The Empress Changsun sighed after hearing this: "Your Majesty, you should persuade Kuan'er not to act in such a hurry.

First solve the Turks, and then use the entire Tang Dynasty's strength to deal with these noble families, Kuan'er is now a little eager for quick success."

"Guanyin maid, my son is getting older, but he doesn't listen to his parents anymore."

"Your Majesty, you are the emperor, can he not listen?"

"Guanyin maid, Kuan'er will also be the emperor in the future. If he didn't have this kind of unrelenting determination in his heart, I would not have passed the throne to him."

"Then, Your Majesty, the situation in Hebei is a bit turbulent now, and once the Turks are defeated, they may flee to the east. Kuan'er is under a lot of pressure. Please, Your Majesty, take care of him."

"Don't worry, maidservant of Guanyin, of course I feel sorry for my own son.

However, I don't think I need to take action, Kuan'er is sure that he has his own way."

Li Shimin is very confident in Wan Kuan, and also misses Wan Kuan, as well as Li Yuan in Linhu Hall.

Li Yuan is now hesitant in his heart, whether to expose Wan Kuan's identity now, or wait until after the Great Tang and Turkic war.

Although Li Yuan resented Li Shimin, he did not hate the entire Tang court.

After all, this Tang Dynasty is the country he has worked so hard to build, and he is the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

If he ruined the entire Tang Dynasty because of his own selfish desires, then the history books of later generations would not know how he would comment on Li Yuan walking around in the Linhu Hall, his eyes wandering.

He knew that he would tell Wan Kuan's identity sooner or later, but now was not the best time.

If Wan Kuan's identity is really made public now, the entire Tang Dynasty will be in chaos.

At that time, the court was fighting against each other, and there was no way to unite.

Especially now that the Tang Dynasty is still fighting to the death with the Turks, if there is turmoil in the rear of the Tang Dynasty at this time, the Turks will surely pursue the victory.

By then, let alone defeating the Turks, perhaps the Turks will attack the Great Wall and go straight to Chang'an.

This time, Datang and the Turks didn't just do it casually, but they were really angry, and they really let the Turks find an opportunity. At that time, he would not stop at the edge of the Wei River, but would directly enter Chang'an City.

At that time, the entire Central Plains fell into disintegration again.

So Li Yuan thought very clearly, since he can be the founding emperor of Tang Dynasty, he is not a stupid person.

Although his mind is full of hatred now, he will not bury the foundation he has worked so hard for in vain.

So he made up his mind that as long as the war was won, he would directly publish Wan Kuan's identity.

Right now, the entire Tang Dynasty was staring at the Turkic war in the north, while those aristocratic families in Hebei were focusing on Wan Kuan.

The price of grain in Hebei has changed three times a day, and now it is rising again. The whole Hebei is like a powder keg about to explode, full of anxiety and irritability.

But this kind of unease and irritability is more present in the family, the Cui family of Boling, the Cui family of Qinghe, the Lu family of Fanyang, and the Li family of Zhaojun, the four families gathered in the Cui house of Dingzhou.

And the Zheng family of Xingyang, who was far away in the Central Plains, also sent people to come.

Chapter 387

Cui Wanping, Lu De, Cui Wang, Li Mo, plus Zheng Lun from the Zheng family in Xingyang.

These five people are already the peak of the Datang family.

Apart from these five families, the Taiyuan Wang family's reputation is too small, although it is listed as five surnames and seven Wang, but it is just to make up for it.

And the Longxi Li family is... the current royal family, so it is even more impossible to come to participate, so these five people are the leaders of the current Tang Dynasty family.

"Brother Cui, now is the time to talk to you."

Cui Wanping, who was watching by Lude, couldn't help but urged.

"Brother Lu, this matter is that we advance and retreat together.

What to do in the end should be discussed with everyone."

And Cui Wang, the youngest, has the most temper: "What is there to discuss, the court has made it clear that it is going to fight with us.

If that's the case, we don't need to discuss any further."

"Oh, brother Cui, according to what you mean, we shouldn't be here today."

The corner of Li Mo's mouth was smiling, and there was a hint of vulture in his eyes.

Zheng Lun, who was sitting next to him, was not from a family in Hebei, and he was here to listen to him this time, so he didn't want to speak, so he just listened quietly.

At this time, Cui Wanping sighed: "Even if the court has torn our face with us, we still need to discuss how to fight back.

We can't do our own thing, a single thread doesn't make a thread, a lone tree doesn't make a forest, only by uniting together can we do this well."

"Over the years, our family has faced countless challenges.

Isn't it possible to live up to today only through unity every time? If everyone has their own minds now, then we don't need to talk anymore.

Once you get out of this door, everyone will go back to their own homes, and you can do whatever you want."

Cui Wanping's words were a bit heavy, and the expressions of the other four people gradually calmed down.

And that... Cui Wang said: "Brother Cui, this Wan Kuan is the son-in-law of your Cui family. He did this, I wonder if Brother Cui... expected it"

Cui Wang's words were obviously... provoking Boling Cui's relationship with other noble families, meaning that Wan Kuan's actions were known to Cui Wanping in advance.

"That Wan Kuan is the son-in-law of our Cui family, but that Wan Kuan is still the chief governor of the court."

Cui Wanping was slow and slow.

Then Cui Wang snorted coldly: "I knew this earlier, then... Wan Kuan should have found an opportunity to kill him when he first came here, so as to save time and effort now."

And Lu De twirled his three long beards and said with a smile: "When I first came, Wan Kuan gave so much arable land to our family.

If we had done Wan Kuan when we first arrived, these...the cultivated land would not be in our hands."

"But now that the arable land is in our hands, it has attracted the cultivators away.

If so, wouldn't it be the same?"

"Brother Cui, this can't be said.

Is the land important or the people important? With the land, do you still worry about the lack of people?"

"Brother Lu, but now that we have land, there are far fewer people.

The court's workshop is still recruiting workers, and now the number of people who have gone to the court in Hebei with more than [-] people is still increasing. What do you think of it, even the original land of our family is almost gone."

At this time, Cui Wanping beckoned directly and said: "Everyone is far away, this matter has already happened, everyone should not regret what they did before.

Everyone was very happy when the farmland document was signed."

Cui Wanping is also full of depression now. At first, Cui Wanping looked down on Wan Kuan.

He thinks Wan Kuan is just... a boy who only cares about his immediate interests, he gave himself all the arable land as soon as he came up, and then He Bei will always be the family's final say.

But I didn't expect that in less than three months, this Wan Kuan began to show his fierce side...

The cultivated land was given to the noble family, but people wanted to poach it away. What a cunning boy.

Cui Wanping thought that Wan Kuan was exaggerating, but he was just a sloppy child. Now Cui Wanping is a little annoyed. Why didn't he see Wan Kuan's cunning earlier? At this time, Li Mo, who had been silent all the time, suddenly opened his mouth and said: " Ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking about this at this doesn't help.

But the recruitment of the court is still going on, why is the court so reckless against the consequences this time, where is the confidence of the court, where is Wankuan's confidence?"

When Li Mo got to the point in one sentence, everyone was silent.

But that Cui Wanping is a cunning and cunning man, he had already thought about it.

"Everyone, according to reason, we used to raise the price of grain, and if the court's grain and grass are enough, then we can directly allocate it.

In fact, the same is true this time, except that the imperial court no longer distributes food and grass directly to the people, but to the workshops."

Cui Wanping said slowly: "Then the court will let the people go to work in the workshop and eat food.

Since then, it has encouraged the people to do work.

In fact, this is a chess piece of the imperial court, although they are all exchanging grain for food, they send a large number of people into the workshop."

Cui Wanping's words made everyone nodded. In fact, they were all cunning and cunning people, and they knew exactly what the court wanted to do.

It's just that the only thing that everyone is confused about now is... how much food and forage does the court have now? "Brother Cui, Wan Kuan is the son-in-law of your Cui family, and your Cui family should probably know something.

How much grain and grass can the imperial court last for how long?"

Then Cui Wanping smiled bitterly when he heard Lu De's questioning: "To tell you the truth, the old man really doesn't know.

In fact, according to the old conjecture, it is impossible for this court to have any food and grass."

Cui Wanping's eyes were bright, and the others listened carefully.

"Because now the imperial court is fighting fiercely with the Turks in the north, and the army is dispatched, the loss of food and grass is unimaginable for ordinary people.

It can be said that a soldier will eat the food of five ordinary people."

Cui Wanping said.

"At this time, there is still excess food and grass in the imperial court.

Last year, there was a locust plague in Guanzhong. Although the weather is good this year, the harvest is good everywhere.

But the old man has calculated that based on the grain details of the imperial household this year, they can only barely cope with this war with the Turks, and they have absolutely no strength to allocate another grain of grain to Hebei."

After listening to the others, they nodded slowly. In fact, none of them were stupid. After a little thought, they could figure it out by secretly guessing.

After all, there are many people in each family who are officials in the imperial court, and there are many who do clerical work in the Ministry of Household and various states and counties.

If you ask them casually and ask about the situation, you will know how much grain the imperial court may have put into the storehouse this year.

Chapter 388

Everyone understands that the imperial court is now in full swing in the north, and there is no surplus food to be allocated to Hebei, so it is very strange to see this phenomenon now.

The court has clearly no more food to allocate to Hebei, but Wan Kuan is still there: desperately recruiting workers, regardless of the soaring food prices.

If the existing grain is eaten up, the entire Hebei workshop will no longer have grain to supply these workers.

By that time, these workers will surely riot when they are hungry.

And at that time, wouldn't it still be their family's fishermen who benefited? According to common sense, the development of things should be like this, but now, the situation in Hebei is obviously showing a strangeness.

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