Dawn Infinity

Chapter 212

PS: Power failure last night, it is really too late to announce the announcement, complete today

Rebel Organization, as the world’s second largest organization, has the same soft and hard power as the world’s major powers. Because of the threat of the Meme effect, the Rebel Organization has not been ruled out by major countries around the world. On the contrary, the Rebel Organization has gained global glory. The support of some countries, such as these world-wide bases, has long been annihilated by these national armies without the support of major powers.

But on the other hand, because of the particularity of the Rebel Organization, it is an organization established to fight against C-Organization. Therefore, in order to be infiltrated by C-Organization, it is not too close to the major countries in the world. Very powerful, there is an internal cleaning unit. Every year, a group of people will be cleaned up. Of course, there may be innocent people, but more are C-Organization traitors and a large number of national spies. Then you can know that the Rebel Organization is dependent on each other, confronted, and alienated.

When Chu Hao entered Reincarnation World, knew the true strength of CX-Organization, and the hugeness of the whole world, and the horror of Meme, one of his main Quests returning to the real world this time was to change this organization. Mode, because the Rebel Organization is too weak, compared to the entire multiverse, even if compared with CX-Organization, or Reincarnation World, it is a mess, if a super Meme breaks out, then The Rebel Organization and the world will be completely finished.

Because of this, Chu Hao wants the Rebel Organization to change, not only to maintain a closer relationship with most countries in the real world, but also to make the power of the Rebel Organization and the world stronger, at least in the face of small-scale small power Meme At this time, the state power of this world has the power to confront.

Chu Hao’s plane landed on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. This is a small island that is not marked on any map in the world. From the sky or outer space, the whole island looks like a deserted island. There are no islands, and the islands are small and not suitable for development.

But in fact, the area of ​​the island is more than ten times that seen above it, and it has been developed steadily. The surface is military camp and airport, and there are some related research and observation facilities. The bottom and interior of the island are deep. The largest underground base of Human in kilometers, the entire island has been stationed for more than 50,000 researchers, managers, armed personnel, etc., here is the largest and strongest headquarters of the Rebel Organization, where it is preserved. Most Meme, once destroyed here, the entire world will be completely destroyed within one to three days.

As one of the three major O6s of the Rebel Organization, Chu Hao has enough Authority to enter all parts of the base and has the power to take over control in the base at any time, of course, provided that O6’s boss Ling Xin is unable to take care of it. Because of this, Chu Hao easily came to the bottom of the base, and then down to the Ultimate Creed, which is the final line of defense that must be agreed upon by three 06s. As for what is inside… Sorry, even Chu Hao didn’t know it. In the three 06s, only Ling Xin had the secret inside, and his attitude was not to be killed. So Chu Hao and Li Ganglei didn’t know what was in it.

“are you back?”

In the total 06 conference room outside the final line of defense, Chu Hao was thinking about some problems in a daze. Suddenly a voice came over. He immediately looked back and saw the unique shape of Ling Xin, a thin base guard uniform, and In addition to the eyes and nostrils, the silver mask obscures the entire face.

Chu Hao nodded. “Well, come back, I almost can’t come back, thanks to my partners, they are a group of trustworthy good people… then I should know about my proposal? Your thoughts What is it?”

Ling Xin found a chair and sat down. His eyes were very strange. It was pure silver. With a white eye, it looked very scary. After he heard the words, he said, “Yes, I really have Know your proposal… Increase exchanges and cooperation with countries, but to what extent? To what extent do we want to increase? Also, I have read the information you brought back, which is higher than the information of modern technology. The highest is about the level of modern technology after a hundred years. It is very good. If we can completely get through, then we can get closer to C-Organization, but only if we can…

Chu Hao immediately said: “This is the reason why I proposed this. If there is the help of a modern country, our human and material resources can be upgraded to ten times or even dozens of times. The technology I bring is very detailed, and There is also a complete branch of technology tree, not a technology that jumps out of thin air, with basic technology, theoretical technology, and basic process improvement, etc. As long as it is thoroughly understood, the level of technology can be completely improved without leaving any aftereffects…”

“There are sequelae.” Ling Xin said incomparably: “Because with the advancement of technology, people’s living standards and lifestyles will change, and adapting to all living standards and lifestyles is a new worldview. , consumption concept, morality, you should know the ancient, medieval, and other times, when the various concepts of people are compared with the various concepts of modern people? If the people at that time get hot weapon, internal combustion engine What do you think will happen to airplanes, tanks, and even nuclear weapons? Without the same level of ideological and moral values, it will only be self-destructive when it is gained. This has already been performed numerous times in history.”

Chu Hao immediately retorted: “This is just a paradox that’s all, because with the acquisition of technology, it will inevitably lead to changes in living habits and ideology, just late or early that’s all, you took the unforeseen In the old days of the Middle Ages, as far as the modern Ming government is concerned, as long as it is not a matter of giving them a chance to become a god, or a technology that will never die, then I believe that they still have this restraint, and in the end, it is just a The issue of checks and balances is like the era when the atomic bomb was invented. People always worry that a nuclear war may occur at any time, which may lead to extinction at any time, but not only has no nuclear war, but the nuclear deterrence has reduced the outbreak of war. This is the same truth. Therefore, I still think that we should increase our ties with governments and use their human and material resources, and we provide them with technology.”

Ling Xin and Chu Hao are so wide-eyed, two people have a mature world view, and each other knows each other’s knowledge, Intelligence, so what is useless, even one time can not convince each other After waiting for a long time, Ling Xin sighed: “I always believe in the truth of human nature. People are kind because they are bound, whether it is moral bondage, the bondage of ability, the restraint of rules, the human So kindness is just a bondage, and your approach is to reduce this bondage. Our goal is to protect the world and fight against C-Organization and X-Organization. I don’t want this world to be in our hands. The end, this is why we keep Meme secret, and once many Memes are used in war, the world is over!”

Chu Hao also sighed: “How are you still so radical… Ling Xin, I don’t agree with your human nature, I think that human nature is kind, just because you lost your sex, being power, being, It is even feared and lost by death. Contrary to your understanding, the promotion of technology will not only make Human become more ugly, but will be more kind because of making their lives progress. This can also be obtained in history. Confirmed, so we really should reflect on the model of our organization.”

Once again, the two people glared at the big eyes again. After a long time, Ling Xin finally stood up and said: “Let’s go, we take a step back, I agree to deeper contact with countries, but we set a Within a year, we only give them basic technology, and the degree of giving is smaller, and we also set up some small peripheral bases for us to communicate and contact with people from all over the world, but the core and even the important parts will not be open. Give them, if you agree, then we will do so, this is my biggest concession.”

After Chu Hao heard the words, he silently calculated his time in the Lord-God Space and the speed of the accumulated Reward Points. After a while, he nodded: “Well, just do it, slowly. Yeah, after all, I also need time to prepare… Yes, give me a batch of modern enamel, alloy made, mechanical winding, the greater the power, the better, give me the first preparation… three thousand 弩, then each弩Fifty-five ya, then three thousand standard sabers, the ones that are best made of metal, and the C4 explosives, the latest bullet-proof protective clothing, you can also do it.”

When Ling Xin’s eyes flashed, he asked, “What is it for? And how to load it? Transporter? Battleship? Or container?”

Chu Hao didn’t pay attention to anything. He said directly: “No, I have a unique loading method. I just need to prepare for me. Right, I am eager to get me ready in eight days.”

Ling Xin suddenly smiled. He patted Chu Hao’s shoulder. Somehow said: “To install so many things, your unique loading capacity is really big… OK, you know the strength of the organization. These things are really nothing, but I am curious, don’t need a modern hot weapon? Why just lick the knife?”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “I don’t want to say anything specific, but I have to go to the battlefield. It is likely that the hot weapon will be ineffective, or the power of the hot weapon will be reduced. In order to be inconspicuous, I still need these colds. The weapon is best a cold weapon like a knives and a knife.”

“Yes? Well, rest assured, I will prepare for you…”

Ling Xin smiled…

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