Dawn- An Age Of Darkness

Chapter 156 - Grand Execution?

"I didn't know you were the princess," I said. I finally confessed. It'd been eating me for quite a while now.

"I may be a princess but I never really wanted to be one. Traveling around the world and searching for the meaning of my life has been my primary goal," she said.?? She looked distantly into the horizon. The wind pressed and refreshed us. The smile never left her smile. It was blinding.

Meaning to life, huh? I wonder what the meaning of mine is.

"Tell me, how come all of you are cursed, and not Araan?" I knew the answer to that but I wanted to hear it from Lianne's mouth. Or more like I didn't have anything else for a conversation.??

"You've noticed? I must say, you're quite the adventurer now, huh?" She giggled. "When I first found you, I thought you must have been a poor soul, lost in the dread called life."

You weren't too far off the mark.

"I'm sure I still am." I tried to chuckle but the sound never came out.

"No. Now you've really become great." She paused and then grinned, "A grand mage cursed our lineage a thousand years ago: he was more like a saint though but???" She paused.?? "Araan is adopted nobility: he's our half-brother. " She looked away. "That's why despite being the youngest, he isn't treated as one. On that note, Jowy-" She paused. "Let's not talk about that."

So that's why the crown prince thanked me for only his sister.??

I knew Araan was adopted but I didn't know he wasn't treated like family. I should have expected that though.??

"There's no way to lift the curse?"

She flashed her blinding smile at me. "The grand mage is dead for a long time now. So I don't think so."??

She just tried to cheer me up instead by smiling but it only made me feel worse. Maybe I shouldn't have asked that. "That's a shame. "

Maybe that's why they all look the same too?

"What about you? How's your progress? Have you found any clues about returning home?" She looked at me and smiled.

I really liked that smile.

Oh, she doesn't know.??

I hadn't told her about all the stuff about defeating the emperor and all??? "I need to become stronger and defeat the emperor. Only then can I return home or so my summoner said. "

"Then you'll have to train very hard if you want to even last a minute on the stage with me," The king said as he came forward. His voice was sturdier and his presence was as intimidating as it gets.

Jowy and Araan were right behind him.

I forgot that Alfeim was said to be an empire as well. So the king was actually the emperor himself. How that I had said something outrageous, my dried forehead became wet once again.??

I'm not going to be executed or anything, right?

"That's right, if your task was to defeat father then you'll have to become very, very strong," Lianne giggled. She clearly thought it was a joke. "I don't doubt you though. You're always free to try."

The emperor laughed too. 'Wait, you're not mad?' "Might I ask who your summoner was?"

"I'm sorry but I cannot tell you that. I hope you understand," I said.

I don't want to complicate this any further. Let's leave this at that.??

But this complicated it more than I thought and in the end, I might have created the opposite effect of what I wanted.

"Of course I've heard rumors about you and know that you have a connection with the demon emperor." His eyes sharpened and he looked straight at me, "Did he put you to the task of ridding me from this world?"

So he was wary because of the rumors?

That was a valid question. If I were in his shoes I'd be pretty suspicious too. But I had nothing to do with him.

However, I was intimidated. The whole atmosphere changed in a matter of seconds. My head started to become all fuzzy. Everything looked washed out and out of proportion.??

Did I cross the limit of my body again???

No, this was different.??

Someone was laughing in the background. It was a clear laugh. I was about to pass out and I knew it.??

"No, he did not. What would I gain by kill-"

I blacked out.

They'd probably hang me of suspicion. What the hell did I come here for anyway?

I could make faint murmurs but then everything went silent. I couldn't think, I couldn't feel. It was like I was in a void of some sort.??


I opened my eyes, I saw a ceiling above my head. It was made from streamlined crystals. A crystal chandelier hung from it and glistened. The room was dark but it kind of glowed. Meaning I wasn't captured or thrown in the dungeons. But I couldn't ignore the possibilities.??

I moved around and confirmed the condition of my body. Everything was normal but my knife was gone. Even with the suit, I was carrying my knife. The sword's possession was given to Jowy for safekeeping.??

This isn't looking good. I need to get out of here.

It was dark and I couldn't see properly. Then a door opened.??

"Already up?"

A voice echoed from the door and light crept in. I didn't even have to luxury to look around. It was the emperor.??

"That was a bold thing you claimed in front of father. Even I couldn't beat him you know, and I assure you, that I surpass almost all the warriors in this land," he chuckled.

He wasn't the emperor; rather he was the crown prince, most probably. After spending a day in this palace I'd really become confused. I'd probably go mad if I stayed here for longer.

I couldn't answer. What could I have said? If I had said the truth then, I'd probably be in more suspicion. So it was better to go along.??

"How about it? Wanna spar sometime?" he said.


His red eyes reminded me of their fate. "The banquet is over and your comrades are waiting in the guest room. It's afternoon but you should get some lunch. If you feel like you can move around, then head there. And here." He threw something at me. It was my knife. "Don't worry. We still owe you big time. I'll make sure no one even touches you."

"Thanks," I said.

"You're injured to I'd suggest resting a bit." He left with a smile, I didn't know why but he seemed different from the rest of the people. I wasn't treated as a criminal.

What is going on?

I couldn't understand what was going on but I couldn't just stay here either. My head was still aching; after a while, it subsided. I got up and checked whether I could move or not. I could.??

I came out of the room.??

Did I blackout from fatigue? But, why now?

There was a possibility that the party wore me out, but could it have been something else? I couldn't really think of anything.

Everything was made of crystal yet the hallway was dark. There wasn't much light for my eyes. But I could make out shapes and there was some light coming out in the distance.??

Why did I pass out anyway? It wasn't like- that juice? But-?????

I followed the light. Now that I thought about it, even the room itself was dark too.

What is going on? Night? But didn't he say, it was just the afternoon?

When I reached the light, my eyes failed me. I couldn't see for a moment; everything flashed and then went dark; the back of my head hurt.?? I fell on the floor with a solid thud. "I knew you were dumb but oh well." It was a feminine voice. A voice I hated.??


When I came about, there were piercing lights everywhere. It was too damn bright. With my hands shielding my eyes I opened them. My ears were ringing from the cheers in the crowd.??

Crowd? Why's there a crowd here? Where am I?

I could see vague shapes in the distance. I was in some sort of amphitheater. Elves?

There were elves in the audience seats. They were cheering and the crowd was roaring. The sky was black, as it were night. However, my surrounding was lit as though day. Magic?

The ground was covered in black sand. Or rather blood???. Cold sweats ran down my whole body. What if??? just what if?

Before I knew it the crowd went silent as a single voice descended to the floor from above.??

"Ladies and gentlemen, today I bring you delighted news. It's been a long while since we have witnessed an execution of the high order, but that all ends today. Today we shall witness the grand execution we have all been craving for." The crowd roared even louder.

He was like a commentator or maybe he was one. His voice reached far and wide. Maybe he had some form of amplification magic. Upon finish, the crowd yet again roared.??

Grand execution?

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