Alice, who was immersed in the excitement of seeing Xu An, suddenly reacted.

I am too enthusiastic.

Based on her understanding of Xu An, he seemed to be a very traditional Kyushu native.

He has been without a father or a mother since he was a child, and his economic conditions are extremely poor. Regarding the male psychology, Xu An's heart should be extremely sensitive and fragile.

Facing such a passionate self, he will not be ecstatic, let alone feel how much he likes him, he will only feel fear.

Alice quickly analyzed the current situation and she was not embarrassed.

After all, she and Xu An have been chatting for so many years, and the two have become very familiar with each other. In front of Xu An, Alice feels that she will be embarrassed no matter what she does.

Alice retracted her open arms, suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and forced herself to calm down. She stretched out her palms and explained with a polite smile.

"Sorry, Mr. Xu An, I am really excited to meet you, the original author."

Xu An gently squeezed Alice's hand and retracted his arm decisively.

The palms of her hands were soft and showed no signs of wear. This lady was definitely from a wealthy family and had never done any chores.

Xu An quickly analyzed based on his experience in his previous life.

Alice, on the other hand, frowned slightly when she felt the calluses on Xu An's palms.

With this level of calluses, I wonder how much Xu An has gone through and how much work he has put in?

If she had known that Xu An's life was so tiring, she would have been willing to pick him up earlier.

Liu Ruyan nodded with satisfaction looking at Xu An's decent appearance.

This guy didn't embarrass her, so Liu Ruyan gave up her position and looked at Xu An.

"Xu An, Alice likes you as the original author very much. Please play "Summer Fields" and "The Wind Rises" twice today."

Xu An oohed and ahhed. He was already ready to drop out of school, but he was not ready to face Liu Ruyan.

Moreover, Xu An was still a little proud to play his piano music in front of such a beautiful foreign girl.

Alice glanced at Liu Ruyan who was giving orders to Xu An, smiled slightly and said nothing. When Xu An nodded, she immediately looked at Xu An expectantly.

Xu An sat in front of the piano and played while thinking about tomorrow's welcome party.

Since he was ready to show his holiness in front of the little people before leaving, Xu An was not prepared to hide his strength. There were many good songs in the world in his previous life.

There were many songs suitable for the young boys and girls on campus, and he was going to play them more enthusiastically.

When he rejected Hanks a few days later, he would also be proud of Jiuzhou.

Why should good talents follow you to the West?

Why don’t you Western women come to the East?

While Xu An was thinking, he had already finished playing two piano pieces without knowing it.

As the last note fell, Alice stood up excitedly and applauded Xu An. Xu An and Liu Ruyan both looked at her in surprise.

Are all foreigners so enthusiastic?

Liu Ruyan thought of Elsa and Demi, and they seemed to be similar.

The two of them are not too young, but after learning about Xu An's talent, their attitudes towards Xu An are very different.

Especially Demi, she just wanted to have Xu An executed on the spot right away!

Xu An frowned slightly when he saw Alice looking over.

That’s right!

That's the look!

This girl likes me very much and knows me very well?

As the top dog in the duck restaurant, Xu An was sure that he would not be mistaken. This kind of look usually appeared on customers who had a long-term relationship with him.

They all felt that they had a love relationship with them, and giving them money was not called support or hard work. It was an expression of their love for Xu An after Xu An's hard work.

It usually takes about three years for this kind of customer to slowly realize the reality. If the appearance and figure are not bad, Xu An would not mind taking the initiative to help them fill their fantasy, extending it to about five years.

Xu An said a few words to Alice politely, and Alice sat down with excitement.

Xu An didn't think much about her inexplicable affection and liking for him. Foreigners were inherently open-minded, so maybe he had met someone who was in love.

There are all kinds of women in the world, and Xu An knows all about them.

You can't say that people with Alice's personality don't exist, you can only say that they are scarce.


Brother is ready to drop out of school.

Xu An politely sat down and looked at Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan originally wanted to tell Xu An about Chen Yilin, but Alice was present and she only tutored Xu An on some world-famous songs as planned.

As long as Xu An behaves normally, that's what Liu Ruyan thinks now.

After all, it was impossible for him to go on stage to directly expose Chen Yilin's intentions, nor to prevent the other party from playing "Summer Fields" and "The Wind Rises."

If you want to suppress Chen Yilin's limelight, unless Xu An can create a piano song similar to "Interstellar" or even close to "Interstellar", everything will be in vain.

How about announcing that the original author of these two piano pieces is Xu An?

Liu Ruyan was deep in thought while directing Xu An to play world-famous piano music.

It wasn't that she didn't want to do this, but that Chen Yilin had threatened her.

After learning that the patent for piano music had been sold to Liu Ruyan, Chen Yilin made a private agreement with Liu Ruyan. As long as she did not announce that Xu An was the creator, he would not take action against Xu An.

If Liu Ruyan insists on having his own way, unless Liu Ruyan sends someone to guard Xu An 24 hours a day.

Liu Ruyan, who knew Chen Yilin's character, reluctantly agreed.

What's more, Hanks only needs to know who composed these two piano songs, as long as Xu An can successfully become Hanks' name.

Alice didn't care what Liu Ruyan thought. While she admired Xu An's handsome appearance while playing the piano, she also looked at Liu Ruyan's attitude towards Xu An.

In her mind, Xu An is a god-like existence. Even her aunt cannot compare with Xu An to some extent!

The science fiction novels Xu An wrote casually to make himself happy, the piano music he composed when he was bored, and the letters Xu An sent over the years.

This all proves Xu An’s excellence!

Why could Liu Ruyan, such an excellent man, disrespect him so much?

Alice couldn't understand or accept it.

However, she did not show that she was unhappy, but instead indulged in the sound of Xu An's piano.

When Teacher Hanks successfully accepts Xu An as her apprentice, she will announce her identity to Xu An, hug Xu An's strong body tightly, and let the world look up to his talent.

Two hours flew by.

Xu An felt that Liu Ruyan was a lot stricter today, but Hanks was coming in the next two days, so it was normal for Liu Ruyan to be nervous.

Xu An finished playing the last piece of music, rubbed his sore fingers, and looked at Liu Ruyan.

The time has come and you can go to the cafeteria to prepare for your meal.

Liu Ruyan nodded, Xu An stood up and smiled, about to say goodbye to the two of them.

Alice looked at Xu An blankly.

"Aren't you going to play anymore?"

Xu An nodded.

"When the time comes, I will practice for two hours every day."

Xu An put the cover on the piano, explained and was about to leave, when Alice stood up on her own initiative.

Along with a strong fragrance, Xu An felt his arm being gently held by Alice. Alice's big sapphire blue eyes flickered at Xu An and said mischievously.

"Then can I invite Mr. Xu An to have dinner with me?"

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