Dawn Infinity

Chapter 151

It’s really weird to imagine, even the Terminator in the movie world is the image of Arnold, but it’s really cool and handsome, especially the strong and cold shape. It really looks like The same as the robot. .

The crowd walked forward from the alley, followed the Terminator, and watched him walk into a bar. After a while, many people came out of the bar. They seemed to be very scared. Look like.

At the moment, the eleven Team North-Iceland Member, seven oldcomers, or six oldcomers, and Nian Xikong are just waiting to see, and the four newbie are still completely unbelievable expressions, they are so stunned. Looking at everything happened, after a long time, the middle-aged bald uncle said: “It will not be possible, how could there be such a thing… Could it be that you are shooting together with the head of the continent? Do you think that I don’t know that the United States seems to be very popular with this kind of program, but it’s illegal for us to engage in such a kidnapping. It’s illegal. I don’t believe it…” Having said that, his expression is actually It has begun to show the belief that this expression has also appeared along with the other three newbie:

“So let’s introduce each other. We are seven people who have already experienced Horror-Movie’s Veteran. These two are Veteran who have experienced a Horror-Movie. This is also newbie, then you four newbie. By the way, I am Captain of our Reincarnation Team and our Team is Team North-Iceland.” Chu Hao smiled and spoke to four newbie.

The four newbie are looking at each other. For a long time, there is no speech. Only the girl who knows Zhang Heng, she has been staring at Zhang Heng. She looks straight at Zhang Heng. She is a little embarrassed and nods slightly. This is a smile to Chu Hao: “My English name is Anna, Chinese name is Lu Zixue, you still call me Lu Zixue, I like my Chinese name… My main occupation is rich n generation, deputy Occupation is a killer.”

The other three newbie people took the lead, and the bald uncle said: “My name is Adolf, my occupation is a psychiatrist, and I don’t have to talk about age and anything else…”

There is also a 27-year-old young woman who said with some fear: “My name is Milos, I am a middle school teacher. Do you need me to introduce something else?”

The last remaining person was a black person. It looked very small and looks awkward. He smiled and said: “My name is Stry. My career is to find the most wanted sport for the majority of men… you know .”

Some people around me showed an annoying expression, but it was a pimp, Lord God… It’s really cold and cold…

Chu Hao didn’t care. He smiled and looked at the four people: “Welcome to Reincarnation World. Welcome to Team North-Iceland. This Reincarnation World is much more dangerous than you think. Let’s talk about it, here, death. It is very likely that you will come at any time. You, me, him, all of us may die, unless you want to do everything possible to live, this is definitely not to intimidate you, this is reality.”

“Of course, danger also brings benefits. Reward Points and Side-Story that I mentioned to you just now are good things. Once you have completed Horror-Movie World, you will return to a place called Lord-God Space. , where you can Exchange to any skill you want, Attribute, innate talent, Blood-Lineage, etc., only you can’t think of it, you can’t change it, as long as you can live, grow immortal, become Superman or not may.”

These words obviously made a few newbie look forward to it. Of course, the look of doubt is still there. This is for sure. They are not fools, unless they have really experienced the Enhancement and so on. As the Alis who survived above, How else can they believe in it?

In this way, under the patience of the oldcomers, under the uneasiness of the newbie, the Terminator of Arno’s image finally came out of the bar. Now he is wearing a leather jacket and sat cold on his motorcycle. In the car, the scene in the plot still happened. The bar owner rushed out of the bar with a rifle, clamoring that the Terminator could not ride the motorcycle, but after a while, the Terminator took the rifle directly, and also from the rifle. The bar owner brought a pair of black sunglasses, and the classic Terminator image was finally born. .

The newbie seemed to be watching a movie, and the newbie beauty Lu Zixue was worried about Zhang Heng. At this time, everyone looked at the Terminator and rode the motorcycle. Ares turned to look at Chu Hao and said: “We How to track him? He has already left.”

Chu Hao was not in a hurry, took everyone to the parking lot outside the bar, found a medium-sized vehicle, directly broke the window glass to open it, and then he skillfully opened the driver’s seat A lot of circuits, very quickly, he has already started the car without a car key.

“You must be a recidivist.” The famous teacher Milos in newbie said with amazement, but Chu Hao did not care, just smiled and let everyone go to the car.

Then, Chu Hao looked at Els: “It’s time to look at you and show us the way.”

Els smiled and said: “This can be regarded as me, Captain, you don’t know my Exchange skills, I am afraid that you will blame me for this useless skill of Exchange, but I really like this skill, very Meet my biggest detective hobby.”

Chu Hao also smiled and replied: “There is no useless skill, only useless users. In fact, I am very much looking forward to the growth of your skills… at least more than the expectations of Zhang Heng.”

Zhang Heng suddenly yelled in the back seat: “Hey, Chu Hao, you have to talk about conscience. I am very strong, this Exchange is very good, and it’s cool, very handsome. When I exchanged Saint Clothes, At that time, I could be super god…”

Chu Hao ignored Zhang Heng’s embarrassment and let Els sit in the passenger seat. After everyone had entered the car, he started driving forward with Els closing his eyes. Els began to point Chu Hao to some road intersections. I have to say that the skill Els is really useful in some situations, especially when Team North-Iceland lacks the Spiritual-Force Controller. At some point it can also act as a half-toned Spiritual-Force Controller, which is its greatest use.

In this way, Chu Hao drove, Els pointed the way, and everyone was driving on the road. At the same time, several newbie gradually believed in everything, because everything can be faked, time is not fake. The time of this world is still at the end of the twentieth century. Whether it is vehicles, buildings, transportation, cities, etc., it is still very different from the 21st century. The gap of more than ten years makes everything look here. There is a retro taste, these are not fake.

The car was driving in the night, and I didn’t know how long it took, at least for four or five hours. I saw that the sky was getting brighter, everyone started to sleep, and Els was paler and his face began to appear. Sweat.

Chu Hao sighed. “Let’s take a break, Els. There is basically no fork in this road. We are driving all the way forward, let’s take a break.”

Els shook his head, hesitated, and nodded again. He finally opened his eyes and gave a big breath, but before she could wait for her breath, suddenly, the whole car made a sharp turn, at the same time. Somewhere in the body was hit by a bullet and a loud noise was heard.

Everyone was awakened, and they saw that a motorcycle was parked there, not far from the road. There was a giant man in the image of the chief of the continent… Yes, the Terminator actually stopped there waiting for them. And they took the lead in attacking them.

“…Terminator is aware that we are tracking?” Chu Hao snorted and watched the Terminator come over to them. He turned his mind and turned to countless possible situations and responses, but after a few seconds, he sighed. Drive a sharp turn and head toward the other lane, gradually getting away from the Terminator.

Everyone looked at the Terminator from the rear of the car, and the Terminator did not pursue it. After the vehicle had gone, he went straight to his motorcycle and drove to the front of the road.

Ares immediately asked: “What’s wrong? Chu Hao, why don’t we meet with Terminator? You can continue to swindling him, tell him that we are also the future John Connor, we are with him, so swindling Can’t you? Why are you leaving?”

Chu Hao forced a smile and said : “That’s not swindling. Okay, well, even if it’s swindling, it can only swindling wise Human, because there are doubts in the wisdom of writing, doubts are not sure, but if it is right For robots that are completely dominated by programs, the so-called doubts do not exist at all. One is two, and the other is two. John Connor sent him to protect himself in childhood, so for him, it is universal. In addition to John Connor’s orders, he can even kill John Connor’s mother… Anyway, John Connor is born now, for us, we are no different from the enemy, as long as we continue to follow him, then either destroy him. Either he destroys us, there is no other way!”

Everyone was silent. After a while, Tom suddenly asked: “Then we don’t follow him. We don’t know where John Connor of the world is. What should we do next?”

Chu Hao drove and said no to the side: “Since the Terminator road can’t find it, then we will find another way… There are two main characters in this movie, one is John Connor, which can be given directly to the Terminator. Command, while another person can’t give the Terminator command, but she can give the John Connor command…”

“Go, go to the mentally ill courtyard, we find John Connor’s mother! Tell her, we are the future, the super future warrior sent by John Connor’s son!” (To be continued)

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