Dawn Infinity

Chapter 209

The completeness of Team North-Iceland is more significant than the joy of the Spiritual-Force Controller.

Chu Hao knows very well that Team North-Iceland has been on the verge of splitting not long ago, due to his initial Team decision, he miscalculated the strength of his team and the difficulty of Horror-Movie, which led to Team’s main force, Member, died, and possible divisions within Team.

Although Chu Hao has tried his best to make up for this crack, it is not something that can be remedied in the short term, unless there is a big upheaval, such as going to the legendary world of ghosts and getting a resurrection of the truth, but this It’s up to the opportunity to be anxious, and another way is to make Team stronger and more complete. The Spiritual-Force Controller, which is the core role of the Reincarnation Team, is such a character.

How to emphasize the role of the Spiritual-Force Controller is not an exaggeration, Team North-Iceland has suffered from the lack of the Spiritual-Force Controller. If there is, the previous several operations are likely to fail, and only Once in the world of Predator, which has the benefits of the Spiritual-Force Controller, it’s great to be able to scan everything around. If there is no Spiritual-Force Scan, Chu Hao died there, and Team North-Iceland is also early. Already the group has been there.

If the entire Reincarnation Team is a living body, then most of the Team members constitute the body shell and limbs. The most powerful Team most constitutes the heart, Team Sage forms its brain, and the Spiritual-Force Controller is The eyes of this life, perhaps losing the Spiritual-Force Controller, will not let this life die, but it will make this life blind, whether it is facing ordinary reincarnation Quest or facing more terrifying Team Battle competition, this Team It will fall into the wind, so it’s hard to emphasize the importance of the Spiritual-Force Controller.

Because of Ozzie’s appearance, Team North-Iceland is temporarily complete, and in order to make this Spiritual-Force Controller immediately available, in addition to Ozzie’s own Reward Points and Side-Story, Exchange for Spiritual-Force Scan, Heart-Chains In addition to the most basic Spiritual-Force Controller skills, he also enhanced a number of Spiritual Force Attributes, and a life-saving skill that everyone puts Reward Points on his Exchange, Spiritual-Force Solidification, so that he has nothing. Killing skills, but as a Spiritual-Force Controller is already qualified, as for combat… Temporarily use gun weapons first.

Then there is the Enhancement of Chef Gunlur, the Flood-Lineage Enhancement of Rank-A Side-Story value, which requires 10,000 Reward Points to be able to Exchange. In fact, Gunlur’s intention is to save this Reward Points and Side-Story, wait until there is enough to go to Exchange, but after Chu Hao saw the next Horror-Movie World, he decided to lend his Reward Points and Side-Story to help Gourmet-Cells Blood under Gunlur Exchange. Lineage goes on to say that this will not only give Gunlur a self-protection, but also give Team a certain level of strength.

Because Gourmet-Cells Blood-Lineage is not only an improvement in its own strength, it is a kind of slow-growing ability to absorb the essence and gene to cook the delicious food. It is a kind of slowly growing ability. It is impossible to reach the Rank-A Attribute. The reason why it is so expensive is that it can improve the exquisiteness and special Attribute of the food it produces. Yes, this is what Chu Hao has seen after Gourmet-Cells Blood-Lineage. Decided why Reward Points and Side-Story were given to Gunlur.

The owners of Gourmet-Cells Blood-Lineage can cook a variety of delicacies based on the ingredients they use, the level of cooking, and the energy emitted by their own Gourmet-Cells. These delicacies have special Attributes, such as Enhance the healing ability of the body, enhance the recovery ability of the Spiritual Force, improve the body’s quality like a stimulant in a short time, make the Spirit violent in a short time, etc., and so on the special Attribute food, even the long-term consumption of Gourmet-Cells energy Food, people who eat these foods can also enhance their own Attribute, but this Attribute growth rate is not as high as the Gourmet-Cells Blood-Lineage owner’s all, so this Blood-Lineage can be regarded as Team-optimized Blood-Lineage, not just individuals. Enjoy, the help of a Team is very big.

In addition to the two newbie, the rest of the people have their own strengths, but since everyone’s Enhancement road has also been selected, Chu Hao does not know what they are doing. What Chu Hao needs is for himself. Enhancement.

Chu Hao is now sitting in the basement of his room. He is careful about the power used in Evil-Spirit’s Vengeance after using God-Mode, the power of the volley-shaped Spell-Matrix.

This power was in front of several Horror-Movies, when Chu Hao entered Reincarnation World not long ago. At that time, because of the Meme attack in the real world, the power of the original version was used at the time, but afterwards it was calculated. The problem of force can not be used, until this time, in addition to the increase in the computing power of God-Mode, the unlocking of Gene Lock will also increase the computing power, and the Divinity big killer, his computing power is finally enough, finally can Use this power again.

Spell’s foundation is Rune, which is like a lot of text-like graphics. Rune itself is not powerful, but when Arcane-Energy is injected into Rune, Rune will produce a similar current through the board-like changes. Producing a variety of magical effects, and combining countless different Runes with some mysterious Matrix, this is the formation of Spell, that is, there must be several points to use Spell, the first is to construct Out of Rune, the second is to combine Rune into Spell-Matrix, and the third is to inject Arcane-Energy into Spell-Matrix. This is the principle of using Spell. Of course, using Magic Network directly is simple. Both the first and second steps can omit 90% or more, just provide Spiritual Force and Arcane-Energy.

Generally speaking, because of the problem of computing power, the first point and the second point are all completed in their own minds, and one’s Spell innate talent is actually distinguishing at this point, computing power and imagination. Strong people, usually using Spell, are faster and stronger, while those with weak computing and imagination are slow to use Spell, and because the Rune and Spell-Matrix are not accurate enough or accurate, they are used. The power is very poor, or it is directly unusable.

Chu Hao knows this very well. After he learned that the truth of Magic is the basic combination of Rune, he has already planned for his future fighting style. After getting Divinity, he has sublimated this plan. The most perfect state of his future plan is to build a Magic Great Array based on Spell-Matrix to build an attack, defense, maneuver, various state Magic, and immune Magic!

Think about it, take Chu Hao as the running, calculate, the energy core of the Magic Great Array, the Spell-Matrix volley is placed in the real space outside his body, as soon as the enemy enters the array, Fireball infinite seconds, lightning Infinite seconds, sharp ice, Acid, even death, dissociation, death, one finger… Then when the enemy attacks, there are shields, Mage armor, transfer, any door, etc., also available in Magic-Array It is accompanied by mentally retarded, weak, cursed, etc., or the power of the bear on your own side, the cunning of the fox, etc., such a full-scale Magic Great Array, unless the opponent’s power is stronger than Chu Hao. For example, Team China Captain type, or Chu Hao’s Spirit and Arcane-Energy are used, otherwise he is unbeaten in this Magic-Array!

Of course, all of this planning is not long-awaited in the future. Let’s not mention the Reward Points and Side-Story that are needed for the Magic Enhancement. The more complex Spell-Matrix is, It hurts him a bit. When Level 0 Magic Spell goes to Level 1 Magic, the complexity of Spell-Matrix is ​​increased by nearly ten times, then the complexity between Level 1 Magic and Level 2 Magic is more than twenty times. It is a high-end Magic, and its Spell-Matrix complexity will increase, and the more Arcane-Energy and Spiritual Force will be consumed in the construction, even if the function of Divinity is completely developed by Chu Hao, he is now There are only a few hundred thousand points Divinity that’s all, say a few hundred thousand points Divinity, although there are many, but the cohesion is actually only a trace of Divinity, I want to arrange such a Magic Great Array, at least, in his calculations, More than five billion points of Divinity condensate, this is possible…

Chu Hao sat quietly in the basement of his room and began to try to lay out the original Magic-Array. He chose to use Acid, and the upcoming Fireball Spell, plus delay, mentally retarded four Spells. The semi-attack semi-weakened Magic-Array of the collection, such a Magic-Array can be arranged and used for about ten seconds. After ten seconds, he will collapse due to the exhaustion of Spiritual Force and Arcane-Energy, but within ten seconds. It is his trick to kill the enemy…

On the other hand, Nian Xikong Exchange has a large number of precious treasures, asking Gunlur to use Gourmet-Cells’ food energy to cook a lot of food, which even consumes all the Reward Points and Side-Story she has. Because this Exchange’s Tiancai Dibao is really too precious, even her first world of Lushan is extremely rare, even directly, such as Wannian Zhuguo, Jiu Tian Bihua, Jiu Dilian Peng, 12 products Jinlian and so on.

The reason why Nian Xikong is so desperate is that she is going to start the most important beginning of the cultivation process, which almost determines the future of all the Culture, especially the pure-person Cultivation staff…

Foundation Establishment !

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