Dawn Infinity

Chapter 123

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“I slept well last night? Please sit down, please don’t be so polite.”

Chu Hao smiled and looked at the four people in front of him. These four are the Team South-America four people who have been in contact yesterday, including their Captain, Spiritual-Force Controller, two Veteran, and Team South-America. The four were under, and the rest were said to have died in the battle with Invader.

After the big teams got back to the group of refugees yesterday, the four Team South-America members were busy setting up refugees until late at night, and they returned to the wooden house that Chu Hao had prepared for them, and they have been sleeping until now. It’s very rare for the Reincarnation Team Member, whose physical fitness is completely better than the average person, to see that they have been exhausted to the limit both physically and mentally during this time.

After all four of them had completely awakened, Chu Hao invited them to eat in their own wooden house. In fact, it was the first meeting between Team North-Iceland and Team South-America, except for the two teams. No one is there.

These four people are also welcome. They started to observe the entire Team North-Iceland after entering the house. When they saw Zhang Heng’s dying appearance, the four people seemed to have something to do. Later, Team South-America’s Captain, the man wearing a quaint armor, immediately asked: “You have also played against Invader? Must you sacrifice a lot of Team Members?”

Chu Hao smiled and still smiled and said: “Yes, our sacrifice is also very big, especially the Team Member. In order to let us escape safely, he almost died there, until now. It’s also awkward, and there’s almost no way to act.”

After the armored man heard the words, he suddenly said: “Yeah, we also sacrificed many Team members. In the end, only the four of us escaped under cover. Everyone has already…that’s all, don’t say this first, People always want to continue to live, I can understand this, then I am here as Team South-America’s Captain, Team North-Iceland’s Captain and all Member, are you willing to join us in Team South-America? This should deal with this invasion!”

(It’s really a kind honest man…)

Everyone in Team North-Iceland thinks this way. In fact, they are no longer worried about whether this Team will cause trouble to Team North-Iceland. They are thinking about Chu Hao. You should not be too swindling. This is really not very good…

Chu Hao didn’t make the same conditions as they thought, or started swindling with a mouth open, but instead nodded seriously, then said: “So as Captain of Team North-Iceland, I formally agree to alliance with your team here. Before the end of Horror-Movie, our muzzles will never be aimed at you. This is a vow.”

The armored man looked at Chu Hao’s eyes seriously. After a while, this was a big say with a smile: “Your eyes are very sincere. Although I am correct, I still can’t read the wrong people. So, we It’s an ally. As you said, at least this time in Horror-Movie, we will never kill each other. This is very good.” After saying this, the armor man immediately turned to the table. The food was eaten and drunk, and when I saw it, the other three sighed and sighed and ate.

Chu Hao asked four people to make dishes, and curiously asked: “Don’t you buy portable food on the Lord-God Space? Look at your appearance, it seems to be very hungry.”

The armored man’s face was slightly red. He hadn’t spoken yet. The only beautiful woman among the four men had already said: “We Captain did let us buy a lot of portable food, various emergency battle drugs, but he is a Honest people, this food for more than a month, in addition to our own food, we have to take it to the refugees, one to two, we have almost nothing left, food is not, medicine is not, so empty hands, not hungry It’s amazing.”

Chu Hao hehe smiled, still holding the kind smile face, and continued to pour the wine and cloth dishes for the four people. Although these foods are not rich, but there are meat, bread, broth, vegetables, beer, it can be regarded as Very good meal, maybe in this world, except for those secret, still existing government refuge, secret base or something, only this surviving town can easily come up with such a variety of foods.

After some eating and drinking, the two teams were sitting in the hall of the wooden house, each taking a cup or a bottle of drink, this is the beginning of a formal conversation.

The armored man first said: “First introduce each other. My name is Bailey. It is the Captain of Team South-America. The Enhancement Attribute is Holy-Light Energy. The Enhancement skill is the various skills of Paladin. This is my three. Team Member, they…”

Among the three, the beautiful girl immediately said: “Captain, we…”

Bailey shook his head. “I know, the Enhancement Attribute is almost life-related to the people in the Reincarnation Team, but I believe that Mr. Chu Hao, since he can become the Mayor of this town, he plans for it. Naturally, it is much stronger than us. In fact, I suspect that he is a Sage. For Sage, the importance of information is almost first. Our Enhancement Attribute must be very important to him. At the crucial moment, he can formulate various plans according to different Enhancement Attributes. Since they have already formed an alliance, since they have already believed, why don’t they believe in thoroughness?”

The three people were helpless and slightly sighed, but they did not stop Bailey’s words, and Bailey went on to continue: “This is my three Team Member, this beautiful lady, she is our Spiritual-Force Controller. The name is Nicole, the slightly thinner man, our Team’s remote Sniper, whose name is Derby, and the last one is our Team’s semi-newbie, whose Enhancement Attribute is Zanpakutō and Shinigami Enhancement. By the way, he is an Asian Singaporean named Li Wan, but because he entered the team with a Horror-Movie World, he hasn’t had time to get to the Enhancement Zanpakutō. He only exchanges the Initial-Level of Shinigami Enhancement. I can only see Specter Phantom and the like, and I can attack Specter Phantom with **, which is very weak.”

Chu Hao’s mind has been spinning rapidly, thinking about the four people’s combat power. Then he said: “Since your team is so confessed, there is nothing to hide from our Team North-Iceland. First of all, I am , Captain, Chu Hao of Team North-Iceland, my Enhancement Attribute is Arcanist, and some Magic Enhancement below Level 2, then this is Mr. Ares, our Team’s Veteran, Enhancement is Necromancer, and currently has a comparable Second -Step Gene Lock and even Inferior-Giant Skeleton of Third-Step, this bed is the main remote force of our Team, Zhang Heng, his Enhancement is the Bullet-Time skill, and some bow and arrow skills, this is our Team North-Iceland’s scout, named Tom, his skills can be submerged in the shadows and cannot be found in any way. Then these two are the newbie that Horror-Movie joined, namely Mr. Ali and Ms. Els. “”

Bailey listened carefully to Chu Hao’s introduction. After a moment, he sighed: “It seems that your casualties are also very heavy. There are only so little combat power left, but it is also visible that you Captain is really competent, more competent than my Captain… Sure enough, Captain should be the one who can think about the whole Team, but I went to give myself an Enhancement. Compared with you, it really makes me feel ashamed.”

Chu Hao’s expression was quiet, still smiling and asked: “Oh? Why do you say that?”

Bailey said earnestly: “Since Six-Teams Great War, Team China broke half a continent, Reincarnation World entered the third generation, Reward Points and Side-Story gained a lot, and Invader Horror-Movie World existed. There must be at least two Horror-Movie Veteran in a Team, and in the case of Captain, you will participate in Invader Horror-Movie World, and you are still Captain. In general, a Team must have Captain, at least You have lived four or five Horror-Movie World. You have lived four or five Horror-Movie World. According to each Horror-Movie World, you get at least 8000Reward Points. For the two b-level Side-Story, you should at least There are 40,000 Reward Points and two a-levels, and even a s-level Side-Story, but you only have Level 2 Magic, and your Team doesn’t seem to have any Advanced-Level items. These Reward Points must be Most of them are used to give newbie, so I said that you are a better and better Captain than me.”

(…Six-Teams Great War, third generation, Reward Points and Side-Story have been greatly improved… a lot of information.)

Chu Hao’s smile remains the same. He continues to say calmly: “Yes, I have lived six Horror-Movie Worlds. It is our Team’s oldest Veteran. I also got more than 60,000 Reward Points and a s-level Side. -Story, but our team is very sorry for the accidents and deaths. Maybe it is more appropriate. When we face Invader, we don’t even have the power to fight back, so I think it is Lord God’s Reward Points and Side- Story, less than other Teams? I am very curious about this.”

Bailey didn’t know Chu Hao’s big swindling, he immediately said: “Six Horror-Movie World, more than 60,000 Reward Points and an s-level Side-Story, the rate of acquisition is not low, in fact, our Team Almost every Horror-Movie, every person gets about 10,000 Reward Points. After all, our Team is not the kind of special team, so there are many Reward Points and Side-Story, but the lack of combat power is justified.”

“Special team?” Chu Hao immediately heard the key points in the words, and he immediately asked.

Bailey forced a smile and said : “I have never met that kind of Team. I just mentioned it to Captain of Team Deity. In fact, Six-Teams Great War and the third generation of Reincarnation World are also Team Deity and others. Team’s Captain tells me…special team is hard to see, I think you should also know the power of Gene Lock? The higher the unlocking of Gene Lock, the more you can use the skills and Attribute of your Enhancement, but the real Whether it is strong or weak, in fact, it depends on your Exchange’s skills and Attributes. In general, s-level Attributes and skills must be far stronger than d-level Attributes and skills. This is evidenced by countless Reincarnation Teams. ”

“But there are exceptions. When a certain person in a Team has a strong potential for evolution, Lord God will determine that the Team is a special team, which will greatly reduce the Team’s Reward Points and Side-Story acquisitions. The death to stimulate the Team’s Gene Lock unraveling, only to give its Side-Story completed Reward Points, without the easy way to get Reward Points and Side-Story, such a team tends to be quite early Destroyed, so such special team is also known as Team Nightmare, such as the legendary strongest Team, Team China is such a Team, but once such a special team has survived the initial stage, its strength will be very The outbreak of horror, especially when it comes to knowing the extreme expert of the Fourth-Step Gene Lock, such a Team will bring nightmares to all other Teams, no matter whether your Enhancement is s-level Attribute skills, they Have a level d Attribute and skills, they will directly crush you, almost no exceptions between the strong and the weak disparity , And such Team will be known as Team Nightmare, Reward Points and Side-Story they get much less than normal Team, but its strength …… “

“It’s as terrifying as a nightmare!” (To be continued)

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