Dawn Infinity

Chapter 261

The migration of a Dwarf clan, or the migration of the nearly thousand people, is too much to prepare, not only for food and drink, but also for medicine, animal labor, marching routes, escorts, and along the way. Sleeping rest tents and many other things, under normal circumstances, even in the ancient standards of the feudal era, the long-distance migration of the nearby thousand people, at least a month or so to prepare.

However, there is a surplus of one or two months in Chu Hao. This time, the Blue Mountain trip is more than three or four days longer than he expected. He must hurry to start his plan, otherwise it may I couldn’t keep up with Thorin’s itinerary, even though Thorin was on a long road and trekking in the mountains, but by the time, these Dwarf troops had passed from the plains and it was estimated that they had to hurry.

However, thanks to the aristocratic coalition forces, Middle-Earth’s Human is not lacking in horses. The big and small aristocrats have many horses. They basically have established cavalry units. In this aristocratic coalition, after the war. The statistics have earned more than 6,000 horses. This is still intact, or only slightly injured horses. Other horses have been made into dried meat. These more than 6,000 strong horses, plus Dwarf The animals and horses that are in existence are basically the main means of transportation for this migration, and Torino Dwarf has had a migration experience when leaving Lonely Mountain. This time it came in handy, similar to nomads. The long carriage, what goes up, can be used as a sleeping place or as a moving scooter. It is really convenient.

In addition to the Blue Mountain revolution, the aristocratic property that was copied, gold is basically useless in wartime, but the food is different, and these nobles have the habit of collecting armor weapons, and the loss in this battle is very fast. It was patched up, although the current Torino Dwarf army is seriously shrunk, strictly speaking, there are only about 5,000 Dwarf troops, but the combat power is completely different than before the coalition broke the city, at least now when the aristocratic army is as good as the army. Basically, it has been easily defeated.

When the interim government announced the next action to the Blue Mountain Dwarf, it took for granted that there was widespread controversy and dissatisfaction among the people. Many Dwarfs protested. In fact, this is of course the most terrifying of all terror. Unknown, this is the same reason that Blue Mountain Dwarf didn’t want to follow Thorin to recover Lonely Mountain. It can’t be said that Dwarf don’t love Thorin, including most of the nobles who were cleaned by Chu Hao. They are also loved and think they are Thorin. Subjects, but they did not follow Thorin to recover Lonely Mountain, which is why.

However, the interim government was personally reorganized by Chu Hao. This is no longer the kind of aristocratic politics of the feudal era. It is closer to the modern and modern political system, and it has also joined some of the contents of the heavenly party, not to mention anything else. The administrative power and administrative speed are far more than the aristocratic politics, and the Dwarf Cheka, which was established, is not vegetarian. There are public opinion propaganda, various situations of Lonely Mountain, and rumors that the tits have returned to the mountains, etc. These offensives begin together, plus people have a herd mentality, people are the pronouns, and it can be said that wise creatures have a herd mentality. In this case, all actions are really fast, although there are still some Dwarf reluctant to blue. Mountain, but the entire Team really started three days later.

At the same time, there were many Human and Dwarf aristocrats in the hundreds of people who had escaped from the aristocratic coalition forces. They brought back the incredible end of the nobility coalition. Afterwards, there were many forces coming to inquire and knowing the aristocratic coalition. After the captivity, these forces were secretly jealous, and the various forces began to contact. The new round of coalition forces seemed to be formed again, not for anything else, only to completely destroy the new forces that endangered the aristocratic class that’s all.

But at this moment, Blue Mountain is empty, and the Torino Dwarf actually gave up the family business of this big family. The whole family moved back to Lonely Mountain, which is something that these nobles could not imagine, but they did not give up. There is still something to mention in the aftermath.

But Chu Hao led Torino Dwarf Lineage to start a big migration, because they don’t have to avoid the Orc army like Thorin, so there is no need to go around the forest to Lonely Mountain. This road is plain, near the hundred thousand people. The migration of large units is so vast that it is impossible to see the people, and thanks to the Middle-Earth horses and horses, these Dwarfs are moved by the cattle and horses, and the speed is not slow. The plain grasslands are all the way. Come, unconsciously it is five days later.

“Hey? Did you find Orc Warg’s stools and footprints? And it looks very fresh, less than a day or two?”

In the middle of the migration force, a large tent stood there. This is the current Torino Dwarf Central Army Command Center, which is responsible for the army of Torino Dwarf. It is also the only guarding force of this near-hundred thousand people.

Dwarf currently has more than 5,000 troops, but Chu Hao has also divided 300 Dwarfs who have learned about Battle Qi. Each of them has a double horse for patrol, and most of these Dwarfs have had adventures. Dwarf also traveled in the Human World and Middle-Earth, and at this moment, this patrol spying unit reported the findings.

Chu Hao was very puzzled and thought about it. Then he shook his head and said: “No, Orc small troops may appear, but the possibility of the Orc army is really not there. Their current big troops should have already rushed to Lonely. Mountain, and there is no information provided by the traitors. Their news about the Human World and the Dwarf world should be seldom heard. They shouldn’t know that we have made a big migration so soon, then… is Orc’s looting small army? ?”

Although all the inferences are such a result, Chu Hao still feels something wrong, because Orc’s looting forces are not likely to get here, knowing that the current Middle-Earth is not the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Middle-Earth, this time the Dark Lord Sauron has not yet resurrected, Middle-Earth is still the order world governed and managed by Elf and Wizards, like Orc, Half-Orc, Goblin, Fairy, dark creatures, only Being able to be forced to hide outside the wilderness, not afraid to get close to the territory of Human, Dwarf, Elf, the Orc wolf cavalry in the present place, this is really a rare thing.

There are ghosts in the abnormal situation. Although Chu Hao does not know why the facts differ from his inferences, since this is the case, then he is not likely to make no arrangements. At the moment, most of the migrations have undergone wartime adjustments. The frames of the women and children were concentrated in the center of the team, and more than 5,000 Dwarf troops were concentrated and ready to stand up. They spent the night in the alert.

However, Chu Hao did not relax in his heart. According to his speculation, this time there should be no Orc army here, but the reality is different from his speculation, then it shows that his speculation has a problem.

“First speculating from scratch. First, according to the development in the plot, when Thorin fell into the Goblin kingdom, King Goblin sent a message to Azog telling him that Thorin was in the Goblin kingdom, and that Thorin fled the Goblin kingdom. Later, when I came out of the mountain, I was attacked by Azog, which means that Azog was not far from the Goblin kingdom, or just waiting near Lonely Mountain. According to this inference, Azog should now be in Lonely anyway. Mountain is on the road, and Azog must have known that Thorin left Rivendell and chose a dangerous place to travel around Lonely Mountain. Then he could never send Orc troops to Blue Mountain at this time. Lonely Mountain is waiting on the road because it makes no sense…”

Chu Hao is sitting quietly in a small tent at the moment, thinking about it. Perhaps it’s normal for ordinary people to look at it. It’s normal for reality and speculation, but in Sage’s opinion, this is a very terrifying major event, because one It’s not good. Everything they do is repeated. The details determine success or failure. This is definitely not an empty talk, so Chu Hao must know what he missed.

“The whole inference is here. It is true that there should be no Orc troops. But the reality is that the Orc army has emerged. From the detection of intelligence, there are at least hundreds of Orc wolf cavalry passing by a day or two. It’s not a small amount. At least as the spy of the army, this number already represents the existence of at least thousands of wolf cavalry. So, what caused Azog to send the Orc army here?”

“If it is re-inferred according to reality, the first possibility is that Azog thinks that Thorin might return to Blue Mountain? He may have learned from some intelligence that Thorin secretly lurked back to Blue Mountain. So, is it that Thorin is in the mountains? The road is not too flat? What happened outside the plot, forcing them to leave the forest? This possibility is there, but not big, otherwise if this is the case, Thorin should have returned to Blue Mountain before… ”

“The second possibility, Azog has the eyeliner in the world of Human and Dwarf, especially with Blue Mountain. We have traitors, betrayed our information to Azog, and hated Thorin and Torino Dwarf’s Azog. I don’t mind completely. The extinction of this nearly thousand thousand Torino Dwarf, but time is not right, after all, our migration time from Blue Mountain is so fast, just a few days have left Blue Mountain, even if there are eyeliners and traitors, Azog may be notified in a timely manner, and even if notified in time, Azog is unlikely to be blocked in advance, this possibility is too small…”

“Then is the third possibility… There are outside forces intervening, telling Azog about the move of the Blue Mountain Torino Dwarf, then this outside force… is Wizard, or Elf, or…”

“Is Team Deity?”

When Chu Hao’s mind seemed to flash a divine light, it was speculated that when he thought of it, suddenly he heard the wolf howling, and the scream of the wolf resounded over the wasteland… (to be continued)

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