Dawn Infinity

Chapter 119

(ps: It’s a little late, getting up late, in the manual.

The team and the soldiers, along with Chu Hao and others, entered the valley, and then looked at the blushing fence in the distance. The entire team was a bit worried.

The captain had already taken a jeep, and there was obviously another officer in the car. When the team came here, the captain got off the bus and went to the front of Chu Hao and others, knocking on. After the door, I asked: “Why do all fences be wrapped with red wallpaper? We know that red sè can produce a frequency zone that blocks Specter Phantom, but if it is not wrapped in red, it is red. Is the fundamental law blocking the Phantom Specter from entering?”

Chu Hao nodded and smiled and said: “Yes, our purpose is not to stop the entry of Specter Phantom. This defense is only for jing or that’s all, that is, let us know that Specter appears, and will not be affected. Suddenly sneak attack, this is the main purpose, we can drive or even kill Specter.”

The captain nodded, indicating that he understood, and then went straight back to the car where he was sitting.

In the vehicle where Chu Hao is sitting, all of them are Team North-Iceland Member. Seeing this, Tom is worried: “Isn’t it the old drama of taking power? Just like those novels, the movie in the movie, Zhèngfu officials 嫉 妒 妒 ,, then start to seize our power? If so…”

Chu Hao smiled and didn’t talk. The next Ares said kindly: “It is impossible to do so, at least in the current situation. For zhèngfu, the biggest threat is not the power of thousands of people in this area. How, the biggest threat lies in the specter of this world, you, don’t think of the zhèngfu officials too simple, they are all jingying from thousands of people, even if they have become official by family, But they can reach their current status. After decades of officialdom, the head pigs have already become jing. At this time, they are impossible to seize power. Not only will they not seize power, but they will actively maintain this survival. The town’s parliament and Mayor’s authority, because in this world, no one is more fearful than officials, high-level, wealthy people, and for them, the worse order is better than the better.”

Chu Hao also said at this time: “Ares is right. The situation in the world is the biggest guarantee for me to plan. As long as it is not an idiot, there will never be a dog-and-blood drama. This is determined by the situation. It is not determined by their morality, so I am not worried about it. Next, we only need to continue well, we can gradually gain strength and the power to fight against Invader. This is the general trend. , the world will be the same force, can be reversed, the law is blocked, it is for the general trend…”

In the next few days, as Chu Hao and Ares said, this group of people did not have any thoughts and actions to seize power. On the contrary, they announced their identity to the members of the parliament. There is actually a White House among the group. The staff, there are also several military district leaders, as well as the mayors of the two cities, a chief of the continent, and the rest are mostly scientific and technical personnel, etc. The identity of this group of people is very prominent, but after they indicate their identity, In the first time, it was the legal xing of the temporary parliament of this surviving camp and the legal xing of Chu Hao Mayor.

After acknowledging all this, they can’t wait to find out about the origins of the Spirit-Type, the identity of Ares, the origin of Skeleton, etc., and the survival of the town, really let them give I was completely shocked.

“I didn’t expect the folks to have such a strong scientist. The idiots of the Academy of Sciences should really be hanged. This is a genius!”

This is the name of the governor. After the group arrived in the town on the third day, that is, they showed their identity and recognized the legality of the town council, the council members jointly held the dinner and invited. The officials of this group, as well as all the officers above the eunuch level, attended the dinner together, and at the banquet, the chief of the continent sat down with a sip of red wine and vented it loudly.

The rest of the people also expressed the same expression after the words, especially the members of the Parliament, Chu Hao not only showed his extraordinary scientist essence (Restoration Spell and many swindling techniques) for more than a month. His extraordinary management ability, and doing things for people is like a torrent of wind, such a person should have been a leader, even famous in the world, but because of the talented people in the scientific community, actually until now It is known, and I heard that Chu Hao was almost treated as a jing god. This kind of thing is simply a crime.

The chief of the continent drank the remaining red wine, and continued to say: “To tell you the truth, when you have a folk scientist like Chu Hao Mayor, the scientists who are with me, they are not convinced. In their words, this is not the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It is now the 21st century. In this era, science has been divided very carefully. Ordinary people can be called geniuses. It’s impossible to have super-genius characters like the 18th and 19th centuries. For example, flying car, for example, involves metal science, dynamics, design, and energy science. This is not a person knocking at home. Beating and hitting can be designed and manufactured by the power of one person. These people also believe that if there is such a person who can accomplish this, then this person is absolutely Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein. Assembles, such people are simply not likely to appear in the world.”

Having said that, the governor laughed heartily and said: “The result is that they collectively ran to see the flying car. After a few hours, this group of people, like the devastated believers, the gambler who lost the property, has begun. I can’t even say anything, haha…”

The rest of the people are also smiling expressions. In fact, the existence of Chu Hao is now a flag. It seems that nothing is achieved by his method. Everyone is looking forward to the nature of the research Specter that Chu Hao said. The moment to completely drive away the Specter.

At this time, the White House staff next to him also sighed and said: “There is Mr. Ares, it is really embarrassing, although I have heard that this world is strange, in fact, I can Telling the public, I work in the White House, I do know some wonderful things in the world, such as the special function personnel, but they are very rare, and their ability is not so much use that’s all, but it does exist. There are also things that are explained by scientific methods, but I did not expect that there is such a secret, oh, God Hao, and the family of Mr. Ares, it is really regrettable.”

After hearing the news, one of the lawmakers smiled and said: “Is this not enough to make up for it? At least there will be no more firearms. In fact, I have already believed in this God Hao. Every time I pray to him, I feel the warmth of mind and body. This feeling is really given to me by the Catholic Law, and the teachings of God Hao are very loose, and there will be no religious persecution in history. Our church members have already discussed the beginning. Editing God Hao’s teachings, religious rules, etc., and this should be the greatest relief to Mr. Ares.”

Just then, an old military officer next to him suddenly said: “So, before our base was invaded by Specter, I did hear rumors from the eighth base, it seems to be there. A team of people was found on the edge of the city. They only had four people, but they rescued the citizens of the city in a rescue, and they could use a sacred light to destroy the Specter and find out from the citizens they rescued. There seems to be a personal belief in the four people, such as light, Dawn, Holy Light, etc. Is this person also God Hao of faith? Because I see that your teachings are very similar, they are all light, hope, Dawn and the like. Things, but also have more power than scientific imagination, can also fight Specter, I thought it was a false rumor, after all, in the end times always imagine the emergence of the Savior, but now see Mr. Ares, see your God Hao After that, I think that may be true or not.”

After the words were spoken, almost everyone in the room looked at the officer. Everyone felt a bit stunned. At this time, Chu Hao had stood out from the crowd and smiled and said to the officer. “This gentleman, I am very concerned about what you said, because according to Mr. Ares, the family that believes in God Hao is not only his family, but also better. I wonder if I can find this Team using Holy Light. Perhaps they are also the ancient family members of God Hao.”

“If we can find them, then our strength will multiply, and maybe we can find the real murderer of this Specter catastrophe.”

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