"Look, everyone, this jar is full of water, and it's unmoving on the ground. Do you think it will be firm?"

At this time, the few Hu merchants couldn't bear it anymore, and the one at the head... the bearded Hu merchant who was not slippery in autumn stepped forward and said in a lame accent.

"The shopkeeper, can you let me touch it?"

When the fat shopkeeper heard this, he looked at this Hu Shang.

"It's okay to touch, but be careful."

"Then don't worry, I, Medid, have been doing business in the West City for ten years. I'm brothers with General He in the capital, can you still believe me?"

"Oh, so he and General He are brothers.

In that case, please get started, but be careful."

After listening to the fat shopkeeper's promise, this Hu Shang immediately.

Climbed up.

I saw him stretch out his hands, his eyes glowing green, as if the porcelain was a peerless beauty.

He touched it lightly with his hand first, and then his eyes widened.

Then he took hold of the mouth of the bottle, held the bottle with the other hand, and lifted it carefully.

After weighing the weight, Hu Shangzui let out a sigh of admiration, then he put the bottle on the crime and tapped twice with the cap of his fingernail.

The beautiful voice came again, and Shang's eyes were full of intoxication.

Finally, he faced the rising sun and looked at this sapphire porcelain again.

In the end, it was the one... The fat shopkeeper forcibly stopped him, otherwise, he would be able to see it for a day.

"I said this... Brother Hu Shang, it's been a long time since I've seen it, and then look at your handprints."

That Hu Shang was reluctant to give up, but was forced by the fat shopkeeper to do anything, so he had to retreat back with jealousy.

As soon as that...Hu Shang retreated, he chatted with the people around him, and he didn't know what they were talking about.

The people in Guanzhong shook their heads in disgust, this Hu Shang had a smell on his body, which was disgusting.

Although the Western Regions Lake Merchants sell a lot of things, and the things are good, no matter how much wealth they accumulate, they can't integrate into the Tang aristocracy, because of this innate contempt.

At this moment, the few Hu merchants looked at the incomparably white porcelain, wishing to open their bloody pots and swallow them in one mouthful.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper knocked on the sapphire porcelain again, and the sound of nails was like a fairy tale.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper was triumphant, and those...people all had red eyes. How could they have seen this kind of porcelain before? Xing kiln white porcelain and Yue kiln celadon were already considered handicrafts, but now It seems that this porcelain is simply... a work of art.

The ability to turn porcelain into jade is well-deserved for its name.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, this porcelain is the creation of the world.

It was the genius of Wan Da who got the essence of the soil from Emperor Donghua, and after nine days of resting the soil, he was able to make this porcelain.

In other words, this porcelain is almost the same as an artifact."

The shopkeeper said it mysteriously, and the people onlookers were also obsessed.

"Look, everyone!"

As he spoke, the fat shopkeeper took out a tray from under the red cloth.

The teacups, tea bowls, teapots, and bottle caps on the tray are all made of white porcelain with water, and the white is enchanting, as if carved from jade.

Sapphire porcelain, with a faint cyan color in the white porcelain, looks like sapphire when the sun shines.

And this teacup is thinner, everyone feels like a thin layer of paper.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper raised a teacup and walked to the group... Hu Shang, showing it from all angles.

Facing the sun, the group of... Hu Shang all stared, and the sun seemed to be able to pass through the white porcelain.

This porcelain is too thin, it can transmit light, and there is a layer of transparent glazed light on the outside of the porcelain, and there are infinite meanings on it.

The group of Hu merchants all stared, their mouths opened like frogs, and their saliva dripped down.

Then, after seeing it, the fat shopkeeper was extremely disgusted, but although he was disgusted, the young master at home said that the biggest buyer of this porcelain is... Hushang, so he must have a good relationship with Hushang.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper walked around in front of Hu Shang for a few laps, and those Hu Shang almost sucked their eyeballs.

"Have you seen that this is sapphire porcelain? This ten thousand talented person has greeted the father-in-law of Hebei, and asked them to take out all the essence of the porcelain clay before firing it into this kind of porcelain."

Hu Shang couldn't bear it any longer, the... wretched bearded man shouted, "How much is it... I bought it for copper money."

The fat shopkeeper frowned when he heard this: "This... don't worry, I haven't said that I want to sell it yet."

The Hu Ren was anxious when he heard it: "You have already opened a shop and displayed it. If you don't sell it, what do you want to do?"

"I mean not only... sell, you buy a set and I won't sell it to you. My burn is all in one pot. You buy a cup and go away. Who will sell the rest of my cups?"

"What do you have a lot of sapphire porcelain?"

At this time, the fat shopkeeper raised his chin high: "I have as many as you want."

Chapter 353

All of a sudden, Hu Shang and the common people all exploded.

Everyone thinks that this sapphire porcelain is a treasure, and since it is a treasure, it cannot be much.

As a result, the fat shopkeeper said that he wanted as much as he wanted. When did this genius treasure become so worthless, when the people were stunned, Hu Shang quickly exchanged glances.

The bearded man shouted directly: "I want it all, I want as much as you have.

The price is up to you."

The fat shopkeeper was a little surprised after hearing this. The young master was right. No wonder Hushang was rich and rich, and he didn't ask the price at all. He didn't care how expensive you were...


In fact, Wan Kuan knew what this Hu businessman was doing, but he was just buying low and selling high.

No matter how expensive you sell him, he will transport it to the Western Regions, and then to the Persian Daqin in the west, he will double and sell again, and he will still make money.

Especially the baby in the Central Plains, the people in the west like it the most, so they don't worry about the price at all.

No matter how expensive you sell it, he can just flip it up again.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper made a color with the guy next to him, and the guy immediately.

He leaned up and whispered in the ear of Hu Shang.

"Don't worry, everyone, there are treasures behind.

If a few of you are really interested in this sapphire porcelain, let's go to the backyard to discuss in detail after the show is over."

When the bearded man heard it, he nodded, indeed this kind of thing is not suitable for talking in public.

But the beard is still a little strange: "Why is there a baby behind?"

The fat shopkeeper smiled proudly: "Of course there is a treasure, this sapphire porcelain is the essence of the soil taken by Emperor Donghua.

But my young master has friendship with many immortals, and also has friendship with the Queen Mother of the West of Kunlun Mountains."

"Then Queen Mother of the West learned that Emperor Donghua had taken out the soil, so she also gave the jade essence to my young master.

So my young master added jade essence and fired a kind of porcelain, which is milky white, exactly the same as the white suet jade, and whiter and more transparent than the white suet jade."

As soon as the fat shopkeeper's words came out, all the people around him were in an uproar.

The East Prince has just helped, and the West Queen Mother is here again. The head of the male gods and the goddess of the gods in the sky has helped, so Wan Kuan is a big face. Which immortal is this Wan Kuan reincarnated? It will not be the Jade Emperor, but there are People don't believe it either.

"Shopkeeper, don't brag, no matter how good your porcelain is, it won't be whiter than suet jade.

Your porcelain is a handful of soil, and the suet jade is jade, can this be the same?"

"That's right... Fat shopkeeper, you're talking too much.

If you can turn porcelain into suet jade, I will grab a handful of dirt on the ground and eat it."

For a time, the people laughed and laughed, but the Hu merchants looked at the fat shopkeeper suspiciously.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper pouted: "You are all old and old folks, how can you talk like this, my young master is... made that suet jade-like porcelain, if you don't believe it, please take a look.

As he spoke, the fat shopkeeper took out a wide-mouth porcelain bottle from the bottom of the red cloth.

Everyone's eyes widened at this time, and they all fell silent for a moment.

The whole body is white and moist, like suet, and the microscopic sunlight shines on the porcelain, emitting a soft light, which makes people not dazzling, but feels a lot of warmth.

Moreover, the whole body of the porcelain was pure and white, and there was no flaw at all. What was even more rare was that the porcelain was very thin from the mouth of the bottle.

Everyone looked at it for a long time, as if they were really looking at a transparent jade.

Those wretched Hu Shang couldn't bear it anymore, several people put their hands together and looked up at the sky, as if they were praying.

"How can there be such a perfect porcelain in the world that is whiter than jade and thinner than jade."

"Baby, baby from heaven."

That group of... Hu people kept talking, and ate this white porcelain bottle: praise.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper also raised the corners of his mouth proudly, and for a while, the people behind him were speechless.

This fat shopkeeper really didn't lie, this porcelain vase is really like white suet.

For a time, all the people swallowed, and after seeing the baby, everyone's reaction was the same.

At this time there was some commotion among the people.

"Hey, Big Head, didn't you say that you want other people's porcelain to be made like suet and white jade, so you eat the soil, come on, I'll use all the loess on the ground for you to dig, hurry up and eat it."


That...the big head can't speak, the mouth is stammering.

He stared at the fat shopkeeper with a stubborn head, and suddenly said: "Who knows if it is porcelain, maybe he carved it out of suet white jade."

"Oh, don't babble with your big head.

How can the white suet jade be carved into a hollow porcelain vase? And if you really want such a large piece of white suet jade, are you willing to hollow out the inside? If you are so high, you will accept your fate."

For a time, everyone cheered and let that... Zhang Da's head eat the loess.

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