Dawn Infinity

Chapter 276

What is Sword Cultivator?

Nian Xikong has been reincarnation for hundreds of times, although there is something in her Soul that keeps her in the spirit, reincarnation with memory, but with so many memories, tens of thousands of years of memory overlap, let her for the first time The memory of I has forgotten seven seven eight eight, only to find that person’s obsession, and some of the most profound cultivation memories still remain, and the memory of what Sword Cultivator is, she also remembers deeply. She still remembers that at that time she seemed to be very small, only to enter the mountain, and then to decide the future direction of the culture, she asked the master, what is Sword Cultivator.

“Sword generation refers to the weapon, not just the sword, but also includes knives, guns, shields, wheels, fans, odd weapons, etc., all of which belong to the Sword Cultivator weapon category, at least never heard of anything. The existence of the knife repair, Martial Cultivator is there, but that is another system, not to mention here, now we are talking about Sword Cultivator, since Sword Cultivator has so many weapons, then they have the same thing, so Collectively called Sword Cultivator?”

This is in the core lobby of the Lushan Mountain. It is the current Laoshan teaching on the stage. It is already the most expert of Immortal’s martial art, and all the lectures in the audience are the first introduction of Lushan. The future core of identity has been verified. Disciple, this is an experiment that validates the new idea of ​​a new genius disciple, a training reform experiment called Culture’s nine-year compulsory education, and Nian Xikong is the first nine-year compulsory education. Batch of beneficiaries.

“I mentioned it just now. Sword Cultivator is a general term. It also includes many different weapons, all of which are Sword Cultivator. Maybe some of you are from the Culture family, and you know some common sense in the culture world. Also know that there are Lineages in the countless Culture direction called Artifact Cultivator, they also use a variety of different weapons, swords, knives, guns, shields, wheels, odd doors, and even some clocks, towers, rings, figures, and A lot of things like the Gothic Golem, it seems that Sword Cultivator is similar to Artifact Cultivator? But the gap between Sword Cultivator and Artifact Cultivator is far greater than the gap between Sword Cultivator and Martial Cultivator. It is just two roads. So, what exactly is Sword Cultivator?”

After saying this, the teacher taught to close his eyes on the futon, and the students in the audience, from a few years old to a few decades old, they all stayed in a wrong way. After a long time, they returned to God. Then, A handsome young man in his twenties suddenly stood up and said: “It’s a powerful force! Sword Cultivator is the most branching direction in all the direction of the Culture, which represents the strongest power!”

With this youth taking the lead, other students have also started to speak. There is a firm cultivation mentality. It is said that it is a cultural character that is not bent. It is said that it is a determination of the future. It is said that it is the cultivation of the world. Behavior, all kinds of words have emerged.

At this time, Nian Xikong is still an eight-year-old child. Where do she know these words? But stared wide-eyed looked around and watched the heated words of the Senior Brother Senior Sister that’s all.

“Thousands of magical powers, Spell, I only ask one sentence, can you get eternal life?”

In this countless noisy voice, one of the voices suddenly rang clearly. When the words were exported, the entire lobby suddenly fell into a quiet state. The students who spoke their own words and were dissatisfied were After the passage of this passage, I suddenly silenced, because no matter what kind of ideas they held, they chose the Sword Cultivator road, but they must have such a thought in their hearts, that is the ultimate pursuit of all life. ……eternal life!

The man who said this was a man wearing a strange top and a pair of pants. His head was very short, he didn’t have any long headscarf, and he didn’t wear a robe on his body. It looked like a vulgar monk, but That short and the strange trousers, but he seems to be a crane in a flock of chickens, there is a strange fresh and refined spirit in it, and this person is a new introduction to the nine-year compulsory education The genius discipline, Lushan is currently the only orthodox Cultivator that can resolve Rune.

After teaching the words, this slowly opened his eyes. He took a deep look at the genius disciple. This calmly looked at all the disciplines in the audience: “Thousands of words, Righteous Dao, side door, Demonic Dao Thousands of cultivation branches, demonized Bedevilment, turning into ghosts, isn’t that the ultimate pursuit? The same is true of Sword Cultivator! Moreover, this is the most successful one after the continuation of the orthodox Cultivator. Road!”

“As we all know, real world is divided into four major elements, namely time, space, matter, energy, and time and space are recessive elements. The beginning of the multi-cosm, the rise of the Qing, this time and space is this Qing, Although time and space are inclusive of everything, it is almost everywhere, but it has no great ability to control and feel time and space. It can only rely on calculation to verify its existence, so except for orthodox culture, Before the Dacheng, the Culture branch will not involve the two elements of time and space.”

“And the remaining matter and energy, which are dominant elements in the four elements, we can touch, see, touch, and control their elements, and the two elements can be converted to each other, which is in many Spell and Shentong have been verified, the formula is that the energy is equal to the product of the mass multiplied by the square of the light. Of course, we are not the orthodox Cultivator, so this only needs a little understanding, no need to go deeper, and apart from the orthodox Cultivator In addition, almost all of the other Culture branches are cultivation energy to reach the path of detachment, and the end point is eternal life.”

“As we all know, except for the orthodox Cultivator, the so-called Culture cultivation technique distinguishes energy extraction, refining, assimilation, purification, and use, whether it is the Righteous Dao Cultivation cultivation technique, the rogue cultivator, the side door, or even the devil. Doors are all the same, regardless of the energy they absorb, the ordinary space free energy, or the various spar energy, but also the various monsters Inner Core magic core, or a variety of natural heterogeneous energy, such as various spirits Fire spirit ice, Ghost gas, or the energy of various herbs medicine pill, all follow the process of extraction, refining, assimilation, purification, and it is well known that everything is energy conservation, mass conservation, the same energy The more the energy is controlled, the more energy is purified and the more powerful it is, the stronger its power is. This is why the Golden Core Cultivator is stronger than the Foundation Establishment, and the Nascent Soul period is stronger than the Golden Core until the Primordial Spirit. Even ignoring Pri Mordial Spirit The following equal-order number of crushing is the same reason. It is also an energy. The God God Level can be used to move mountains and reclamation. The Foundation Establishment Stage uses up to break a rock. This is the truth. It is.”

“And Sword Cultivator, which is considered to be the most powerful Cultural Path in the vast branch of the culture except for the orthodox Cultivator, is because Sword Cultivator condenses the energy of assimilation and purification, is something called Sword Essence. This is a highly refined, highly condensed, almost innocent energy. Although it is also True-Essence Force, its cohesion and power are beyond the True-Essence Force, even to the point of hurting yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to have an appliance to carry it, rather than relying on itself. This is to avoid Sword Essence hurting, and this is different from Artifact Cultivator. Our core is Sword Essence, and Artifact Cultivator The core is a variety of instruments, not the same.”

Having said that, the expression of the teacher suddenly became serious. He said very seriously: “Now I will answer, what is the Sword Cultivator, the swordsman, the weapon, and the Sword Cultivator, which is the sharpest and strongest. The great war force cultivator can even say that the most powerful Sword Cultivator is the only Cultivation system that is comparable to the orthodox Cultivator, but here I want to solemnly tell you all the words, just as before As Luo Yinglong said, there is a thousand magical powers, and Spell, I only ask one sentence, can I have eternal life? The ultimate goal of our Culture is only eternal life, except for all the experiences, all cultivation, all sufferings and pains. It’s just an episode on the road. Sword Cultivator is so strong, and it’s so powerful that it’s killing people, causing almost all Sword Cultivators to indulge in their own power, but forgetting the most fundamental purpose at the beginning. Eternal life, thus squatting at the door of the Bedevilment, and even indulging in the power itself, such a person It’s impossible to get through Heart Demon and achieve Primordial Spirit. Because of this, the Cultivation road of Sword Cultivator is so powerful, but why is it that the orthodox Cultivator heritage has been cut off, the various culture roads still exist, not Sword Cultivator? One reason? This is the reason, sword cultivator, if you make some taboos, the possibility of achieving Primordial Spirit will be much lower than other Culture systems. These taboos are things you have to remember for a lifetime. Now, I Tell you about these taboos, taboo one…”

Nian Xikong walked out of the broken rock. She wiped the blood covering her eyes, then looked up and looked at the mid-air, the Team Deity Member standing in the sky more than ten meters. He was also covered in blood and scars. It doesn’t look much easier than her, but both of them know that if the situation continues, there will only be one end result, she will die, he will be seriously injured…

Team Deity Member Xiao Niaoren, his face is also very ugly. Before he really looked down on the most expert of the Team North-Iceland, he turned over the ship in a few clashes in several encounters, so he used it decisively and he has already condensed. The success of the sacrament, this is the Attribute carried by his Exchange Attribute, can condense twelve pieces of sacred devices, these sacred devices can not be Exchange at Lord God, can only rely on their own energy, experience, combat experience, or Heart- Light to condense, it can be said that it must be experienced in all kinds of life and death battles, of course, because once the cohesion is successful, even if it is his skill, this is not a one-time prop, but the cost of using it is very big… …memory, or the “experience value” carried by the core of his life Soul. If it is used too much, then he may even become an idiot. This is a damage that even Lord God can’t repair, so it is not impossible, he is It is impossible to use the holy device.

However, the strength of Nian Xikong has passed his imagination. He has to use the least expensive sanctuary. Only when he wants to move, there will be a huge tens of meters of axe falling straight down. After using it, it not only reversed the situation, but almost killed Nian Xikong, but Xiao Niaoren’s heart was also heartbroken.

“Surrender, I don’t want to kill you. If you leave, then how can I spare your life?” Xiao Niaoren suddenly said to Nian Xikong.

Nian Xikong looked at Xiao Niaoren silently. Suddenly, she lowered her eyes and thought of Chu Hao, Zhang Heng, Tom, Ozzie, etc., thinking about Lord-God Space, thinking about her obsession, thinking about it. The Lord of the Rings’ role in this Team Battle, she may be able to survive if she leaves. After all, Team Deity gets The Lord of the Rings, she can also return to Lord-God Space, even if she is negative, she believes The thing in her Soul can protect her from being eliminate, but… as long as she is alone, the rest will definitely be killed by Team Deity…

Do you want another person? The experience of 10,000 years… has to be re-enacted?

Have to be again… Is it alone?

Do not!

“Sword Cultivator taboo the first article… Prior to the Primordial Spirit, you can’t turn the sword into a pill. This is a big taboo. If you don’t have a Premredial Spirit, the sword will cause a power imbalance, and Heart Demon will invade. In front of the Primordial Spirit, the Heart-Demon Tribulation will explode. It’s really dead, remember to remember…”

I saw Nian Xikong muttering this taboo, and I ignored Xiao Niaoren’s unintelligible expression. She single-handed her black sword, and the whole body True-Essence Force began to flow into the sword. By Sword Embryo, it is purified and condensed into Sword Essence. At the same time, these Sword Essence is made up of Xiaojian purification, she can’t take it back, and she sees Sword Essence absorbed by Xiaojian. The sword began to soften, and then melted. In her attention, this little sword is like ice-water, and it melts into a ball. Gradually, a black ball with a black color is in this sword. Melting liquid gradually appears…

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