Dawn Infinity

Chapter 18

“Do you know how expensive it is? 2000Reward Points can only be Exchange one! I only have one Exchange! It can defend against all damage, whether it is physical or spiritual curse, all can be defended! How do you pay me ten? Sell you I can’t afford it!”

Jenny wiped the tears in her eyes and said to Chu Hao. Then she thought about it and said, “And, don’t you say that you two are bait? But why did I come across? So many alien weapons? Do you know? I was caught a little bit just now, and then I was stripped of my brain, so I would…”

“A, believe me, nothing.”

Chu Hao studied the woman’s body there, the whole skull was completely separated from the middle, the incision was very neat, and there was no residual brain and nerve tissue inside. The professional brain-taking method can make those brain surgery experts feel ashamed. To death…

Jenny was eager to take the body before, but she didn’t have time to look at it. At first glance, she suddenly had a sore throat and almost spit it out, but it was fortunate that she was restrained. This made her body look like nothing. It really makes people feel sick and scared. Ordinary people have seen such a horrible body.

“Very good, although it needs to be carefully processed, it is not bad.”

Chu Hao picked up the body. He thought about it and turned his head and smiled at Jenny. “You don’t need to come in to see how I processed it. Stay here carefully, the blasting tool is ready, we The back road is also ready, you don’t want to tamper with these things, these things are enough to blow us all into slag.”

Jenny nodded naturally, and she watched Chu Hao and Osage walk into a kitchen-like room, and she stood in the lobby, the entire lobby was filled with oil drums, and there were other things. However, she did not understand, but she felt the danger of subconsciousness. She did not dare to play and move around at the moment, and she stood there.

After a short while, Jenny saw Chu Hao and Osage walk into the lobby, but what surprised her was that Chu Hao had no unusual smiles, but Osage was a bit sullen, stubborn or a serious dead man. The face looks like.

“So, the next step is our escape route.”

Chu Hao smiled and said: “In fact, as long as the blasting begins, it is easier for us to escape.”

“It’s simple!” Jenny felt the teeth itchy, not wanting to bite Chu Hao, she shouted: “We are trapped here, all around are alien weapons, here is full again The blasting equipment, how to look at it is a part of the human bomb! What is there to escape, is it simple?”

“Ah, trust me.”

Chu Hao turned his head and said, “I won’t lie to you.”

Jenny can only sigh: “I hope you don’t lie to me… but why do I feel so upset?”


Chu Hao hit a haha, he said: “The blasting is completed in three steps. The first part is to open our way of life, the second part is to create the opportunity for us to escape. The third part is the main event. Let us give What will happen to this Skyline with an opening fireworks?”

Neither Jenny nor Osage laughed. This is related to their little life. The ants are still stealing, let alone people? The current situation is a desperate situation, they urgently need to know how to escape.

“Starting here, going to refuge, we need to escape about 300 meters. If there is a big explosion here, then we will be discovered as soon as we leave the room, so it is impossible to directly expose it to the streets and lanes, but this situation We have expected it.” Chu Hao is still slightly with a smile.

Osage immediately found out what it meant in the passage. He asked, “You? You and Ares?”

Chu Hao continued to smile and said: “I am responsible for the selection, he is responsible for the output, the characteristics of the refuge are selected by me, the location, the surrounding situation, whether it is easy to enter, there are several import and export, whether it is concealed, internal facilities, and whether Can monitor the outside world, etc., he is responsible for the effort, it is not easy to get such an ideal refuge in a short time.”

Osage nodded and didn’t talk. Chu Hao didn’t care. “I can tell you here that there are three import and export refuges. In addition to the normal gate import and export, there are two import and export ports for escape. In fact, our way of life is one of the escapes.”

“Now listen carefully to me. When the first blast is done, it will shatter or at least shatter the two walls. On one side is the escape intersection we will want, and on the second side is the wall where Jenny came in. Our escape intersection is here. I have carefully observed before, and several buildings are connected in succession. The bottom of one building is our goal.”

“and then?”

Jenny and Osage asked almost at the same time.

“And… you think that in the case of a wall crack, the alien weapon outside will not move? No, now they are already looking for various methods to come in. When they break through the shattered walls, they will trigger the first The second blasting, the resulting blasting shock will directly rush out with us, of course, this time to suffer some crimes, but it is our only way to escape.”

Speaking of this, Chu Hao pointed to a large mattress on the ground and said: “You put the mattress up, behind you, facing it, ok, that’s it, then everything is ready, ready to hit Let’s go.”


Jenny and Osage asked again in unison.

While speaking, the two saw Chu Hao rushing out and didn’t know what he did. The two sights were blocked by the mattress. When Chu Hao came back, the two people were surprised to see. He tied it from behind the mattress with a rope, and tied the three people to the front of the mattress. Although it was just a slipknot, it made the two people surprised.

Just as the two were going to ask what, the fierce eyes flashed, and a burst of roaring came. Although the explosion was not intense, it was still the two people who closed their eyes at the same time. It was such a gap period and had not waited for two. The man opened his eyes again, and suddenly there was a violent impact from his back. At the same time, there was a more violent explosion, because the explosion was too intense, and even the whole room lobby began to tremble fiercely.

When it was said that it was too late, this huge mattress that was set up was pushed forward by the impact force. The three people couldn’t even react to anything, because the speed was already too fast, and then they pressed against the wall. It was the place where the first explosion just happened, and even there was flames and smoke, and there was a muffled sound. The three people hit the mattress directly against the wall, and they actually smashed the wall. A big hole hit the wall and went straight to the other side.

When the three people broke through the wall and went to the other end, there was a big hole in the back of it. The big hole was outside the roadway. The whole hole just exploded for only a few seconds. Two alien octopus aliens have already The rapid rushed in and rushed into the lobby along the big hole, but when they just rushed in, the flame caused by the explosion had already ignited the entire lobby along the ground, including the one that had been arranged inside the lobby. Many blastings… By the way, the gas pipeline seems to be there too…

Huge explosion…

After a few minutes, in the house next to the restaurant, it seems to be a warehouse, the dark warehouse has been semi-collapsed, a large number of bricks and rocks, and a large amount of goods piled up on the ground, vaguely It can be seen that there are still things moving under these deposits. After a while, these deposits slammed, and three people came out from below. The three of them came out in a big mouth and breathed, and the three looked like The wolf is unbearable, and there is blood in the body.

The three of them were Chu Hao, Jenny, and Osage. They saw Chu Hao jumping out first. He examined his body and hands and feet, and touched a scratch on his head. This was said with a Smile : “Good, no big problems, the plan is going well.”

“I… my leg is broken, it hurts, what’s so good!” Jenny sat on the floor holding his calf and said with a cry.

In contrast, Osage seems to have been hit in the head when it hits. He has blood on his head and has not spoken for a while. It seems to be the most scary one.

“The situation is better than expected.”

Chu Hao looked at the two carefully and smiled. He immediately hugged Jenny and patted Osage’s shoulder. “Come, come, don’t lie, you seem to have some concussion, hold, It’s safe to get to refuge.” while speaking, he has taken the lead to go to the other side of the storeroom.

Osage’s consciousness is slightly blurred, but at the moment it is also clenching the teeth and sticking to it. The body is immediately behind Chu Hao. The three men walked through a lot of goods and barely walked out of the storeroom. It is a corridor that looks like an apartment-style floor.

At this moment, suddenly more violent explosions were heard from behind the crowd. The intensity of the explosion even exceeded the previous big bang, and everyone was falling to the ground.


When Chu Hao fell to the ground, he barely pressed backwards. He didn’t hold down Jenny, but he fell down wrongly. He had a snapping sound on his little ankle. He suddenly reowned, but he didn’t say much.

But at this moment, an acoustic sound was in the minds of the three people, and a very abrupt message was conveyed…

“Kill two Small-Scale Octopus Weapons, each with a Reward Points of 1,500.”

“Total… Three thousand Reward Points!”


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