Dawn Infinity

Chapter 144

One second to remember [] / manghuangji to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

“…It has been three months since it passed.”

In a valley far from Chu Hao’s entry into the town, it appears to be a small mining collection point for mining companies in reality, in fact a base for the Rebel Organization, responsible for Rebel in several nearby states. Organization scheduling and replenishment is a medium-sized base that is not so important.

After being picked up by the Rebel Organization, Chu Hao conducted a regular review at this medium-sized base. At the same time, Li Ganglei and several o5Members had already arrived at the base by plane in the next two days. Come, and at the same time, Nian Xikong, who has become a little girl again.

Outside the glass in the audit room, Nian Xikong said, “Yes, it’s almost three months. I thought you would lose the contract. If the contract cannot be completed, you may even want to die when you become stronger.” There will be hearts.”

Chu Hao had a good night’s sleep in the base, and he was the o6 leader. He didn’t have to worry about any criticism. It was very safe. He was the pressure of the last Invader Team Battle. After explaining the part, I heard Nian Xikong’s milky voice at the moment, and he smiled and asked, “Oh? How do you want to die?”

Nian Xikong still has the lolit’s unique tone: “If it is an ordinary person, it is almost impossible to reach that step, but you are the person in that space. There are always some possibilities to reach that level. It is fine for you to talk to you. The strength of life is actually a process of quantitative change, one point and one point of strength, whether it is its own **, or the energy of control, or the skills used, the limit of strength will always be reached, even if it is a Yao Even if it is a witch, even if it is a strange beast, there will be this limit. This is the most fundamental law of life. It is impossible to grow without limit. Otherwise, this life will sooner or later break up, or rise above it. At Plane, such a life cannot exist.”

“When a powerful evolution of life reaches a certain limit, it is the beginning of everything beyond the limit, the beginning of extraordinary sanctification. This situation has different names for different races, different civilizations, and different cultivation laws, but The meanings are all the same. For example, if I want to reach this level, I need to dilute the Primordial Spirit and turn Nascent Soul into a god. For example, the name Gene Lock expert is to understand Heart-Light. For example, if you are a Magic repairer like you. It is to ignite Divine Fire. Although the name is different, it is actually the same process. In the process, it is necessary to spend Heart Demon. This is the biggest enemy of all life… yourself! And you are against me. The vows that are sent are directly applied to your own soul. If you do not realize your vows, then when you need to ignite Divine Fire, when you enter the holy, your Arcane-Fire will extinguish itself, and then die. Losing all strength, you will definitely regret that you have not completed this vow.”

Nian Xikong said that it was very terrifying, and that Chu Hao was a matter of life and death, but Chu Hao did not feel terrifying, because Nian Xikong’s little girl’s state at the moment was matched with her milky voice. It doesn’t make people feel terrifying. On the contrary, it feels like listening to a fairy tale, giving people a very cute feeling.

Nian Xikong said, and it seems that Chu Hao and the people around him have the meaning of inclusive smile. Her face is slightly red, and she said with a disgusting voice: “Don’t listen to oldcomer, lose money in front of me… I don’t talk!”

This sentence does not listen to oldcomer words, loss in front of the words, suddenly let Chu Hao, Li Ganglei, and a few o5Member around laughed, a ** year old girl, said so old in the tone of milky milk The words, this can really make people smile.

Nian Xikong’s face became redder, like a ripe apple, but her eyes were getting colder and colder on such a lovely face. The only person on the scene who found out that she was not right was Chu Hao, he immediately said. “No matter what, isn’t this still three months? I have come according to my promise, but some problems may still need to be solved…”

Nian Xikong said in a cold voice: “What is the problem? Are you planning to modify the contract? Or what benefits do you want?”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “The agreement is the agreement. You saved my life and took you into Reincarnation World. It is not enough to compensate for your life-saving grace. I know this very well, so you think I will show you What are the benefits? I don’t bother to do this. I just want to say…I can pull you into the world, and I can only do my best.” while speaking, Chu Hao took the storyline invitation bracelet. At the same time, I will tell you about the situation of bringing people into Reincarnation World. The only requirement of this bracelet is that it can only carry the plot characters, but I don’t know if Nian Xikong is a plot character.

After listening to Nian Xikong, she meditated and said: “I remember this watch vaguely. This memory is very vague, but it is the memory of my first life. At that time, I was a Sushan Plane person. It seems that you said It’s true, and it’s not deceiving me, because my first memory must be related to your world… If so, let me try it.” while speaking, she pushed the audit room door Go in.

Li Ganglei and others did not hesitate to follow Nian Xikong and went in… In fact, the person who asked to go through the review process was Chu Hao himself, and the rest did not actually review him, but accompanied him to complete the process. That’s all.

Chu Hao was not surprised. He took out the bracelet in his pocket. The bracelet was black and black, and there was a faint glow on the surface, but he did not know what material was made. Nian Xikong was also welcome. After the bracelet, take a deep breath and put it on your wrist, then…

Then nothing happened. Chu Hao and Nian Xikong looked at the small eyes like this. After a long time, Chu Hao asked: “There can be heard in the mind, such as prompting you to join, etc. ?”

Nian Xikong shook his head in a pitiful way: “No, I didn’t hear anything, and I didn’t feel any change in my spirit, and the jade pendant didn’t have any sense… What to do, it seems to have no effect.” Speaking of this, Nian Xikong is anxious to cry.

Chu Hao also caught the hair in annoyance. This is the situation he is most afraid of, and there is no effect. It proves that Nian Xikong does not belong to the story of Horror-Movie World. Now he looks at Li Ganglei and others. Immediately, Li Ganglei knew what Chu Hao meant.

“Is it going to the world you entered? Then, after I enter, can I become stronger like you, and can I come back to reality at any time? The situation of the organization is clearer than anyone else, and the three of us are temporarily less. It’s okay to drop one. If the three are missing two, the organization may not last for half a year.” Li Ganglei asked when he thought about it.

Chu Hao nodded. “At the moment when I have passed the most dangerous time, I have some reliability. If you can use the bracelet, once you enter it, you can have a certain degree of surpassing the reality. Of course, this way, every time, For a while, both of us must have one person to return to reality to maintain organizational stability. This is a relatively large burden, but it can also be solved, so please try this bracelet and see your own decision. It is.”

Li Ganglei considered a half-sound,ududly asked: “Is this bracelet expensive? I mean, can you easily get this bracelet in that world?”

“No, it is relatively expensive. If it is used as a metaphor for our organization, it is basically equivalent to the weight of a large base. It can’t be taken out, and even if it is lost, it will not hurt, but at least it will It hurts for a long time.” Chu Hao replied immediately. He already understood the meaning of Li Ganglei. In fact, Li Ganglei was inseparable from the real world for reasons of internal organization, so he wanted to find a trust. o5 enters Reincarnation World with him, but this bracelet requires 5000Reward Points and a b-level Side-Story. This price is not free for the current Team North-Iceland, at least not able to bring people into Lord. -God Space.

Li Ganglei thought for a long time and finally took the bracelet seriously and put it on his wrist, but then he also had the same expression as Nian Xikong, and he did not respond, just like this, he I took off the bracelet and handed it back to Chu Hao, saying that it was useless to myself.

“…Sure enough, do you need a storyteller to invite?” Chu Hao sighed and snorted, and he began to consider whether to use his f-level Authority.

Suddenly, Nian Xikong was bright, she seemed to think of something, everyone saw her fierce shot of the huge sword box behind her, suddenly a purple flashing, everyone saw a piece of parchment on her hand, this The parchment looks very old and has a very strange Rune that outlines an indescribable mystery.

“This is the memory of the first world, the people of your world left it to my master. After that, the master passed it on to me. The original words are, when you meet someone in your world, and he promises to take you. Entering the world, then writing down the contract name of both sides, you can become a plot character, it is said that it is what the person found in Constance’s movie world. I remember this paragraph very deeply, so we come Sign the contract, then I will try this bracelet again.” while speaking, Nian Xikong can’t wait for the finger to lightly on the parchment, and her beautiful handwriting has appeared on it.

Chu Hao did not hesitate. He took the parchment and wrote his name on it. Suddenly, the names of the two people shone, and then the whole parchment burned up. It seems that the contract was established. Chu Hao When I handed this bracelet to Nian Xikong, under all the attention, Nian Xikong suddenly disappeared into the place, and disappeared instantly, as if there was no little girl before.

“Enter, enter? Bracelet? Do you need a bracelet? What do I do with Exchange bracelet?”

Chu Hao’s skull and bunny holding a bracelet, and Li Ganglei and others looked at it like this, completely like a fool.

So, Team North-Iceland adds a newbie… (to be continued)

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