Two thunders fell to the ground, and countless souls returned to the sky.

Jerry Khan, who was sleeping soundly at this time, also woke up from a nightmare. His tent was in the middle, so it was the safest.

The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty must break through the periphery to reach here.

At this moment, Khan Jie Li was in a daze, and before he could react, his bodyguard directly carried Jie Li Khan on his shoulders and ran out.

When Jieli Khan reacted, he was already riding a horse.

"Khan: Hurry up, let's go, the people of the Tang Dynasty are calling."

The guard shouted.

"What Datang people are calling?"

Jieli Khan was very surprised, he never thought that the Tang people would attack suddenly.

"That's right, when the Tang people came, they first released two thunderstorms. Now the Tang people are driving straight in. They must be directed at the big sweat: You are here, the big sweat: Hurry up and go."

At this moment, Jieli Khan was terrified and resentful at the same time.

"Go and kill the messenger of the Tang people!"

Jieli Khan left a sentence, and then galloped north.

Chapter 404

When Jieli Khan was leaving, he asked his subordinates to kill Tang Jian. He hated this Tang man who deceived him.

But Tang Jian hid one step earlier, and in the chaos, tens of thousands of wolves rushed, who could find someone who was hiding. Tang Jian was just... like this, doing the most dangerous thing, but cautiously.

But for Wan Kuan, survival is the most important thing, no matter whether he makes a contribution or not.

So this time Youzhou was deployed, Wan Kuan handed over everything to Qin Qiong, and he sat in Fanyang Yamen.

Qin Qiong is now staring at the court's Tang newspaper every day, waiting for a new change in the war, while Wan Kuan has long thought about the direction of the war in his mind.

There should be a sea of ​​fire at the foot of Yin Mountain now! The night was cold and the grassland was covered with white fog. At this time, Su Dingfang led people at the foot of Yin Mountain, killing all directions.

The sudden attack caught all the Turks by surprise, because they clearly saw that the envoys of the Tang people were coming, which meant that the Tang people had nothing to talk about with the Turks.

In this case, how could he still make a sneak attack? So both the Turkic nobles and the Turkic herdsmen were all relieved, but at this time Su Dingfang came with ten thousand cavalry in a surprise attack.

Two thunderbolts fell, directly breaking the fantasy of the Turks.

And Su Dingfang knew one thing well, the Turkic people at the foot of Yin Mountain were much more than his ten thousand people.

If you can't take the lead and disturb the Turks, you will die when the Turks gather their forces.

Therefore, after Su Dingfang's two thunderbolts landed, he immediately rushed towards the most central tent at the foot of Yin Mountain.

There is the camp of the Turkic Khan.

Moreover, this Su Dingfang is a very ghost, rushing all the way and throwing thunder all the way.

Originally, the Turkic soldiers were not wine sacks, although they had been slack in the past two years, but the most basic cavalry qualities still existed.

And after all, at the foot of the Yin Mountain is the king's tent of the Turkic Khan, and there are no less than tens of thousands of Turkic soldiers gathered around. As long as they calm down, they will be able to organize a counterattack.

But this Su Dingfang was very insidious. Seeing where the troops were about to assemble, he threw a thunderbolt at it.

And as soon as the thunder passed, a terrifying fire burst out in the incomparably dark sky.

A thunder blasted past, and the assembled soldiers were immediately scattered into a pile of loose sand.

Moreover, this thunderbolt is really easy to use, and it is light and easy to throw, and then with the momentum of flattery, it can be thrown fifty paces away.

Moreover, the war horses of the Tang Dynasty had their ears plugged with cotton to prevent them from being frightened by the explosion of thunder, while the war horses of the Turks did not have such good luck.

This beast is naturally afraid of fire and thunder, and the huge sound and light make these war horses: no longer obedient.

At this time, the Turks were really afraid, and it was this kind of thunder that exploded beside them. How unfortunate were the people who were close to the thunder, and their arms and legs were broken directly by the thunder.

And the people who are far away from the thunder are lucky enough. The broken iron pieces or the small stones shot out by the thunder hit the body, which is a blood hole.

And Su Dingfang relied on these... Thunder opened his way, and rushed to the very center at the foot of Yin Mountain as if crushed.

But when he arrived, he saw that the largest... tent had already collapsed, and there was no one inside.

At this time, Su Dingfang shouted: "This dog thief has left again, this dog thief can't fight, but it's a good time to escape..."

However, Su Dingfang was not in a hurry, everyone was exhausted from the long-distance attack this evening.

At this time, if I chase after him, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with the Turkic Khan who escaped in a hurry.

Therefore, in Su Dingfang, he took a rest on the spot, and by the way, he took in those Turkic herdsmen who had been frightened.

Sometimes fighting is just a matter of momentum. If your aura suppresses the Turks, even if you have only [-] people, you can capture hundreds of thousands of people.

However, Su Dingfang was not worried that this Turkic khan could escape, because there was an ambush by the Tang Dynasty in the east and west, and even if he escaped northward through the desert, he would still be able to pursue him after his army in the middle had rested.

Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he could still catch up.

Crossing the desert, drinking horses in the vast sea, this is the dream of many soldiers.

At this time, Jieli Khan was already in a panic, and he originally wanted to take his guards and ride a fast horse to escape westward.

Because in the west, as long as you cross the Yinshan pasture, you can reach the border of the Western Turks.

Although the things, the Turks are so violent, they are from the same clan after all, and they will definitely help each other after adversity.

It's just that the situation is stronger than that of people, and the khan of Jieli wants to flee to the west, but the warhorse under his crotch is not obedient.

The roar of the thunder made the warhorse under his crotch gradually go mad, and Jieli Khan wanted to turn the horse's head westward, but the warhorse under his crotch was...disobedient, but a head...towards the east. Run away.

When faced with loud noises, animals have an innately keen sense of running away from the source of the sound.

That Jieli Khan had no choice. If he didn't ride a horse, he wouldn't be able to survive on this vast grassland.

Now that the horses are taking him eastward, Jieli Khan can only grit his teeth and insist.

After all, going east is the way to go.

In fact, that Jieli Khan was not a stupid person, he knew that the Tang people might have guessed that he was going west, and since he escaped east by chance, he might even find a way to survive.

Su Dingfang succeeded in the first battle and destroyed the Turkic settlement at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, and Li Jing's army followed.

Li Jing, with the rest of the cavalry and infantry, hurried on the road with all his strength, and charged towards the foot of Yin Mountain.

After all, if Su Dingfang really won it in one fell swoop, the follow-up troops would have to keep up immediately, otherwise, things would change later.

At the same time, Li Jing, Li Daozong, Zhang Baoxiang, and Chai Shao and Li Ji from the east all gave orders to gather them to Yinshan in a siege situation.

Anyway... as long as the Turkic Khan doesn't go north, whatever...

Wherever he goes, he can die without a burial.

In the west, Li Daozong took the army to weave a big net and ran wildly towards the foot of Yin Mountain, while Zhang Baoxiang stayed in the Hexi generation to cut off the last path of Jieli Khan.

After all, Li Jing was also afraid that Jieli Khan would only take a few light cavalry and pass through Li Daozong's encirclement and run westward, so he kept Zhang Baoxiang to set up a blockade.

On the east side, Chai Shao and Li Ji ran desperately, and because further east there were Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong as the last line of defense, so they formed an encirclement.

Even if there are omissions in the middle, Jieli Khan will not be released.

Chapter 405

At this time, everyone was holding back a lot of energy, wanting to capture Jieli Khan alive and establish an unworldly merit.

After all, in a hurry, Jieli Khan would definitely not dare to flee north to the desert, where he would die in it.

Apart from... going east is... going west, and going west is the most likely, so Li Daozong spread out the people and formed a net of heaven and earth.

As long as he finds the trace of Jieli Khan, he will immediately capture it. In fact, what Li Daozong is most afraid of now is... There are too few guards around Jieli Khan, and the team is too small.

More than a dozen people and a dozen horses are too hard to find on this endless prairie.

It is too easy for a dozen people to pass through the encirclement. If they really pass through their encirclement, then Zhang Baoxiang, who is behind them, will take advantage of them.

Therefore, Li Daozong has to be careful and careful to ensure that this credit can fall on his own head, after all, this is a huge credit.

Whoever captures Jieli Khan is destined to be remembered in history.

Among the six-route army, the fifth-route army was madly chasing, and only Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong hid in the northern part of Youzhou fortification.

And Qin Qiong, just in case, buried all the mountain and forest passages in the northern part of Youzhou with landmines.

Although the possibility of Jieli Khan escaping here is very low, Qin Qiong still made a foolproof plan.

Wan Kuan, on the other hand, hid in the warm tent and slept, because he felt that Khan would not come this way, so he didn't need to be so concerned about some things.

Wan Kuan was dozing off when suddenly the door was opened and a gust of wind and rain came in.

A cool breeze blew on Wan Kuan's face, and Wan Kuan felt that it was still cool.

Such severe cold should be bone-chilling for people, but Wan Kuan was sitting in a warm room like spring, and occasionally a cool breeze came in, but it was a little refreshing.

"General Qin, close the door quickly."

Wan Kuan squinted his eyes and knew that Qin Qiong had come in. Except... Qin Qiong, there were people in Hebei who dared to push the door and walk in directly.

"Captain, you don't look like the Grand Chief.

It's wartime, how can you sleep all day?"

"General Qin, this art of war is in the heart, and whoever uses it can do whatever he wants.

As long as the general manager can win the battle, why should he care what the general manager looks like?”

"But the Governor, do you think this Jieli Khan will come to us?"

Wan Kuan squinted his eyes and sat up: "Look at the Tang newspaper in the imperial court, three days ago, Li Jing's army escorted Tang Jian to the foot of Yinshan Mountain, and then withdrew.

The next Tang Bao will be gone, but if I were Li Jing, I would definitely have sent a large army to attack the foot of Yin Mountain two days ago."

Qin Qiong stared, waiting for Wan Kuan to continue speaking.

Wan Kuan took a sip of hot tea and continued.

"According to the travel time, it's almost a day and a night before there will be a big battle at the foot of Yin Mountain.

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