gone to Wankuan's workshop to work. They didn't have the people to cultivate, and it was useless to ask for so much land.

Therefore, many people in the Tang Dynasty are still constrained in their thinking, thinking that occupying land means... owning everything.

In fact, their idea is also correct, after all, throughout the ages, there has never been enough time.

Everyone's desire for land comes from the bone marrow.

At this time, although Yan Liben didn't understand this truth, he only understood one thing, that is, as long as Wan Kuan said what he said, he would do it [-]%, absolutely wrong.

In Yan Liben's mind, Wan Kuan has become a fairy-like figure. He is simply... a magician. As long as he does what he said, it will definitely bring great benefits.

So now Yan Liben was staring at the crew members and moved these things in quickly.

Those...the craftsmen are also very aggrieved, and they have to work at night.

Of course I am happy to lift it to plastic, because plastic is very light.

It will be miserable if it is carried to iron, and it will be heavy.

It is even worse for the porcelain, because the porcelain is not only heavy, but also handled with care and cannot be broken.

And this time Wan Kuan's biggest strength in entering Nanyang is... plastic. After all, plastic is a big killer for Nanyang people.

It can hold water under high temperature and humidity, which is the biggest advantage of plastic.

Because they all use wooden barrels, but the sturdy wood will slowly rot in that kind of wet environment.

When the wood rots, there will be gaps and water will flow away.

Unless you use very valuable huanghuali or red sandalwood, but that kind of wood is too hard and difficult to process, so this plastic pot must be used by everyone in the past.

Add this fine china, add those... linen and cotton, and this time it's definitely going nowhere.

Now near Lintong, there is already a workshop dedicated to the Shaofu Supervisor to produce cotton cloth and down jackets.

Ever since Wan Kuan made the down jacket in Jiucheng Palace, the court immediately.

Funding,,, vigorously raise ducks and geese, and then vigorously buy white piezi or cotton raw materials from Gaochang in the Western Regions.

The Liangzhou area has already started to grow cotton.

The Nanyang Dynasty is humid and hot, so it is not suitable to wear silk.

Wan Kuan bought a lot of linen. This kind of mulberry linen is light and breathable, which is very suitable for Nanyang people.

However, Wanli also brought a little silk, after all, the appearance of silk is too gorgeous.

With these silks, you can win over the leaders of those... tribes, and kill two birds with one stone at that time.

Then Yan Liben worked on the pier until midnight, everyone was really exhausted, and Yan Liben let people go back to rest.

Moreover, there was still work to do in the early morning of tomorrow, and everyone sighed, feeling that these two days were really too hard.

But after a while, Yan Liben brought people a lot of supper.

The wine, meat and rice noodles are a little intoxicating.

Big white noodles, steamed buns, rice, and fish soup, gravy, let everyone have a beautiful meal.

Moreover, each person can also share a small bowl of spirits, after eating, the wine will get stronger, but it will relieve fatigue.

Lie down on the bed and go to sleep, and get up tomorrow so that you can go back to work.

In fact, the people and craftsmen at this time did not have so many requirements. As long as they can eat enough, it is the greatest good thing.

If you can drink small wine and eat meat, that is the life of the gods.

In the hearts of many people, Li Shimin just eats these things all day.

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