Dawn- An Age Of Darkness

Chapter 221 - Let’s Negotiate Harder

I was more than just relieved. Seeing me like that eased up Lianne and the others.

"Bring the former duke," I whispered.

Lianne and the others made haste with the preparations and the duke was brought in front of the dragon. I never really memorized his name. I didn't want to either.

Suffice to say he had a rather satisfying look on his face. Satisfying for me that is. "Bu-but how! Lord Ashirnae!"

"He ain't going to save ya, buddy." I kicked his butt and slammed him towards Xerphas. The way Xerphas grinned actually made me almost feel pity for the guy. The former duke screamed loudly, emptying his bladder before passing out. 

Never knew dragons could smirk. And I also never knew their smirks could be so damn frightening. 

Xerphas looked at me. "Give me your name."

"Daarc Green."

"I shall keep it to memory. I Xerphas, the god of courageous flames deem thee, my apostle." Bright orange light surrounded me and dispersed a second later. "Should you ever need my aide in fighting that snake, call upon me."

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to fight Trerortra. But I suppose I should appreciate the sentiment. 

I stared at him with blank eyes. I didn't know how to respond.

"I shall send someone with appropriate qualities." He flapped his wings and rose up: the former duke was in his clutches, unscratched. 

I was kind of curious of what'd happen to him. "What are you going to do to him?"

"I'm going to kill him again and again: burn him alive and again, roast him again and again: revive him again and again and then-" His descriptions went on a bit too grotesque stage so I erased it from my memories. The soldiers around looked at me with curiosity. They should have been glad that they couldn't understand monsters. 

But revival magic? I guess, he really was a god. But that reminded me. "Say, can you free someone from crystal, I have in my ring?" 

"A warning Daarc Green. Don't take the gods lightly. Don't take this world lightly. You will not make our alive. I wish you luck." Xerphas roared and disappeared pretty fast. 

That's a no, I guess.

But Sisrael might have said something similar too.

"Duly noted. " I stared at the distant sky. I couldn't take the world lightly even if I wanted to.

But I was really hoping this guy could have done something about the girl in my ring though. 

Xerphas flew away but he left three scales behind. Were these things supposed to be gifts for me?

"SO what-what was that about?" Jori couldn't talk properly. Maybe he was startled? I saw some guards on the floor as well. They had passed out? The ones that remained looked at me with awe and fear. 

Come on guys. It's not like I'm some sort of monster.

Lianne looked at me with concern in her eyes. 

"Don't worry. He won't attack us… at least not in a few hundred years."

Relief flashed through her face. The soldiers all sighed in relief as well: some fell on their knees, looking like they just won the lottery. Even jori seemed a little less pale. And then a second later, everyone started to clap. 

It was awkward.

It did feel good though.

"But those conditions you spoke up." Lianne was still pretty concerned. 

"Well, it's complicated."

I began explaining things on my way to the dining hall. I couldn't believe the look on their faces when I mentioned stuff about pledging my allegiance to the dragons and traveling with one. Apparently, the dragons were a superior race compared to men. So it was uncharacteristic of them to ask something like that. On the contrary, them sending someone of dragon lineage was unheard of as well. Considering the shit I went through, I wasn't surprised in the slightest. As for the Mythic blade, it was something that even Lianne didn't know about. I actually didn't tell them about the apostle stuff, as I myself didn't know what that meant.


After breakfast, Lianne started to teach me how to properly use the bow. Actually, since I could use the crossbow rather well now, I thought she'd forget it. But she was just too into teaching things. When she got into her teacher mode, she was just like a demon: actually, she was worse.

"We will hold off the coronation today. Tomorrow's banquet would probably be more suited." Lianne stood next to me, arms crossed. 

"Sure whatever. How long do I have to do this again?" She was making me shoot arrows at dummies. It wasn't all that taxing but still….

"All day."



I groaned. Didn't she know I was injured?

I still had to keep going anyway.


Lunch was nothing fancy. I had only sandwiches: fancy sandwiches. Honestly, wasn't I supposed to be the duke? 

"By the way, what will he do to the duke? Kill him?" She was really curious. The soldiers and maids around us were curious as well.

"I'm pretty sure you don't want to know that." But one thing was for certain. God's were scary things.

Training lasted till evening. It wasn't anything more than just pointing my bow and shooting. The guards were doing all the carrying and they were even offering to restock my arrows for me. Of course, I declined. But, things were too boring. And my dear rabbit was nowhere. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her in years. Maybe that was an exaggeration. But after shooting arrows nonstop for a full day, my mind was going crazy and I needed my lovely cute bunny.

"Let's stop here."

I panted and sat on the floor. Soft grass welcomed my butt. "Now that things are clear, shouldn't we meet up with Dick and the others?"

"That would have to wait. Things in the city haven't yet been fully resolved. Let's try not to create potential problems." Lianne sat right next to me.

I don't see how it could be a problem though. 


"Anyway rest well. Those wounds haven't really healed. So you should rest as much as you can."

After working me like a horse all day, you say that?

I sighed. Maybe she was denser than I thought?

But this sight wasn't so bad. The courtyard was on the third floor of the palace, and from here I could see the sunset just fine. And since this town was also near the sea, the sunset, really was beautiful. 

And the feeling kind of got intensified because of a certain elf who was literally touching my shoulder as she sat right next to me. My attention was probably more on her than the sunset anyway.


Eventually, things ended and I was back in my bed. 

Wasn't I supposed to be the duke or something? How come things never go my way?

I didn't know the answer, but I did get a good night's sleep though.

The next morning, things took more turns. It was the day of my coronation and that stupid banquet. I just wanted to get over with it already.

For once I was actually missing forests! Okay, maybe not.

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