Dawn Infinity

Chapter 265

Chapter 23: Post-Wind Eight Troops-Formation Strategy

Most of the experimental subjects that escaped from the x-organism died for various reasons and diseases. When the Rebel Organization was founded, there were four o6s. The four o6s are Sage, Chu Hao. Not the strongest Sage, nor the most powerful Sage, not the most analytical Sage, the overall level is almost in the second or third place, but in the four o6, he is against the military. Sage, the most intriguing to the war, the most innate talent Sage, it can be said that he has more than 60% of the ability, basically concentrated in the art of war and war.

In the war between the Rebel Organization and the C organization, most of them are intelligence warfare and small-scale spy warfare, but there are also many tactical battles, but also because they want to subvert some small powers or generate somewhere. In some sort of dispute, it will trigger very few large-scale modern wars, or a modern war similar to the tribe-like hot weapon and weapons, and the rebel o6 responsible for these large and small wars is Chu Hao. It is.

He has a natural experience in war, innate talent, and even intuition. In these years, he has summed up his own mature experience and the Sage aspects he is good at, such as Chu Clan Killing-Art. Similar to Blue Mountain Dwarf’s incitement, he also used it several times in the real world of Africa and the Middle East, but this is just some of the usage of Chu Clan Killing-Art.

And in tactical battles, or large-scale wars, he has many other means, especially an accidental opportunity to get him to use some special battles, which makes his understanding of the art of war deepened, and these The battlefield is also his card in the art of war.

One of them is the Post-Wind Eight Troops-Formation Strategy, which is a peculiar battle in the modern hot weapon war, including infantry, tanks, and even aircraft cluster battles!

When Chu Hao stepped into the battle of the Dwarf army, thousands of Dwarf soldiers quickly acted as he ordered them. According to their previous drills, it was obvious that the enemy was in front, but they turned to face the enemy. It is obvious that it is possible to attack the enemy, but it is necessary to make a defensive action, but it is still far from the enemy, but it has made a retreating action and retreated to the center of the team. This situation has been in the eight teams divided by the Dwarf soldiers. Occurs, and that’s it, the Orc wolf cavalry, who could have been able to be hit hard at a distance, broke into the Dwarf formation at the speed of the flight and attempted to cross them to attack the Dwarf civilians who were protected by them.

What the Defiler Azog in the distance saw was this scene, the Allc number of Orc wolf cavalry rushed into the Dwarf soldiers’ line, and the Dwarf soldiers seemed to be confused and fleeing or attacking indiscriminately, causing little Orc casualties. In the defense of the Dwarf soldiers, there are a large number of Dwarf civilians. As long as the Orc wolf cavalry breaks into the civilians, the whole Dwarf tribe will collapse immediately. Defiler Azog does not know how many battles he has experienced, although he has no system. I have studied warfare or war knowledge, but his experience has already told him the result… This Dwarf army is completely finished.

Thinking of this, Azog screamed wildly and screamed wildly. He waited for this day for too long. Although he had not taken Thorin’s head, it was not bad to use these Torino Dwarf as an appetizer. When he finds Thorin, he will tell him the fact that he has completely extinct Torino Dwarf, and believe that his expression must be perfect at that time.

“Kill! Rush up and kill them! Cut all the Dwarf’s heads down! Strip all the Dwarf skins! I will feed them all to Warg! I want Torino Dwarf to be left! The most heroic Orc, the Orc that kills the most Dwarf, will get my reward!”

Azog’s order rang through the swamp, and the Orc seemed to be stimulant, madly rushing toward the Dwarf group, as if they were already a group of lambs to be slaughtered in front of them, only waiting for them to lift the butcher’s knife. Dwarf will all become their spoils.

Only the man and the man wearing a metal mask showed a smile-like expression. He did not remind Azog, but the whole figure was slowly dimming, and when it was about to disappear, he I used the voice that only one person could hear and said: “I have already confirmed it, it is you, Chu Hao, my younger brother… You are a smart person, you know how to choose, I am looking forward to seeing you. The choice of time…” In the voice, this Human disappeared on the spot, and there was no trace.

On the other side, the Orc wolf cavalry who rushed into the Dwarf soldiers array, they screamed and rushed to the nearest Dwarf, but every time they attacked a group of Dwarf, they would burst into it. The bow of the bow, or the Dwarf that suddenly turned around, either rushed from their side to attack a group of Dwarfs, or they pushed the Dwarf to attack after the defensive Dwarf battle. In short, when they set a goal When you unknowingly, you will shift the target, and then you want to pursue it again, but you find yourself naturally avoiding the attack, or facing Dwarf’s strict defense, or tracking the Dwarf retreat, so you can run back and forth. What they didn’t notice at all was, as if they hadn’t fought Dwarf yet.

This situation is very different. It is obvious that the Orc wolf cavalry rushed into the chaotic Dwarf army, but gradually, as if the Orc wolf cavalry were following the Dwarf rhythm, and they themselves may not have found them. Instead of rushing straight to the Dwarfs, they moved in a circular path in the Dwarf army battlefield, and as more Orc wolf cavalry broke into the Dwarf front, they could have attacked some Dwarf Orc. The wolf cavalry, on the other hand, because of the impact or crowding of the companions, the speed is getting slower and slower, and it is either shot by Dwarf’s stagnation, or it is swept by the crowd on its own. The number of Orc wolf cavalry is increasing, and this situation is getting more and more serious. Even when the trampled Orc wolf cavalry is going crazy, it is attacking with Dwarf, and no longer chasing any Dwarf, it is so crazy. The attack went all around.

If someone looks down from the sky at this moment, they will find that Dwarf’s eight Teams have gradually changed their position into eight split circles under the three commands of attack, defense, and retreat. In fact, they are enemies around them. But the Dwarf is also in front of and behind the enemy. This situation is very strange. It seems that there is a shape of the hand that is manipulating it. Dwarf is running as the drill, and the Orc wolf cavalry is now involuntarily A large number of Orc wolf cavalry can already be crowded to describe, they involuntarily follow the movement of Dwarf, and thus reached the position, and in this military transformation, gradually, eight Dwarf troops began to end-to-end, and those The Orc wolf cavalry also began to gather together, and all this happened, but the speed was not very fast, but once it reached this point, everything suddenly increased, as if watching the war film, someone opened the button…

“Final order! Wind!”

Chu Hao’s voice was once again loud and loud. This was the effect he made with Magic. The hum of the entire battlefield was pressing this huge sound, and at the same time the sound was heard, the Dwarfs were surprised to discover. They have surrounded the Orc wolf cavalry, yes, more than 5,000 Dwarfs, surrounded by at least three or four thousand Orc wolf cavalry, while the Orc wolf cavalry are in an array of distractions, squeezing each other, perhaps In front of an Orc wolf cavalry, another Orc wolf cavalry face-to-face charge, they stopped the charge, and then found Dwarf in front of each other and behind them…

“Wind! Wind! Gale!”

All the Dwarf soldiers screamed loudly as they did in the exercise, and then they suddenly realized that there were no enemies behind them, or only a few enemies, and in front of them were surrounded by the dense Orc wolf cavalry. They are crowded, chaotic, and they are facing each other in the opposite direction, because they only see the enemy they are looking for in front of them, and they have not found it. Their backs have been surrounded by Dwarf. What an incredible thing. Ah, it is clear that the Dwarfs were attacked by the cavalry. It is clear that the Dwarfs are in chaos. It is obvious that the Orc wolf cavalry occupies the majority, but why is the result? !

“The three parts of the country, named Array-Diagram… kill!”

Although all the Dwarfs are still unbelievable, they have subconsciously started the offensive, holding Dwarf, Melee Dwarf, Battle Qi Dwarf, and they are besieged from all sides to the squeezing, crowded, and besieged Orc wolf cavalry. We, and the Orc are not the lambs to be slaughtered, they will also fight back, but it is quite a breeze, except that the outermost Orc can rush to Dwarf, the ones that are squeezed in these Orc are simply at a glance, They are all themselves before and after, so they can only watch the squats and body, and then they are shot. This is terrible. They are also creatures. They are also afraid of death. How could they be so willing to die? So the people who were squeezed in the Orc group started to be crazy, began to struggle, and began to rush to the periphery regardless of disregard. In the process, the Orc wolf cavalry unit began to confuse, and developed to the back is its own troops. Stepping on and even killing each other…

Orc, lost!

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