Dawn Infinity

Chapter 273

Nian Xikong has Bedevilment.

The so-called Bedevilment is not as horrible and terrifying as those mentioned in novels, movies, games, or rumors. Perhaps for the people of Righteous Dao Cultivation, Bedevilment means absolute self-destruction, but for the rogue cultivator and For Demon Cultivator, the so-called Bedevilment is actually similar to the Enlightenment of the Righteous Dao Cultivator. Of course, the danger is higher.

The so-called Bedevilment is actually just into its own obsession. In fact, in many respects, there are many people in the reality, such as Bedevilment. For example, some people suddenly encounter big joys and sorrows, and they keep thinking about the same problem. Going back and forth, I can’t think of it all, then this person will be enchanted. If it has been this way, or if the situation is more serious, then it will lose its personality consciousness and finally become mentally ill. This phenomenon is very real in the real world. common.

But the so-called crisis crisis is dangerous, and there must be opportunities. In fact, this is the core theoretical idea of ​​Demon Cultivator. It is the body of Bedevilment and the devil. If you use the popular saying, you are not afraid of such changes in Bedevilment. If you can see through it, you can reach the heart directly. It is the so-called idea, and it is also the greatness of Demon Cultivator.

In fact, there are many examples in this reality. When a person faces a big failure, or is a big joy and a big sorrow, he falls into an infinite loop of some unreasonable problems, and when he sees it becomes a mandatory ill, if Suddenly something, or suddenly a little divine light flashed in my mind, letting them figure out these problems, then there will be a big change immediately, whether it is mature immediately, or change the bad nature, or it is like The fact that there is a Buddha-like appearance, and so on, is a lot of examples in reality. For example, the legendary Zhang Sanfeng is trying to put down the concept when he is about to be mentally ill, and then he has created it. Tai Chi, this is the idea, this is the clear heart.

Nian Xikong has left Sushan Plane since the first world, and she has too many thoughts in her heart. Too many words are not transparent. In fact, if she is not the thing in her body, even if she can reincarnate More than three hundred times, I absolutely can’t hold back these thoughts and doubts, and I have already annihilated my own conscious personality.

Because of this, although she has had great opportunities in these three hundred years, even in several generations, she has become the son of Destiny, the son of the world, but she has not yet reached the same time as Bedevilment wiped the world of Human. After the Primordial Spirit, it is the so-called ruin, the level of the soul is not bad, even if she has the best Roundeous Dao Sword Cultivator method even in the mountains, the same is true, because her mood is not consistent .

She can’t let go, can’t figure it out, can’t solve it, and the heart hasn’t forgotten the question of desalination for more than 300 years, so she knows that her Righteous Dao Sword Cultivator has no way to go, even the rogue cultivator is not enough, because she can’t Forgot about the rivers and lakes, so when she really came to Reincarnation World, facing the biggest and biggest opportunity in the past few hundred, when all the cultural materials can make her pile up, she resolutely gave up the most skilled Righteous Dao Sword Cultivator. The law, and the rogue cultivator cultivation technique, which most needs resources, chose the most dangerous Demonic Dao Sword Cultivator method. The reason is this… Since it can’t fit, can’t figure it out, can’t solve it, then it’s completely sinking into Heart Demon. Once you have spent the Heart Demon on the Lord God Exchange, you will immediately become more comfortable, and you can use it in advance, the power of the soul is not bad, the power of the Primordial Spirit class…Heart- Light.

So… she is not afraid of Bedevilment!

As long as the person who took the whip is killed, then this Bedevilment is the nutrient of her spiritual growth. It is so simple…

The unorthodox Cultivation system, also known as Sword Cultivator, Fu Xiu, Bao Xiu, etc., is all unorthodox. It is purely a Cultivation system born for the battle. The so-called Culture is no longer a true reality, but rather a self-cultivation. And the cultivation of the heart, that is, the so-called repairing life only…

Kill the man who took the whip!

The man with the whip at the moment is Xiao Niaoren, who is joking in a small space to move back and forth, in the channel directly in front of him, is an open underground cave, and still has an underground river. With an underground cave in a calm little lake, where the movie Hobbit gets The Lord of the Rings, Xiao Niaoren just needs to enter, simply kill Hobbit and the little monster, and then simply search for The Lord of the Rings, then you can easily sit and rest and wait.

But ***, he actually can’t get into this small passage!

Yes, when he wants to enter this passage, the front seems to have the invisible protective cover of Lord God, so that he is not close enough, can’t touch, can’t walk in, even shouts are useless, inside Hobbit had no idea what he was doing, let alone a whip to attack. Even the skin of the rock did not touch the half. In other words, this fucking is the plot setting, so that he could not get the Lord in advance. Of the Rings, it’s awesome.

Just as Xiao Niaoren was still there, he walked around and tried to get through the various ways. Suddenly, what he felt, he looked up and looked up, there was endless darkness, from above. He fell at least for a few minutes, and such a high distance should not exist in the mountains. This is the rhythm of falling to the mantle layer, but the fact is that this happened. This violates the logic. Xiao Niaoren is too lazy to think about it. All his attention at this moment is concentrated on the top of his head. It is getting more and more horrible and obvious pressure… It seems that there is a Great Desolate beast that is falling from the sky.

“Oh, I missed you… It’s a bad Demonic Qi. What is your Exchange’s Enhancement with Demon Attribute? That’s really embarrassing… It’s a pity that such a powerful pressure, I am But just can restrain you.”

Xiao Niaoren chuckled, he shakes his long whip, and he sees that he has smashed a glass bottle out of his arms, as if it were a perfume bottle. It is a very small one, so he saw that he opened the glass vial and was about to transparent it. When the liquid fell on his whip, suddenly, a sharp bang on the top of the head blew out, and the uneven rocks on his head were instantly cut, and Xiao Niaoren was not stunned. He immediately rushed forward. Directly a lazy roll to avoid, and in his position, there has been a trace of cutting, and a large number of rock fragments have fallen.

Xiao Niaoren looked at the slag glass on his hand very silently, because the glass bottle in his hand slammed into the rock on the ground when he rolled, and it was completely damaged at the moment, and the liquid inside had not been left, so he stood up immediately. He shouted loudly: “You idiot! Don’t you know that this kind of top holy water is very expensive!? A bottle can have a thousand Reward Points!”

No one answered him, and he answered him with an invisible blade, breaking the wind and making a sharp sound.

Xiao Niaoren sighed, and the whip in his hand swung fiercely. I don’t know what material the whip was made of. It actually resisted the invisible air blade. The whole whip and the gas blade touched everywhere and sparked everywhere. After a whip of fluttering, all the invisible air blades were resisted, and after the resistance was completed, a figure descended and fell to a few meters in front of Xiao Niaoren.

This is a beautiful girl with long hair tied to the pony tail. It looks like a classical beauty. It is just that her eyes are red, not like Human, and she is very terrifying and fierce and violent, like a humanoid Demon or fierce. Like the beast, as soon as she landed, she stared straight at Xiao Niaoren.

Xiao Niaoren looked at the beautiful appearance of Nian Xikong, and whispered a whistle. In an instant, the oncoming killing intent was a bit strong. He didn’t care, just hehe said with a smile: “This lady Are you so big killing intent? Isn’t it giving you a whip? So you want to kill me?”

Nian Xikong didn’t answer any more. His hand flipped slightly, and a small black sword was suspended in her palm. In pure black, there was a trace of blood, and the atmosphere turned over. The whole aisle became a whole. A piece of lacquer black.

“County! Dark!”

Xiao Niaoren looked at the strange side and even reached out and stirred it in the darkness. This said: “It’s very powerful, it’s not an illusion. This kind of Demonity is really terrifying… you killed a lot of people. I smelled a strong bloody smell that was almost indiscriminate. This is not to kill one or two, ten twenty, or even hundreds of thousands. You have killed at least tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people?”

Xiao Niaoren because of the particularity of his Enhancement Attribute, his eyes can distinguish between real and illusory, and very sensitive to non-Human temperament such as Demonity Divinity, he easily sees through the dark essence of the eyes, which is through a special cultivation technique. The situation after materializing itself, that is, the so-called feeling of killing intent, maliciousness, etc., can be seen directly. If it is an ordinary person, even if there is an estimate of this cultivation technique, there is no way to show what is going on. And the blackness like this has a bloody smell… I am afraid that the person who uses it is really a Butcher of the Great Demon King class.

Seeing this, Xiao Niaoren’s expression was also serious, but at this moment, before he had time to let him think more, a strange dangerous premonition came straight to the surface, he quickly turned and rolled, and then another blue rolling, When he stood up, he found a thin cut in his aorta, and then he was half-divided, which directly cut the rhythm of the aorta. This really scared him into cold hair and stood up.

“Severely, using this breath to interrupt and obstruct the enemy’s line of sight and feeling, and even the dangerous premonition is blocked, and then in this one of the hot hands, a powerful move.”

However, this breath is not sustainable. After a blow, the black and bloody will disperse, and I will see Nian Xikong still standing, and Xiao Niaoren will not dare to care.

Xiao Niaoren then laughed, and he saw him flashing a cross mark on the center of his forehead, revealing a slight ray, and the whip in his hand gradually glowed red, as if burning, he was fierce. With a whip in his hand, the red light spread and boiling, and twelve light clusters gradually emerged behind him. However, most of these light clusters are blank, and there are only three light clusters, one of which is a small one. Sword, one is a small axe, one is a small glass bottle.

“The smell on your body is so terrible. It is indeed the qualification of the most expert, but unfortunately, you met me. My Enhancement Attribute just happens to restrain all kinds of Demon. I am the advanced 2Rank-B Enhancement of Vampire Hunter. Demon Hunter…”

“2B?” Nian Xikong whispered in confusion.

Xiao Niaoren’s face is stiff and immediately shouted: “You are 2B, your whole family is 2B!”

In the loud noise, Xiao Niaoren has already whipped up, and the red light is in the dark, and the two fight together!

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