This bear paw has to be soaked in wine first, and then add spirits, ginger, and garlic to a small fire and simmer.

Cook it after cooking it, so that it will taste good.”

At this time, Wan Kuan didn't use chopsticks, he just took a free spoon and scraped it lightly, then scraped off a piece of bear paw meat and put it in his mouth to eat.

This taste is the same as the crispy sea cucumber, but it is more chewy than the sea cucumber, not to mention that this bear paw is really shy and delicious.

Chapter 367

In the office, Wan Kuan and Yan Liben bumped into each other, chatting and laughing.

"Alas, Governor.

You don't know what kind of hard life Xiguan has spent in Nanyang these days.

There is rice in that damned place in Nanyang, but there is nothing but... rice.

Those... savages get some colorful leaves and branches to soak in the rice, it's bitter and astringent, and they don't know how they can eat it."

Wan Kuan listened to Yan Liben telling anecdotes about Nanyang, which was quite interesting.

"Captain, let alone wine, they don't even have soup.

Except...water is...mashed fruit juice.

I don't know what kind of fruit it is, it's dark and has a smell of traditional Chinese medicine, when the lower official took a sip, it tasted like shit in a thatched hut."

Wan Kuan smiled: "The food the Nanyang savages eat is really a little worse."

"But I heard from the savage that after drinking this stuff, you won't get sick easily, and you won't be afraid of miasma.

These people chew that... fruit every day, and swallow the juice of the fruit, and then they can resist the damp yin."

After listening to Wan Kuan, he squinted his eyes and thought for a moment: "The one you the fruit betel nut?"

"What betel nut, they control that... What is the fruit called Zumba, a smoky smell."

Wan Kuan nodded, that was betel nut.

Betel nut is originally produced in Southeast Asia. This betel nut does have the effect of removing dampness, just like Huoxiangzhengqi water.

However, this betel nut can not be eaten often, and there will be other problems if you eat it often.

Wan Kuan had chewed betel nut once before, and people who haven't eaten it could spit out the overnight meal.

Thinking of this, Wan Kuan looked at Yan Liben who was in front of him, and couldn't help but nodded, it seemed that Yan Liben had suffered a lot these days.

Yan Liben stopped using chopsticks in the end, picked up the spoon and started digging that... bear's paw to eat.

Take a sip and drink a sip of wine, eat a sip and drink a sip of wine, and after a while, the little face turns red.

But Wan Kuan looked at that Yan Liben who drank half a catty of white wine, although his face was flushed, but he spoke....... very sober.

"Yan Sima, your alcohol intake is not bad."

You must know that what Wan Kuan brought out today was high alcohol, then Yan Li could drink so much, and this amount of alcohol is really rare.

"Hey, Governor.

Our Yan family is good at drinking, even if we are not military generals, but those... military generals can't drink us when they drink with us.

Otherwise, the last time the lower official couldn't get the governor drunk."

Wan Kuan snorted coldly after hearing this: "Speaking of this, this official has to talk about it carefully.

Why did the thunderbolt you left behind last time be so big as a slap, throwing it out and almost hurting this official."

Then Yan Liben looked at Wan Kuan when he heard it: "Captain, are you all right?"

"Fortunately, this officer is fine. I threw it far away. That thunderbolt threw it down and blew up a bear and a dozen wolves. Why did you put so much black powder in it?"

"The more black powder this stuffed, the more powerful it will be."

"But it's powerful. If you throw it not far, you will easily hurt yourself."

"Captain, this must be done as the bigger the better.

The time has come.

Run as soon as you're done, and you'll be sure to blow them all up."

Wan Kuan shook his head after hearing this: "This kind of thunderbolt thrown out should not be so big, it's a little dangerous.

But when you can make landmines, put more black fire, and pour: it doesn't matter."

"Hey, Governor, what is a landmine?"

"That mine is... a mine buried in the ground!"

"These thunders all fell from the sky, and some are buried in the ground."

"You make the thunder bigger and bury it in the ground to get a lead.

At that time, when someone steps on it, it will explode, so that's okay."

After hearing this, Yan Liben rolled his eyes.

Why didn't he think of this idea: "The Governor, you are the best! I can't think of such an idea"

"Otherwise you are Sima and I am the Great Governor.

Hurry up and drink, go back to sleep after drinking, and I have to write a letter to Your Majesty later."

When Yan Liben heard this, he laughed twice: "Captain, this time I am writing a letter to Your Majesty, can the Governor mention the name of the lower official?"

"I know, I will give you credit when the time comes."

Then Yan Liben was very proud at this time, as long as His Majesty can know his achievements, then the Yan family will definitely be able to be beautiful again, and he will be able to overwhelm his brother...

Yan Liben was in a good mood, and he didn't care if he took a gulp of wine.

After a few sips, he collapsed on the futon.

Wan Kuan sighed and called the guard next to him to carry Yan Liben into the house, while he himself returned to the public office and wrote a letter to Li Shimin.

After writing the letter, hand it to Xiao Laizi, he knows what to do.

Now that my own rice is coming, the next plan has to be implemented.

The industrialization process of the whole Hebei must be accelerated! The steel workshops in Changshan, the plastic workshops in Jizhou, the brick kilns and cement kilns in Dingzhou, and the ceramic workshops in Xingzhou have all expanded their scale, recruited more people, built more blast furnaces, and built more workshops.

As for Lao Yu, Qin Qiong, Yan Lide and Wu Mei'er, they immediately started to act after receiving Wan Kuan's order.

In fact, they have long wanted to add people, so Lao Yu is going crazy right now.

With just a few blast furnaces and just a few craftsmen, there are not as many as Chang'an will work as a supervisor all day long.

Next to Changshan is... iron ore, if this can't produce enough steel, then Lao Yu's face will have no place to put it.

As a result, as soon as the letter from the governor arrived, Lao Yu immediately posted a notice to recruit workers.

There is no requirement, as long as there is no physical problem.

Both men and women, younger and older can do it.

The plastic workshop in Jizhou is even more so. The steel workshop still needs a handful of strength. The plastic workshop does not use any strength. It stands beside the cauldron and stirs the Eucommia tree, and then uses the mold to press it.

It's too simple.

In comparison, the ceramic workshops in Xingzhou still require some skills, so they recruited some ingenious young people.

Women, you can, because Wu Mei'er is... a woman, and she looks down on people who despise women.

She directly posted a notice that there were no restrictions on men and women, women were willing to come, and the monthly salary was the same as that of men.

When this announcement came out, many people were very excited.

Unexpectedly, Wu Meier was the first pioneer in the world to achieve equal pay for equal work for men and women.

Needless to say, the brick kilns and cement kilns in Dingzhou are all hard work, but the hard work has to be done by someone.

Then Yan Lide's salary is not low, he gives one tael of silver a month, which is quite a lot, especially in this poor rural area in Hebei.

A coin or two can feed the whole family.

Chapter 368

For a time, every state capital in Hebei posted a notice that those willing to work in the workshop would be paid preferentially, regardless of gender.

Meals and housing are included, and there is monthly payment every month.

Just relying on the package to cover this one, it attracted too many people.

Because everyone goes to the soil to shave food every day, isn't what they want is to be fed and clothed.

As a result, if I go to work in the workshop, I will be able to cover food and housing. Why do I still work hard to farm the land, and I can barely get enough food and clothing for a year. The workshop also pays wages every month.

I took that salary to buy some meat, isn't it good, but some people are also worried. It's possible to cover food and shelter as much as possible now, but if the workshop quits one day, wouldn't I have to come back to farm, but some people also think It is clear that when the workshop quits, I will definitely be able to drop some money.

Now I farm in the fields every day, and I can't save much surplus grain at the end of the year.

The big deal is to wait for the workshop to stop, and then go back to the fields to farm the land by yourself.

However, there are also many people who suspect that this package of food and housing is fake. If you go to work there, you will be covered with food, housing, and clothes will be given to you. If there is such a good thing, it can still be your turn, but there are people who are willing to When they inquired, the people went to each workshop to scan and listen.

People eat three meals a day, one more meal than their own:.

And every meal can be full, it is steamed bread and rice, and there are no miscellaneous grains and wild vegetables.

This treatment is no better than hiding at home and drinking porridge all day long, and it is better to use wild vegetables for a while, and many tenants who rent farmland are beginning to be moved.

These people go to rent the land of the landlord to cultivate, that is, to support their families. If there is a better way to support their families, why should they stay here?

Dingzhou Cui Mansion, that Cui Wanping looked at the old friend in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

Lu De, the family of Fan Yang Lu's family, came to Dingzhou as a guest, and Cui Wanping entertained him vigorously.

But after the reception, the two old guys were going to hide in the study and have a good chat.

"Brother Cui, I don't know how good things have been recently."

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