"General Qin, you are too small.

It would be good if this thunderbolt rang all over the world. What's the point of hitting the heads of the Turks, but also the people of the Western Regions, and the Persians, all the way to the heads of the Daqin people in the far west. By then, all the places Lei Gong had hit were us. The territory of the Tang Dynasty."

Qin Qiong couldn't help laughing when she heard Wan Kuan's words: "Captain, you are drunk."

"General Qin, if you don't believe it, then wait and see, and see how big the Tang Dynasty's territory will be in the future."

"Well, then Qin Mou will wait and see. His Majesty will be ecstatic."

In fact, Qin Qiong was right, Li Shimin in Chang'an City was really ecstatic.

In the barren hills north of Chang'an City, there was a loud noise, and then two big men, Li Shimin and Li Jing, braved the thick loess to walk in and take a look.

The trees were destroyed, and the standing scarecrow was also smashed to pieces, especially the scarecrow was wearing fine armor, even so, the armor was also blown to pieces.

A whole piece of steel plate actually dented, Li Shimin couldn't help but be amazed when he saw it.

"Your Majesty, the thunder sent by Wan Kuan is really too powerful."

Li Jing's face was also a little pale at this time. In this situation, if there were really a group of people standing here just now, I'm afraid it would be fragmented now, a hell on earth.

And Li Shimin's eyes lit up: "Pharmacist, if you have this thing, you can increase your confidence by entering the Turks in two months."

At this time, Li Jing smiled lightly: "Your Majesty, if there are a hundred thunderbolts, the Turks will die."

"Okay, Pharmacist, I will ask Wan Kuan to ask for one hundred Thunderbolts, and I will give them to you in two months.

But what if you can't take down the Turks in two months?"

"If the old minister can't win the Turks, His Majesty will take back all the official titles and titles of the old minister and put the entire family of the old minister in prison."

After hearing this, Li Shimin's heart was filled with enthusiasm.

That Li Jing is a strict person, he even dared to make such a promise, it proves that he has a [-]% certainty in his heart.

Since then, how can Li Shimin be unhappy that the long sword that has been hanging around his neck has finally come to smash.

Li Shimin can't forget the scene when he was crushed by the Turks when he first ascended the throne two years ago.

It was a great shame. If he couldn't be ashamed, Li Shimin would feel uncomfortable sleeping and eating.

At this time, Li Jing asked worriedly: "Your Majesty, can these hundred thunderbolts be handed over to Wankuan within two months?"

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment: "This one is.... I didn't ask, but the pharmacist doesn't need to worry.

That stinky boy Wan Kuan is very shrewd, since he dared to send this thunder, he must have been prepared.

He knows that when I see this thunderbolt, I will definitely want it, and he must have more on hand."

After hearing this, Li Jing stroked his beard and smiled: "Your Majesty really has a good eye, and Wan Kuan is indeed such a person.

Never do anything unsure."

"This kid, I sent him to Hebei. It was the right delivery. I didn't expect to bring so many surprises to me."

Li Shimin looked up at the westward sun, and left the barren mountain with Li Jing.

Li Shimin is overjoyed in his confidence that this winter is much better.

As soon as he returned to the palace, the eldest grandson Wuji waited for a long time in the Liangyi Hall.

As soon as Li Shimin entered, the eldest grandson Wuji immediately.


"You don't need to be too polite, I entered the palace on purpose today, what's the matter?"

The eldest grandson Wuji bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty, this household has an income, and Wei Chen wants to report to Your Majesty."

When Li Shimin heard it, it was a little strange: "Auxiliary machine, this household's annual income of money, grain and taxes is like a feather. If you want to report every payment to me, then I don't have to do other things every day."

After hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji also laughed twice: "Your Majesty, this matter is different from the past, please listen to the minister in detail."

"Auxiliary engine, please speak."

Chapter 363

In the Hall of Liangyi, the eldest grandson Wuji faced Li Shimin, organized the language, and then said.

"Your Majesty, in the past ten days, the plastics and porcelains of Chang'an City have spread all over the streets and alleys. I don't know if Your Majesty knows about it."

When Li Shimin heard this, he felt a little smug in his heart.

How could he not know that the plastic and porcelain were all made by his son.

"Your Majesty, in just ten days, the business tax paid on plastics and porcelain has already exceeded [-] taels."

Changsun Wuji's words caused a thousand waves, and Li Shimin said in shock: "What is [-] taels of silver?"

Zhangsun Wuji nodded, and Li Shimin stood up in surprise.

"Auxiliary machine, how much do you charge for this business tax?"

After hearing that, the eldest grandson Wuji quickly said: "Your Majesty, how dare a minister of Wei dare to decide privately?

Wei Chen didn't dare to ask for more."

After listening, Li Shimin walked directly to Changsun Wuji and asked, "According to what you said, these days, the sales volume of plastic and that porcelain has reached [-] taels."

"Your Majesty, according to the ten-day record of the Ministry of Household, this is indeed the case."

After that, Li Shimin walked around in the Liangyi Hall, gasping for breath as he walked.

He really hadn't imagined that in just ten days, the commercial tax in Chang'an City would have broken through [-] taels.

If [-] taels in ten days, then a month would be... [-] taels, then wouldn't that be [-] in that year? How much could the [-] silver buy... food, Li Shimin dared not think about it any further.

The eldest grandson Wuji lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, because of this, Wei Chen specially came to ask His Majesty for instructions.

If this momentum continues, the income of my Datang household department will double this year."

Then Li Shimin was a little eager to hear it, but he immediately.

He said, "No, I also know that plastic bowls and bowls are sold for only one or two cents. How can you collect so much tax?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know, that plastic products are indeed cheap, but they are bought by too many people.

Not to mention every household in Chang'an City, that is... in Wannian County, Lantian County and even Jingyang County near Chang'an City, there are special people who come to the market to buy plastic products."

"Not to mention the porcelain, although there are not many people buying the porcelain, but the price of each is sky-high.

In particular, the Hu merchants bought each car by car, and the porcelain was only sold for five days in these ten days. If the porcelain is also counted as ten days, it would be more than [-] taels of silver."

Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, he really didn't expect these two gadgets to bring so much tax revenue to Datang.

But this tax is too much, and Li Shimin is also a little nervous.

"Auxiliary machinery, this tax is taken from the people.

This means that the court took more money and grain from the people.

Wouldn't that be bad for the people?"

"Your Majesty doesn't have to do this. Although the ten households have received so much tax money, it doesn't seem to have any impact on the people of Chang'an City. On the contrary, the people of Chang'an City have also benefited."

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji said bitterly: "They bought plastic at a low price, so they don't need to spend more money on wooden basins and iron buckets. In this way, it seems that the common people have also benefited."

"Those...porcelains and those...porcelains can also bring benefits to the people?"

Li Shimin asked.

"Your Majesty doesn't know anything, the people who buy the porcelain are rich families.

Especially the Hushang, these...taxes are also extracted from the Hushang, which has nothing to do with ordinary people."

"Because the common people don't buy the porcelain, and the wealthy families in Chang'an who spend a little money on porcelain are like a drop in the bucket, and they don't care at all."

After listening, Li Shimin clapped his palms: "Alas! This emperor is really embarrassed. I thought that the world had just been at peace soon, and the people would not be able to live, so every time I thought about it, it was a frivolous corvée."

"But I didn't expect that there are many... rich businessmen in the folk, and their money and food are hidden in their own homes.

If I didn't have this porcelain, I'm afraid I still don't know that there are so many rich people in Chang'an City."

Li Shimin was annoyed in his heart, and he was tight in the palace, but there were so many rich people outside the palace,,,, and more luxurious than himself, how could Li Shimin endure "Your Majesty, don't be angry, this rich man in Chang'an City No matter how much, the court can't go directly to their house to grab money, right?"

The eldest grandson Wuji said carefully, in fact, their eldest grandson's family is very rich, but they have been crying poor in front of the emperor.

In fact, their eldest grandson's family also secretly bought a lot of jade porcelain, so the eldest grandson Wuji had to explain.

Li Shimin sighed: "If this porcelain hadn't appeared, I still don't know who the money is in.

The rich merchants occupy the money, but the people are thrifty. It's really hateful.

Auxiliary, I plan to turn this business tax into fifteen tax one, do you think it is feasible?"

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!"

The eldest grandson Wuji waved his hands in fright, "Your Majesty, the business tax has been raised from [-] to [-], and it has doubled every lifetime. This is unique."

"Your Majesty can't be so reckless, if His Majesty does this, then the history books of later generations will record His Majesty as that tyrant.

This doubling of the tax is really bad for your Majesty's reputation."

Changsun Wuji is right, Li Shimin cares about reputation most.

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin cared more about his name than anyone else.

Then Li Shimin sighed after hearing this: "It's really embarrassing, embarrassing."

At this time, Li Shimin had a fire in his heart. In the past, he always felt that the common people were poor, and although those businessmen were rich, they were still living in poverty.

In Li Shimin's mind, the Tang Dynasty had just been founded, and it was not easy for everyone.

Except for the aristocratic family, the people of Datang are all suffering.

So Li Shimin took the lead in frugality, that is... want to save a little for the people.

But this time, when this jade porcelain appeared, Li Shimin knew how many rich people in Chang'an City were.

In the past, those merchants who...looked like they were scrambling, turned out to be...buying them one by one.

This car costs several thousand taels of silver, where did the money come from. Li Shimin thought that everyone was living in a tight situation, but now Li Shimin realized that he was the only one who was living in a tight situation.

His own dignified emperor is not even comparable to those... merchants, Li Shimin was furious in his heart.

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