At this time, Li Shimin suddenly said: "Prince, remember the banquet in two days, you should retire."

Li Chengqian was shocked when he heard this, and immediately bowed to leave.

After seeing Li Chengqian leave, Li Shimin bit his lip and put his hands on the table.

His eyes wandered, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Suddenly he shouted: "Fu Lai, Xuan Wankuan has an audience."

When the old eunuch who was standing outside heard this, he immediately trotted out and said a few words to Xiao Huangmen, and Xiao Huangmen also hurried out.

Wan Kuan didn't get up until three poles in the sun, and stayed in the warm room, giggling with Cui Yingying.

That Cui Yingying was holding a brush in her hand, and Wan Kuan said a sentence or two of poetry from time to time, and every time she said a sentence, Cui Yingying would copy it down brightly.

"Husband, do you have any more..."

"Let my husband think about it."

At this time, Wan Kuan was also a little big headed by Cui Yingying, and Cui Yingying had to. Saying that I should write some poems by myself, it would be more pleasing for the two of them to be fragrant.

But this Wan Kuan is not the three hundred Tang poems, the poems that I can remember are almost said, and the rest has to rely on luck.

I don't know which day I will say a few poems when I see a scene.

But now if Wan Kuan is forced to think about it, he can't think of it either.

And Cui Yingying had put a lot of paper beside her, all the poems she copied on it.

"Husband, if you can't remember, take a break first.

Husband is really a poet in the world, and he has written so many poems in a short period of time, and the concubine really admires it very much."

That Cui Yingying's eyes were bent into the shape of a crescent moon, and she looked at Wan Kuan with admiration.

Wan Kuan looked at the little fan girl in front of him, but he didn't expect his wife to be his fan.

Chapter 415

"Husband, a banquet will be held in the Hall of Prayer for Harvest in two days, and your Majesty will discuss the merits and rewards at that time.

At that time, the husband has to pay attention to etiquette, but he can't let others grab the handle."

"Don't worry, my husband knows."

"Husband, don't drink too much alcohol, drink too much, and be careful to say the wrong thing."

"My husband knows."

"Husband, you must not get your clothes dirty at that time.

Otherwise, you will be ridiculed when others see it when you award the reward."

Wan Kuan stretched out his hand and pinched Cui Yingying's cheek: "Why do you talk so much as a little girl?"

And that Cui Yingying's face was pinched up, Wan Kuan felt that the hand felt very good, and pinched it twice.

"Husband, you hate it.

. "

Yingying turned her head awkwardly.

And just when Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying were chatting together, suddenly Xiao Laizi ran over out of breath and knocked on the door of the study.

"Master, Master, Your Majesty summons you."

Wan Kuan curled his lips after listening, what happened to Li Shimin, who just saw him yesterday and saw him again today, does he think of himself that much? I'll change your clothes now."

"Forget it, don't change the court clothes, just go in the same clothes."

"Husband, you are wearing a single shirt."

"Just put on a down jacket outside."

Wan Kuan waved his hand and walked out, while Cui Yingying stayed in the room and sighed.

My husband is fine with everything, but... a little sloppy.

It really made His Majesty be very angry when he saw it.

It's just that Cui Yingying guessed wrong, Li Shimin was not angry but very happy when he saw Wan Kuan.

"You stinky boy came to see me dressed like this"

Although Li Shimin reprimanded, there was a smile in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, you don't need those false courtesy."

Wan Kuan sat directly on the stool, while Li Shimin looked beside him: "Stinky boy, there are no outsiders here, why don't you call me the emperor?"

"Your Majesty, be careful that the partition wall has ears."

"You kid is really pissing me off, this is my hall of two ceremonies, how come the walls have ears?"

"Your Majesty, since there is no partition wall, let's talk about it."

Li Shimin was so angry for a while, every time he talked to Wan Kuan, he had to be half-hearted. Could it be that this is a magic star sent by God? Li Shimin took a few breaths and said directly: "Two days After that, the Emperor Taishang will also go."

Wan Kuan's eyes rolled when he heard it.

The emperor is also here, which is really interesting.

"Your Majesty, what does this Supreme Emperor mean?"

Wan Kuan asked deliberately.

After listening to that, Li Shimin looked at Wan Kuan with slanted eyes: "You can't guess what the Emperor Taishang means."

Wan Kuan laughed: "I can guess, isn't it just to make trouble?"

"Then are you afraid?"

"Your Majesty, are you afraid?"

"I'm asking you, what are you asking me for?"

"If Your Majesty is not afraid, then I am not afraid either."

Then Li Shimin nodded at this time: "If that's the case, then I agree to the request of the Emperor Taishang. The Emperor Taishang will also go to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest in two days. If he says something, you have to prepare in advance."

Wan Kuan showed a look of indifference after hearing this: "Your Majesty is not worried, what am I worried about?"

"Of course I'm not worried, because the Emperor Taishang said it was you, you should think about it when the time comes."

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this, Li Yuan had long known his identity and had been secretly provoking.

This time, at the celebration banquet in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, Li Yuan had to go, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Wan Kuan just looked at Li Shimin like this, Wan Kuan didn't believe that Li Shimin wasn't nervous at all.

On the other hand, Li Shimin's expression was also calm.

Li Shimin also wondered in his heart, how come this stinky boy didn't react at all? To know that in the Hall of Prayer for New Years two days later, Li Yuan would definitely reveal Wan Kuan's true identity.

By that time, the Manchu civil and military will definitely be in waves again.

And Wan Kuan will also be pushed to the cusp of the storm. If it is not handled well at this time, then Wan Kuan is likely to be attacked by a group.

And Wan Kuan also looked at Li Shimin, but wanted to see if he was nervous.

If Li Yuan really leaked his identity in the Hall of Prayer for the New Year two days later, what should Li Shimin do when he went to Hebei to hide himself, taking care of his spring, summer, autumn and winter?

But Li Shimin was in Chang'an, and he had to be questioned by civil and military officials day and night, and he didn't know who had a miserable life at that time.

Wan Kuan laughed when he thought of this, and Li Shimin almost crooked his nose.

This stinky boy is sincere, this is already at the point of life and death, and he can still laugh.

However, Li Shimin thought about it, he didn't seem to have ever seen Wan Kuan when he was nervous.

Li Shimin pondered in his heart, this is his own son, and even the habit of not changing his color when Mount Tai collapsed has been inherited so well, Li Shimin was very happy, and felt that his throne should be passed on to Wan Kuan.

"Is there something you can do, boy?"

"Your Majesty, there is no way, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it. there any other way to do this?"

"You can think about it."

"What can you do if you don't want to open a little bit? Since the Supreme Emperor has made up his mind, let's count it."

"You can count as much as you want"

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows.

"Don't your majesty think so? If your majesty doesn't want the emperor to speak out, how can he agree to the emperor to attend the banquet?"

After listening to Li Shimin, he said: "It is the Supreme Emperor after all. If the Tang Dynasty's celebration banquet is not attended by the dignified Taishanghuang, what kind of decency would it be?"

Wan Kuan pouted: "In the past few years, the Emperor Taishang has never participated in this celebration banquet. It doesn't matter if he goes or not, anyway... The Tang Dynasty won, the East Turks are gone, and the Emperor Taishang will not go or not. Nothing will change."

Then Li Shimin smiled knowingly after listening to this, this kid.... Thought it thoroughly, but Li Shimin was also a little murmured in his heart.

He has such insight at such a young age, he doesn't look like a child at all, but looks like a mature old fox.

Li Shimin really wanted to use Li Yuan's mouth this time to reveal Wan Kuan's identity.

After all, Li Yuan was the only one who knew Wan Kuan's exact identity at that time.

If Li Shimin did not open his mouth, I am afraid that the ministers in the DPRK and China would be unconvinced.

After all, the birthdates of every descendant of this royal family are clearly recorded in the living notes. On the day when Li Chengqian and Wan Kuan were born, Li Shimin was... warring outside, not in Chang'an City.

Chapter 416

Right and wrong, the discerning person can see it at a glance.

Since Li Shimin was not in Chang'an that day, Li Shimin naturally did not know who was older or younger between Wan Kuan and Li Chengqian.

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