Dawn Infinity

Chapter 216

The Lord of the Rings is called the Middle-earth continent. It is a real world of God. Of course, this god is not the supreme, omnipotent existence. More precisely, it should be a life with power. Body, not only has God, but also has magic, dragon, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Half-Orc, Goblin and so on.

The entire Middle-earth continent is divided into many epochs. In the original era, the gods and the devils still walked in the mainland, with all things in the sky, on a continent, and with the dispute between God and the devil, The end of the era was over, and then the second era, while the gods and demons retired behind the scenes, away from the mainland.

But this is not the end. The second era can be said to be the era of Elf. In this era, Elf can be said to be the most powerful force in the world. They exist almost as guardians of this era, although now It is already the third era, but Elf still has not withdrawn from the Middle Kingdom, and their strength is still the most powerful in the world, at least for now.

And this world is a world similar to Europe’s medieval or ancient times. Here is a world where Blood-Lineage is prevalent. To introduce yourself, or someone else calls you, you will generally say that you are the grandson of someone, the son of someone, As if not, it is not enough to show your difference, showing your merits, and if you say that you have High Elf’s bloodline, as long as it can be confirmed, then this is enough to make you a natural aristocrat in the Middle Kingdom. For any force, you can sit on an equal footing.

Because of this, when Chu Hao heard Gandalf say so, he immediately understood that this was a huge opportunity, a great opportunity for him to complete the layout he had envisioned.

Gandalf was silent after hearing the words. He walked around Ozzie for several laps and finally confirmed: “It is this feeling, but it is estimated that his High Elf Blood-Lineage is too thin, so I can’t feel it from him. Any fine Spiritual Qi, on the contrary, the former Spiritual Qi of the girl is very rich, even I feel the atmosphere of the High Elf very rare… If you will walk with us, then let me go to Rivendell with me. At a glance, High Elf bloodline has been lost for too long. If he really has High Elf bloodline, then this is definitely a major event for the Elf.”

Chu Hao’s smile became more and more sincere. He nodded. “It’s just what I want. If we go with us, then we will definitely visit Rivendell with you.”

(Do you have to go with you?)

Zhang Heng, Tom and others are turning their eyes on their backs, great swindling technique, and see the great swindling technique…

While speaking, Dwarfs have put enough food on the table. I have to say that Hobbit in The Lord of the Rings is actually a half-legged person in Europe. They are indeed a group of people who will enjoy the food. A variety of foods are available. Cheese, bread, dried meat, and vegetables are just ordinary things. There are also many special foods, such as fresh fish, fresh fruits, and several locals that are only available in The Lord of the Rings. The characteristics of wild animal meat, wine, tea, etc., although certainly not comparable to the mythical legendary materials of Lord-God Space, but for the people of this world is already very rich.

When the Dwarfs started eating, everyone in Team North-Iceland began to eat and drink, and Chu Hao noticed that Nian Xikong, although it seems to eat very well, she eats things from mouth to mouth and eats. As for the swallowing, there was almost no pause. I had already eaten three or four Dwarf foods in a moment, but it was a bit abnormal.

Chu Hao patted Ozzie sitting next to him and then pointed to his ear. Ozzie immediately connected Heart-Chains to Chu Hao, and in Chu Hao’s words, he also connected to Nian Xikong.

“I am curious, these foods are not much worse than those of Lord God at Exchange. Is it not too bad? Can you eat so much?” Chu Hao drank a red wine and asked in his heart. .

When Nian Xikong swallowed a grilled fish, she glanced down at Chu Hao and replied in her heart: “The world’s Spiritual Qi is very rich, between High Magic and Medium Magic. The food here also contains a lot of Spiritual. Qi, ordinary people will also be physically fit, not to mention I have a cultivation technique to absorb, Lord God’s Tiancai Dibao really outperforms these foods thousands of times, but the number is limited, I don’t have what you think. Extravagant.” while speaking, she swallowed a large piece of fat beef…

(Yes? That’s really much to eat…)

Chu Hao, Zhang Heng, Tom, all of them have cultivation techniques that Nian Xikong teaches to absorb food energy, which can efficiently absorb energy from food and convert it into energy stored in their bodies, such as Chu Hao’s absorption of food. The result is Spiritual Force and Arcane-Energy. Although there is not much growth, this is an extra growth. It will be a big income for a long time, and this is still what they have not eaten. It is not like Nian Xikong. If all the Reward Points are replaced by Tiancai Treasures, if they do, then the energy in their bodies must be several times more than they are now.

The cultivation technique of this food-converting energy is currently limited to a few of them. Stry is not a good person. Even Tom has seen it, but he has always been very low-key, and he is very submissive when he is fine. What kind of mistakes have been made, and everyone is not good at how to take him. This cultivation technique is definitely not for him. The other people are newbie. It’s time to confirm whether it’s reliable or not. There is this cultivation technique.

In this way, under the leadership of Chu Hao, several people eat and eat, and their food has even surprised Dwarf and Gandalf. When the food in Bilbo is almost consumed, the dinner is finally finished. It stopped, and then it was like the original story. Dwarf teased Bilbo and cleaned up the entire dishes. During this time, Chu Hao recognized the Dwarfs again. The strength… is much stronger than he thought. From throwing dishes to picking up plates, from the various actions of sensitively avoiding Bilbo to grab tableware, it can be seen that this group of Dwarf is indeed extremely powerful, not even good at listening. Chu Hao light confronts any of them with physical strength. If Gene Lock is not turned on, it may not be as good as them, because Chu Hao can’t see the technique and speed of throwing dishes and picking plates several times, the strength of these Dwarfs. It is obviously much stronger than in the movie.

Although these Dwarfs are likely to become his companions, this does not make Chu Hao happy. Because Dwarf is stronger, it can only prove that the world is stronger than the ones in the movie. Means… Orc is stronger, Goblin and Fairy are stronger, especially the powerful pale Orc, Defiler Azog that has been tracking Thorin…

At the end of the banquet, the hustle and bustle also ended, but the people had not had time to sit down and rest, and suddenly the door knocking sounded again. People in Team North-Iceland who had seen The Lord of the Rings – Prequel naturally knew that this is this The important protagonist, Dwarf Prince Thorin, is here.

Sure enough, after opening the door, it was Dwarf Prince Thorin? Oakenshield, a middle-aged Dwarf with a slightly white hair. It looks very majestic and handsome, full of the charm of a mature man and warrior, and when he enters the door I stared at Team North-Iceland, and Bilbo Baggins, who had been dodging.

Gandalf coughed and said: “Please allow me to introduce to you, this is our leader Thorin? Oakenshield, this is Hobbit Bilbo? Baggins, these are the people who hired Mercenary.”

Thorin said awkwardly: “Mercenary’s question, we will talk about it later, this Bilbo? Bagins is the Cat Burglar you asked us? So what kind of weapon do you use for Mr. Cat Burglar? Sword? Dagger? Axe? Still bow?”

Bilbo apparently still didn’t understand the situation. He shrugged his shoulder and said, “I played a slingshot when I was young. Of course, I don’t think it is related to any weapon.”

“It’s not unexpected.” Thorin said indifferently: “He is more like a hawker than a Cat Burglar.” After that, he went to the dining hall with many Dwarfs, and Dwarf also led him to walk inward. Going, there are still a few Dwarf who took out the food they had hidden, and they gave it to Thorin. From this, it can be seen that this Thorin is obviously very popular with his people.

At this moment, everyone sat around the table and listened to Thorin’s description of his whereabouts. He attended the Dwarf clan meeting, and the existing seven Dwarf countries participated. No, it is not so much a country, but a tribe. More appropriate, the real kingdom of Dwarf, the kingdom that was destroyed by the evil Fire Dragon Smaug, Yamashita, is the real kingdom of Dwarf.

“The seven countries are all involved…” Thorin said.

The rest of Dwarf seems to be very excited, but one of the strongest Dwarf fighters asks: “What do people in Iron Hill say? Are they willing to walk with us?”

Thorin was silent, and he said after a long time: “No, they don’t want to, they say it’s just our behavior, nothing to do with them. This adventure is just our own thing…”

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere was silent, and Bilbo curiously asked: “You are going to explore? Are you going to expedition?” This is a Hobbit who has always dreamed of exploring. The words of the Dwarf have aroused his curiosity.

Gandalf exhaled, he greeted Bilbo and said, “Hey, Bilbo, it’s so dark, why don’t you get more lights?” while speaking, he has already broken into his arms and wants to take out the map. Come.

Chu Hao and others are watching, because that map represents the key to completing the Lord God Quest and going to the back door of the Erebor.

But at this moment, Thorin reached out and stopped Gandalf, then he turned to look at Chu Hao and others, and said: “Gandalf, now let’s talk about the key mercenaries…”

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