Zheng Lun nodded after hearing this: "Yes, that's right."

And Cui Wang, who was on the side, was just a little disdainful after hearing this: "I also understand the truth, it's just to make some money, but the court still has no food.

This gold and silver treasure cannot be eaten as food, and when there is no food, won’t they still starve to death?”

Then Li Mo nodded after listening: "Yes, he did make a lot of money selling porcelain and plastic, but if we raise the price of food to a higher level, wouldn't the money he earns buy our food? In the end, isn't the money he worked so hard for still in our hands?"

All five of them laughed for a while.

And Zheng Lun agreed and said: "Yes, in fact, the reason why Zheng mentioned the canal just now is to tell you all.

I am afraid that Wan Kuan has gathered a lot of wealth in his hands, and the porcelain and plastic alone are already a lot of money."

"Not to mention the steel and coal, now that the weather is getting colder, many wealthy businessmen in Jiangnan also want to buy coke from Hebei.

I heard that Changshan has recently made something called briquettes, which is more convenient to burn, and very cheap, much cheaper than that wood."

"For a while, in the Central Plains, Hebei, Guanzhong, and Jiangnan, there were quite a few ships transporting briquettes.

How much money can be in here, you can imagine!"

Then Cui Wanping pursed his lips and nodded vigorously: "If Brother Zheng hadn't reminded me, we would still be confused.

It turns out that this Wankuan is the dark building of the plank road in Mingxiu, and on the bright side, he is not afraid of death, and then recruits workers, but in fact, there are real profits here."

Chapter 390

There is no person in the Cui family's study, and everyone understands everything after a little bit of on-demand.

That Cui Wang had the greatest temper and shouted directly.

"Our food prices have only more than doubled, so Wan Kuan has no idea how much money he has made.

In this way, he set aside part of the money he earned to buy our food, and even then the court would still be left behind.

In this way, we can't cure him at all because of the soaring food prices."

That Lude also nodded: "Yes, we have only more than doubled the price of food now, and Wan Kuan has no idea how much... Ten thousand taels of silver, it is still cost-effective for him to buy our food, so we are now The price of food must be raised a little more, until he can't stand it..."

At this moment, Cui Wang clenched his fists tightly and said with gritted teeth: "If that's the case, then I'll go back and increase the good family by more than three times. Then I'll see if Wankuan can stand it."

"Don't rush!"

After hearing this, Cui Wanping waved his hand: "I'm afraid it's not right to be more than three times."

Then Cui Wang's eyes squinted when he heard it: "Why, brother Cui, is it because you are still here: I feel sorry for your grandson-in-law"

After hearing this, Cui Wanping's eyes lit up: "Three times is indeed inappropriate, I mean to directly mention four times.

Since there is so much money in the imperial court, our aristocratic family will be disrespectful."

"What Brother Cui said is wonderful, that's the truth.

If the sky is against it, it will not take the opposite and suffer its harm.

Now God put the money in front of us, we're sorry if we don't take it.. God."

For a time, the group of people in the study was excited, and the atmosphere that had been helpless now became extraordinarily cheerful.

Everyone drank tea and laughed, and Zheng Lun squinted his eyes, quite proud.

At this time, Cui Wanping finally said: "Everyone went back and adjusted the grain price to four times, and then the old man was writing a letter to my granddaughter, telling Wan Kuan about this matter, and let's see what else Wan Kuan can do. come and fight us"

Lu De clapped his hands and said, "Okay, Brother Cui should be like this, killing people and punishing them."

After saying these words, there was another burst of smug laughter in the study.

Stayed in Youzhou: For a long time, Wan Kuan was really tired, so he went straight back to the Grand Governor's Mansion in Jizhou.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for Wan Kuan to build ships by the sea in the past few months, the new Grand Governor's Mansion has already been built.

All red bricks and cement fired from Dingzhou, coupled with tiles from Xingzhou, Wan Kuan finally built a magnificent new Grand Governor's Mansion.

The gate of the Grand Governor's Mansion is made of bricks and iron plates.

The courtyard with three entrances, the rockery formed by Taihu Lake, and the winding water flow have the style of a garden in the south of the Yangtze River.

The backyard of the mansion is a unique two-story building. Wan Kuan originally wanted to build a three-story villa, but thinking that there is no elevator at this time, it is inconvenient to climb up and down to the third floor.

Therefore, a roof was sealed on the balcony, that is, it was used for cooling.

The outside of this three-story building is covered with a layer of tiles.

It is different from the buildings in the Tang Dynasty, and the inside of the small building is also tiled and painted with lime.

Wan Kuan sat in it, just like sitting in a villa area in the market outlook.

The railings of the building are all iron railings, and the pipes that carry water in summer are all buried in the walls.

The glazed chandelier on the top of the head is not equipped with light bulbs, but candles.

Wan Kuan nodded in satisfaction with the carpet brought by Hushang from the Western Regions, and the huanghuali furniture from the water.

It was winter now, and the inside of the house was still as warm as spring. The pipes buried in the walls were running hot water, so the whole house could not feel the slightest chill.

Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er were sitting in the room wearing only single dresses and gauze skirts, and Wu Shun'er kept shouting hot.

"Husband, how could this great governor be like this?"

"How is it, doesn't it look good?"

"Good-looking is good-looking, but the court won't blame it, saying that we are more polite."

After Wan Kuan heard this, he smiled proudly in his heart.

Even if I live in the palace, it is not considered rude. In the future, the Tang Dynasty will be my own. I want to live where I want to live.

On the other hand, Cui Yingying was quite satisfied... "Husband, this is fine.

It's not like before, I have to install charcoal basins every winter, and I wake up with charcoal dust all over my body."

"What kind of charcoal basin is outdated. Now, there are still people in Chang'an and Luoyang who use the charcoal briquettes sent from Hebei. It is much easier to use than the charcoal basin."

Wan Kuan smiled proudly. When he went to Fan Yang to supervise the war, he found that there were quite a lot of open-pit coal mines there, and it was a pity to waste them in vain.

So Wankuan mixed the broken pulverized coal and yellow mud, and air-dried it into honeycomb coal.

As a result, as soon as this honeycomb came out, everyone said it was easy to use.

Not only...not carbon poisonous, but also not that big smell.

After the black briquettes are burnt, it will turn off-white, and it will be fine if you put the slag anywhere.

With the briquettes, Hebei has another competitive product.

From Fanyang on the Canal, a ship by ship of briquettes was transported to Luoyang, Guanzhong, and then transferred from Luoyang to Yangzhou.

The wealthy merchants in the south are also afraid of the cold in winter, and after they have briquettes, they don't need to cover thick furs when they sleep at night.

A single coat and a thin quilt are enough to withstand the severe cold of this winter.

And even the army outside the customs, Wan Kuan, sent a lot of honeycombs and did not enter.

Going north to the Turks, the severe cold is the most terrifying, and Wan Kuan understands what they need most.

Although there are a lot of briquettes to see, most of them are yellow mud, and the coal powder used in it is still broken into slag, so the cost is extremely low.

Even with shipping costs, it is much cheaper than that charcoal, so there is no doubt that briquettes have seized the market.

At this time, Wan Kuan was sitting in his hall, looking at the dim sky outside the window, but his heart was extremely warm.

Putting on a dress, Wan Kuan turned into his study, where there was a court newspaper, which recorded the movements of Li Jing's army.

Two days ago, Li Jing's army had arrived fifty miles outside Dingxiang City, and Wan Kuan reckoned that Li Jing had already captured Dingxiang City.

One hundred thunderbolts that I sent out, I don't know how many are left.

However, with Wan Kuan's understanding of Li Jing, he would never run out of it all at once.

Li Jing is a careful person. In fact, he used to be a Taoist priest, so Li Jing has a natural sense of Taoism and will never do anything, so he must have a lot of those [-] thunderbolts.

Just when Wan Kuan was reading the Tang newspaper, the door of the study rang, Wan Kuan raised his head a little strangely, and saw Cui Yingying standing outside with a strange expression.

"Ma'am, hurry in in the cold weather, why are you standing outside?"

Chapter 391

Wan Kuan wondered why Cui Yingying was standing outside alone, he pulled Cui Yingying in, and at this time Cui Yingying's body was a little stiff.

Wan Kuan saw that she should have something on her mind.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you, is there something wrong with the mansion?"

That Cui Yingying shook her head, her face very cautious.

Wan Kuan smiled: "Madam, my husband told you a long time ago, you can't worry about being pregnant.

For the past month, my husband has been outside, and I haven't come back to do the Zhou Gong ceremony with my wife, so naturally I'm not pregnant."

At this time, Cui Yingying bit her lip lightly, as if she had summoned great courage.

I saw her lightly parted her red lips and said slowly.

"Husband, there is a letter from the concubine's family from the concubine's family."


Wan Kuan was a little strange: "Since it's a letter from home, why is Madam so nervous? Is there any bad news in that letter?"

That Cui Yingying nodded, and Wan Kuan was shocked: "Which old man is this Cui family who passed by?"

Cui Yingying shook her head: "Husband, this bad news is not in the concubine's family, but..."

When Cui Yingying said this, she couldn't go on.

Cui Yingying took out the envelope from her cuff and gave it to Wan Kuan.

And Wan Kuan sat on Huanghuali's chair, opened the letter, glanced at it, and immediately understood.

The letter was written by Cui Wanping, on the surface, he was concerned about how his granddaughter was doing recently.

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