Dawn Infinity

Chapter 166

“Abominable and abominable!”

Thomson’s voice echoed in the villa. This slightly handsome man has always been a well-respected journalist. Now he is full of scum, eyes with dark circles, and even clothes. The stain, but his expression is the excitement and anger that can’t be said.

“What do they think of me? Is it a mentally ill?” Or is it a foreign spies that sells the motherland? Or is my Thomson so a terrorist?”

Thomson was venting, venting while holding a bottle of whiskey, and looking at him seemed to be decadent. In fact, it was no wonder that he had been a week since he saw the robot. This one In the week, he almost ran through one-fifth of the United States, and most of them were the most prosperous areas on the East Coast. They found no more than a hundred people. There are memories like him, as well as newsgroup shareholders, upper management. There are also some members of the legislature and other political figures, as well as some rich people and well-informed people in the society. Thomson can’t be said to be doing it. He really wants to stop Judgment Day, but the result is almost knocking down his whole person.

Among the hundreds of people who were looking for, one believed that he did not. The better was to ask if he was being held hostage. The other ones were directly yelling, and even more even planned to call the police to arrest him, all kinds of experiences, let him I felt like I was a mentally ill clown, and no such situation would hurt him even bigger.

In this villa, Team North-Iceland is here, Thomson’s mood is depressed, and the rest are clearly seen. In fact, it is not only Thomson’s continuous decline this week, Ares, Zhang Heng and Lu Zixue Ali and Nian Xikong, their actions have also been interfered or failed to varying degrees, because with their two major cases in New York, there are still many things to arrange and plan, the US government machine has begun When it started, this power is unparalleled, but the individual can resist. This villa is already the third place to be replaced this week. If this continues, this group of people will probably be forced by the government. Into the desperate, and then uprooted, unless … unless Team North-Iceland has the strength of the x organization Invader, or at least the strength of Team Great-Westland, or want to personally fight against the state machine, it is a delusion.

Therefore, Thomson’s complaints and decadence made the people around him feel the same, and of all, only Chu Hao has always maintained his gentle smile, and it seems that he is not at all motivated by the current situation.

At this moment, everyone is talking about how to do it. According to Chu Hao’s previous plan, they have already received a lot of money. Invisible and on the table, at least there are at least hundreds of billions of dollars. Although this fund is really a big deal for the whole of the United States, if the funds are only used for a plan and only used by a dozen people, it is exaggerated.

“…no, if you go to find a relationship, it will be easier to expose our position. This is already the third place. Although we still have several places to stay, we will be more and more difficult to escape.” “Ares shook his head and rejected another Thomson proposal.”

At this time, Zhang Heng said boring next to him: “It seems that our salvation plan is not going to work. This is not going to work. It will not work. We simply fled to Mexico, organized an army and ran back to the United States. How about playing guerrilla warfare?”

This is a smile. Everyone is not taking it seriously, but they don’t want Nian Xikong to say at this time: “It’s a pity that we can’t do it. Otherwise, it’s like Zhang Heng said. It’s good to prove the Way. In this way, relying on the loopholes between the rules to achieve the goal is thousands of times, I know, the United States is the strongest country of this era.”

Chu Hao spoke at this moment. He curiously asked: “Is the power to prove the Way? How do you say this? Isn’t this the cultivation term in Culture?”

“What is this Cultivation term?”

Nian Xikong took a look at Chu Hao, but said: “The reason is unclear. To prove it, many things can be substituted. The most direct description is that if I have any reason, it will be the world, then I will hold the sword. Those who deny my reason are all killed. This is to prove the Way. In the end, my strength is the greatest. My reason is the largest space base arms dealer.”

The people around him were a little dumbfounded. After a long time, Thomson said: “You don’t make sense. Pure tyrants, and the truth can’t be killed. The more people you kill, the more you look. It doesn’t make sense, you end up losing in the end, and doing so will only make more and more people who deny your point of view.”

Nian Xikong shook his head indifferently: “If there are people who deny my reason in the world, it can only prove that my strength is not enough. If you can’t kill one person, then kill ten people. If you kill ten people, then Kill 100 people, 1,000 people, 10,000 people, hundred thousand people… The people who deny my opinion are killed, I think people who have denied my opinion are also killed together. I don’t think I deny my opinion. People who don’t agree with my point of view also kill all of them. The rest of them will only worship my reason. Of course, there may be things like what you said. It’s even simpler, direct world extermination. If the world that denies my point of view is destroyed, then my way will become, so I have never been able to do enough, there is no way to prove it, and that is all.”

The words were so cold and innocent, there was no murderous or violent, but some people in the place were listening to the cold, and no one dared to speak at the moment. They all looked at Nian Xikong.

“Actually, this is correct. It is just too murderous.” Chu Hao started talking at this time: “There has never been enough power, there is no way to prove it. This is a good statement. It is also true from our situation. If our strength is greater than the combined strength of all US military forces, what else do we need to avoid? Directly rushed to the door to seize the president and several wealthy consortium leaders and parliamentarians to see if they have any The robot, then fully block the research of Skynet, it still needs so many things… but because we are not strong enough, we need to use wisdom and help, and it is nothing, but… ”

“In fact, we have a big advantage.”

Chu Hao looked at the people around and turned his eyes away to Nian Xikong. He was relaxed, because Nian Xikong is now one of the members of Team North-Iceland. If it is because of her words, there will be differences in Team. Then this is a fatal thing for the future development of Team, and even this Horror-Movie World. In fact, Nian Xikong is really out of place with them, whether it is her killing intent or the kind of rejection of thousands of miles away. It’s cold… but it’s a way to solve it.

Of course, Chu Hao’s words are not just to pull everyone’s attention away from Nian Xikong. He does have something to say.

“The general trend of this world is actually on our side.”

Chu Hao said this, but the eyes of the people around him are full of unbelief. Ares said directly: “How is it possible? If we think about it, we are all just a minority. The government has been infiltrated by Skynet robots. We don’t know whether the government has been infiltrated by Skynet robots, or Skynet is the government’s sincere intention to create, not only the government, but even in the public, we are also an absolute minority. Our origins are not believed, this is too Unexpectedly, others will only regard us as a madman who is gibberish, and the government is now arresting and killing when we see us, and even directly saying that it is necessary to clean up. It is impossible to give us any chance to publicize the truth and see other robots. The people have disappeared, they have been cleaned up and killed. With such strict public opinion monitoring and such a huge strength comparison, I really don’t know where this trend comes from.”

The words of Ares are actually the psychology of almost everyone. They are not convinced of what Chu Hao said, and Chu Hao is not in a hurry. He smiles and takes a sip of tea. In the eyes of everyone, he I said, “I am talking about the general trend…that is, the government wants to kill all the people who know the truth. This is the beginning of the general trend. Once the general trend is formed, it will sweep the world, and any force weaker than the general trend can no longer be blocked. The same is true of the whole United States. You have to know… the American army, the soldiers, but also the Human.”

“I know that you have always been very curious. Why did I stress the need to rescue the Terminator when I rescued them in the mentally ill hospital?”

“And, oh, Thomson, this week, you are not doing nothing, everyone you are looking for, their names and addresses have been recorded, and the network of people has almost all aspects of society. It is the people who need to build our general…”

“The first step of the plan has been completed, the second step of the plan, now it starts…”

“I will let you see the wave of the trend.”

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