Dawn Infinity

Chapter 164

(PS: 9 month 10, Man Wang magazine began serializing unlimited horror comics, the first issue is a month, the second period begins with two words each month, the infinite horror official comics, started!!!!!)

“This is our first formal meeting. Hello, Mr. Thomson, introduce you, Shu Hao.”

Chu Hao sat in the seat next to the reporter. When the reporter looked at him, he said directly: “I was the person who faxed the photo to you before. I am very sorry, something is delayed, it is late. some.”

The reporter named Thomson immediately sat up straight. He reached out and shook Chu Hao: “Hello, I am Thomson… Can you invite me to meet, is it still for the photo?”

Chu Hao nodded, and Thomson immediately said, “Do you think we can change the time? Of course, I am also very interested in the photos you provided, but the current situation seems to be special… you may not have seen today. Newspaper? There was something happening on it. I just had a break at noon. It is estimated that I will be busy with this news in the afternoon.” After that, Thomson handed the newspaper in his hand to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao did not pick up the newspaper. He smiled and said: “Is it the bombing of the New York International Airport? Did the terrorists attack the incident at the international airport?”

Thomson nodded slightly, and he was about to say something. Chu Hao immediately said, “I know the inside story of this case. If you can take a short break at noon, listen to my words, and one. A little story, then I will tell you the inside story of this case. Of course, you can choose not to believe me, but now you have not started working. It’s still about forty minutes to go to work in the afternoon. Listen to me. With a little story, won’t you delay interviewing this case?”

Thomson frowns After listening to Chu Hao, he was silent for a few seconds and finally nodded. “Okay, Mr. Chu, tell me if you have anything. If it is about the photo, I will listen.”

Chu Hao laughed. He waited for a few seconds and said, “Then let me start with this little story. You can have my own fantasy, or I can be nervous, but I will not delay you anyway.” Whatever it is, just give you a written manuscript theme…”

“…about a decade ago, a woman inexplicably encountered an attack, but at a critical juncture, she was saved by a man who told the woman a terrible fact that he came from the future…”

“According to this man, one day in the future, the Human government has developed a fully automatic weapon defense system called Skynet, but this system is too powerful, and it is connected to the extremes of the Internet. In a short time, it absorbed all kinds of information through the network, and thus had its own thinking. Soon, it confirmed that Human is its enemy, so it controlled the US nuclear missile attack on Russia. Soon, Russia used it. The nuclear bundling tactics fired nuclear bombs around the world. This day was called Judgment Day in history. There are billions of humans who died in this nuclear explosion, and Human’s Judgment Day arrived…”

“But the man continued to say that Human survived tenaciously. The surviving Human, under the leadership of a leader named John Connor, eventually defeated Skynet and became the savior of Human, while the man told the woman that she would be the future. The son is called John Connor, and he is John Connor sent back to protect her, and the person who attacked her is actually a robot, the future Skynet sent to kill John Connor to prevent her from being born… ”

When it comes to this, Thomson smiles disdainfully: “The second and third stream scripts will only be the subject of niche movies. Is there still? We still have… Well, we still have twenty-seven minutes to discuss, right. You shouldn’t say, are you the man who will return in the future? Or are you John Connor?”

Chu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: “No, my name is Chu Hao, I am very sorry, you guessed wrong, then please continue to listen to my little story…”

“The attack more than a decade ago ended in the woman’s survival, but the man died, but before he died, the woman had been pregnant. Finally, the woman gave birth to a son who named him John. Connor, John Connor is now ten years old, of course, the story is not over…”

“Skynet is not willing to fail, so it sends the latest robot return and continues to chase John Connor and his mother, but at the same time, future leader John Connor also knows the incident from his memory, so he dispatched A robot that is captured by Human in the future, of course, the model is much better than the latest robots sent by Skynet, and it is also necessary to protect yourself as a child…”

“In this attack, John Connor and his mother were rescued by the robot and then prepared to avoid the killing of the Skynet robot, but at this time, they heard about the birth of Skynet from the robot dispatched by John Connor. Mr. Morse Dyson, Technical Director of Cyber ​​Group, developed the Skynet system, and its source of technology was the wreckage of the robot that Skynet dispatched more than a decade ago. The wreckage of the robot was secretly secreted by the government. Collected and collected, and did not announce it to the public…”

Thomson suddenly frowned and said: “Wait, wait a minute, you just mentioned a company and name, Mr. Morse Dyson, technical director of Cyber ​​Group? I interviewed him, he is studying the next generation computer system… …”

Chu Hao smiled and said: “Please let me finish this story, my time is not much…”

“So after knowing the designer who was born in Skynet, John Connor’s mother intends to kill him, to end Skynet, so that the future Judgment day will not come true, but after seeing Morse Dyson’s family, Her heart was not killed, but in the end, with the help of Morse Dyson, she entered the company and took out the robotic wreckage and eventually destroyed it.”

“But… the story didn’t end there…”

“After more than a decade, when John Connor was 22 and his mother was dead, suddenly he was attacked by the Skynet robot again, and the protection robot he sent in the future also arrived. The defendant, Skynet was not finished, Skynet continued in the government’s secret experiment, and that year was the year of Judgment day!”

“After that, Judgment Day came, Human was destroyed by billions of people, and Judgment Day finally arrived. The rest of the people survived. In the future, they gathered under John Connor and fought against Skynet’s robots…”

Thomson suddenly interrupted Chu Hao’s words: “If you add the story behind, and the world view of the whole story, I must admit that this is a first-rate script, but I am sorry, I am just a reporter, or some relationship. The reporter, but I don’t have any manipulation experience on the script. The person you are looking for is wrong. Of course, the story that Mr. Chu first told me, I can introduce you to several film circles, then this topic Then…”

Chu Hao smiled and shook his head again: “The story is not over yet, Mr. Thomson, please listen to the end of the story, thank you…”

“But in the future, as predicted, John Connor led Human over Skynet. On the contrary, John Connor was assassinated by an old-fashioned robot in a battle, because this old-fashioned robot saved him from his childhood. The robot looks exactly the same, and after that, the Human power is getting weaker and weaker. In the future, John Connor’s son has become the leader of Human, but Human is about to be extinct by the Skynet robot army. When Human had no hope, John Connor’s son decided to use the last strength of Human to piece together one of the most elite Teams and then send them back to the most likely time to stop the government from studying Skynet. Stop the birth of Skynet…”

“Re-introduction again, I, Chu Hao, Captain of the Future Future Warrior Team, the person coming from the future to stop Judgment Day.”

Thomson hehe smiled. He looked at his watch and stood up. “Thank you for telling me this interesting story. I should start working, right. If you think you want to sell this script, then I can You introduce some people, I think they can help you…”

Chu Hao still smiled. He suddenly reached out his hands and his hands were down. He said, “Mr. Thomson, I know that everything I said is so ridiculous, but I should have left soon, and finally One minute, then delay your last minute. As long as you make a choice, you can immediately know whether I am telling whether it is true or not. Of course, you must doubt that there is a problem with my Spirit? But the last minute, the last choice, you will You can verify the gibbery of a mentally ill. You can safely go back to work. Will this not delay you?”

“My two hands, you choose your left hand, then you can return to a peaceful life. Everything I say has nothing to do with you, and right hand, you will see the truth of this world, you will never be able to look back, then I can’t live a quiet life. Maybe it’s possible to die in the next second. Just like Alice sleeps immortal realm, you will follow the rabbit into the rabbit hole, you will see how deep the rabbit hole is. The great news that you are looking for will be presented to you…”

“So I will delay you for a moment, so you can choose.”

Thomson walked away, heard the words, looked back at Chu Hao’s serious expression after the smile, and looked at the two hands again. He frowned and pointed his finger to Chu Hao’s right hand, and Chu. Hao immediately said: “Wait a minute, once you choose, you can’t go back, so please be cautious about your choice.”

Thomson paused, smiled disdainfully, or pointed to Chu Hao’s right hand. Chu Hao smiled and opened his right hand. In the outside, he had a machine finger and wrapped a layer of skin on the outside of the machine’s finger.

“This is small evidence, then…”

Chu Hao violently pulled Thomson and let him almost fall to the ground, but just in his position, a small hole was blown up on the ground, and the two heard the gunshots.


Chu Hao looked at the dozens of gunmen around him. He smiled and said to Thomson: “Show you the real evidence…”

“A robot with a human skin, lurking into the Skynet robot in the government!”

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