It's just that Kuan'er has already started to act."

"Oh, what did Kuan'er think? Since he knows about this country of Lin Yi, he must have a plan.

Does he want to use a sea boat to carry the army around Lingnan to crusade the South Vietnam?"

Li Shimin shook his finger at this time, proud: "Kuan'er can't move a knife or a gun, Kuan'er always wins by outwit."

"How can this win by outwitness? Can Kuan'er still do the same thing to let Lingnan die on him?"

"Guanyin maid, it's impossible to say.

With his ability, even if he does something shocking, I will not doubt it.

This time Kuan'er intends to exchange the plastic and porcelain from Hebei for rice from the land of South Vietnam."

The Empress Changsun nodded after hearing this: This is one of the ways to buy and sell, but it is a pity that this land cannot be in the hands of my Great Tang."

"Guanyin maid need not be embarrassed, Kuan'er has already assured me about this matter, without the need for a large army, this Lingnan area can still be owned by the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, Kuan Er also reminded me that I have to tell the Feng family from Lingnan quickly.

Otherwise, the Feng family's presence in Lingnan will be a disaster sooner or later."

Empress Zhangsun was silent after hearing this, her mind was full of thoughts.

At this time, Li Shimin, holding a small white porcelain teacup, tossed and fumbled, admiring it.

"It's strange that Kuan'er sent me another batch of porcelain yesterday.

And this batch of porcelain is even more ingenious than the previous batch of white porcelain, there is a soft suet color on this batch of porcelain, like the white suet jade."

The Empress Zhangsun returned to her senses and smiled, holding a white bottle in her hand: "Your Majesty, yesterday's batch of porcelain was newly fired by Kuan'er.

The Wanjia store in Chang'an has taken over the big store in the West Market, and when the time comes, they will come to sell this kind of white porcelain like suet and white jade."

Then Li Shimin was amazed after listening to the tsk tsk, took the lid of the tea bottle and tapped it lightly.

The crisp and melodious voice echoed in his ears, and Li Shimin was a little intoxicated for a while.

"Guanyin maid, he knows exactly what's in this Kuan'er's brain, astronomy, geography, medicine, astrological astrological phenomena, and he can still burn such amazing porcelain."

"Your Majesty, this time the porcelain was not fired by Kuan'er, but by the second girl of the Wu family."

"The Second Girl of the Wu Family"

Li Shimin immediately heard it.

He reacted: "Yes, yes, that second girl of the Wu family was sent to Xingzhou by Kuan'er to be in charge of firing porcelain and dredging the river. I forgot about this matter."

"Your Majesty, this second girl from the Wu family is also an extraordinary talent.

This is just a few days of firing porcelain, and such exquisite porcelain has been fired.

It's a pity her daughter died."

"Guanyin maid, don't be sorry.

That the second girl of the Wu family is a daughter is not a bad idea.... When Kuan'er brings her into the harem, this Kuan'er has another help."

After hearing this, Empress Changsun couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Your Majesty, this Kuan'er has already married the eldest girl of the Wu family, and if she takes the second girl of the Wu family, she may be criticized."

"My son of Li Shimin, whoever he marries has nothing to do with the world, as long as Kuaner is willing, it is not a problem for others to make irresponsible remarks."

Li Shimin thought very clearly that there was such a wonderful and beautiful woman by his side, wouldn't it be too stupid not to marry her home and become his own wife, and Wan Kuan actually felt the same way, as talented as Wu Meier An amazing woman, if she doesn't receive her subordinates, she is really a fool.

Looking at the milky white porcelain Wu Meier sent, Wan Kuan was amazed.

And Wu Shun'er on the side was also looking at the porcelain in surprise: "Did the second sister burn it?"

"That's right, the second sister researched it herself, this little girl is really flexible.

My husband just reminded her to wake up, and in a few days she burned such exquisite porcelain.

This little girl really lived up to her husband's hope."

At this moment, Wu Shun'er looked at the porcelain in front of her, and her nose turned sour: tears almost fell out.

"Husband, please bring the second sister back. She is a little girl who is out of town, and the slave family and mother are very worried."

Chapter 350

Wu Shun'er's mood is understandable, but he doesn't think so.

"Shun'er, even if you call that little girl back now, she doesn't want to come back.

She has the final say in Xingzhou, what can she do when she returns home, do you embroider and swing with you all day long?"

When Wu Shun'er heard this, he sighed, "Oh, it's all my husband's fault! I've let this girl play wild, and I can't take my mind back."

At this time, Wan Kuan stretched out his fingers to hook Wu Shun'er's chin, and it slipped gently, as soft as condensed fat.

"Shun'er, the second sister is different from you. The second sister is born...a talented person, she will not be trapped in a small mansion."

"The slave family knew from a young age that their younger sister was extraordinary, smart, and determined in what she did.

But if this woman is too powerful, I am afraid she will be criticized."

"Don't worry, Shun'er.

Because my husband is behind her to support her, no one dares to do anything to her."

At this moment, Wu Shun'er bit her lip and looked at Wan Kuan silently.

Wan Kuan raised his head, a little strange.

"Why does Shun'er look at her husband like this?"

"Husband, what do you think of the second sister?"

"Smart and a good helper."

"Husband, the slave family is saying what the second sister looks like"

"That little girl hasn't grown yet, but now she looks like a beautiful embryo."

"That husband has a different idea for the second sister"

When Wan Kuan heard this, his face was a little surprised: "Shun'er, why are you asking this?"

"No, the slave family just asked casually."

Wan Kuan was a little suspicious after hearing this, but Wu Shun'er immediately.

He came up and slapped himself on the shoulder.

Wan Kuan immediately leaned back comfortably on the back of the chair and forgot about it.

And Wu Shun'er felt... a little sighed, this little sister of her own is now an official, and it will be difficult for her to marry again in the future.

Moreover, although this Wu Shun'er is not very smart, he is very clear about his relatives.

Wu Shun'er could tell at a glance what her younger sister thought about her husband.

Thinking of this, Wu Shun'er also sighed a little.

At this time, Wu Mei'er, who was in Xingzhou, looked at Wan Kuan's reply letter with a smile on her face. In the letter, Wan Kuan praised herself well: "Wu Mei'er's mouth is almost up in the sky. .

"Brother-in-law, you still know how to praise me, now you know how powerful this lady is."

Wu Mei'er was very happy now. After the white porcelain was fired, she always felt that there was a cyan color on the white porcelain, which always made people feel uncomfortable.

So Wu Meier wrote a letter to ask Wan Kuan to see how to make that milky white porcelain.

And after Wan Kuan received the letter, it was a good idea for a while.

He remembered those later generations... The white porcelain used in the restaurant seems to be milky white and milky white, but he doesn't know the specific craftsmanship.

But he knows that kind of... china is called porcelain, since it is called bone china, it must have something to do with bones.

The name of this porcelain is more or less related to its firing formula, and it has something to do with bones. Could it be that there are bones in the porcelain, and Wan Kuan thought about it carefully. The bones are all white. If you add bones to In the porcelain clay, what effect will it have? So Wan Kuan asked Wu Meier to try it in his reply to see if adding some bones would make the porcelain white.

After seeing Wan Kuan's reply, Wu Mei'er almost dropped her chin. How could bones be added to this porcelain? But then Wu Mei'er breathed a bit. The bones were exposed to the sun in the wilderness. A streak of white, which means there is something white in the bone.

Wan Kuan's words have some truth, but this bone is so big that it can't be added into the porcelain clay.

Later, Wu Meier wanted to find some beef bones and lamb bones, bake them with high fire, grind them into powder after baking, and add them to the porcelain clay.

As a result, it would be different if it was fired again. The result was that Wu Meier did what she said. She made beef bones and lamb bones, roasted them in high fire, and then used a stone mill to grind them into extremely fine powder. Like grains of sand.

After adding the clay, Wu Meier tried firing several furnaces, and the amount of bone meal added in it varied.

Later, after it was fired, Wu Meier found that the fired porcelain had really faded away... cyan, there was a kind of pure white, and it also had a milky softness.

Wu Meier found that the more bone powder was added, the softer and whiter the porcelain became.

But you can't just use bone meal, so in the end Wu Meier finally chose the best formula after several tests.

Beef bone meal is the best, if you can't get beef bones, sheep bones are also fine.

Generally, high-quality porcelain needs at least half of bone meal and half of porcelain clay, so that the fired porcelain is not only whiter, but also the transparent glazed glaze layer on the surface is thicker, giving people a crystal clear feeling.

After the firing was successful, Wu Meier proudly sent a few sets of porcelain to Dengzhou to show off.

After showing off, Wan Kuan's reply came to him. In the letter, Wu Mei'er was praised like a little fairy, and Wu Mei'er was also triumphant in her heart.

I want my brother-in-law to take a look, this woman can hold up half the sky.

When I see him next time, my brother-in-law will definitely like him more.

Wu Meier looked at the blue sky outside, and was very happy inside, and then walked in the ceramic workshop wearing embroidered shoes.

The craftsmen around them all came and went like the wind. After the bone china was fired, the ceramic workshop started to get busy again.

Na Wan Kuan ordered a lot of porcelain to be shipped to Chang'an, and it was to be sold at that time, and the ceramic workshop finally started to make money.

Recently, news about Hebei in Chang'an City is always very hot.

The governor of Wanda is chatting with the gods again, there is another thunderstorm on the coast of Hebei, the plastic workshop in Hebei has expanded again, and a new truck of plastic is going to be sold in Chang'an. La.

A piece of news made the people of Chang'an a little dizzy.

Anyway... these news are all related to Wan Kuan, and the people of Chang'an are not surprised.

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